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Shinji Mikami's THE EVIL WITHIN |OT| Where's everyone going? Tango?

Thanks for the laugh.

Was curious after reading his posts over the last week or two, wanted to know if he was just having a hard time or just genuinely disliked it.


Wow, no wonder you immediately got defensive and jumped to conclusions over a simple question.

That's borderline creepy, but I don't mind. For context, that was my first playthrough, on Survivor difficulty, and I went for the "zero upgrades" achievement at the same time. So naturally there were plenty of deaths considering a virgin-level knowledge of the game, ineffective weapons with very little ammo capacity, minimum amount of health, and sprint capability that made Alan Wake look like an Olympic athlete in comparison.

Though back to the actual point at hand, I'm still not sure how "having a hard time" automatically negates any criticism (or, in your words, means that the person having a hard time with the game can't "genuinely" dislike it).


Finished chapter 10.
The boss wasn't too bad.Sniper the eye ball.thorw granade,take cover,repeat.
Then just shoot the eye-mouth-thing with the shotgun.
Chapter 11 is terrible. anyone who says this game is "true survival horror" is dead wrong.

seriously, the moment I
stepped on that slow moving platform with the gauntlet of enemies
I almost shut the game off. I've really liked 85% or so of the game so far but this is just bad level design, survival horror or otherwise.



His character design alone makes me laugh.
Chapter 11 is terrible. anyone who says this game is "true survival horror" is dead wrong.

seriously, the moment I
stepped on that slow moving platform with the gauntlet of enemies
I almost shut the game off. I've really liked 85% or so of the game so far but this is just bad level design, survival horror or otherwise.

Lol so because you hated ONE part, it's automatically not "True survival horror" even though Mikami is the one that came up with the phrase in the first place
Lol so because you hated ONE part, it's automatically not "True survival horror" even though Mikami is the one that came up with the phrase in the first place

what does what he did almost 20 years ago have anything to do with this game and what genre it is?

and TEW was only marginally within that category even before Chapter 11, but this part in particular seems like it was outsourced.
TLoU's sniper segment/weird ass stalker turret van sticks out more to me.

it was out of place, at least you took over the sniper spot from someone who was in a logical position making sure people couldn't walk out of the city. the part I spoilered is even more videogame-y and nonsensical in my opinion.

The game is also wildly inconsistent. Resident Evil 4 got progressively worse (Village > Castle > Island), but the quality never dropped off a fucking cliff like in this game. I could write a laundry list of reasons why I hate chapters 11 & 12.

great... something else to look forward to.
what does what he did almost 20 years ago have anything to do with this game and what genre it is?

and TEW was only marginally within that category even before Chapter 11, but this part in particular seems like it was outsourced.

Its the fact that its the SAME guy, if it were a different team saying its a return, id be less likely to give it a pass, because they had nothing to do with the creation of the genre, id think someone like Mikami would know what he's doing, plus just because you didnt like the feel of the game, doesnt make it any less HORROR than other horror games, just becuase its not like outlast where you play hide and seek with the AI for hours, doesn't mean its not survival horror
Even when both games are at their peak amount of action, TEW has way creepier enemies. Clickers are the only enemies in TLOU that could survive a pistol headshot, and they still go down easy to a single shotgun blast. With TEW's Haunted, all bets are off most of the time, and uncommon enemies like Sadists and those big guys with the nailboards are relentless and take a shitload of firepower to kill...plus they also look pretty creepy.
Its the fact that its the SAME guy, if it were a different team saying its a return, id be less likely to give it a pass, because they had nothing to do with the creation of the genre, id think someone like Mikami would know what he's doing, plus just because you didnt like the feel of the game, doesnt make it any less HORROR than other horror games, just becuase its not like outlast where you play hide and seek with the AI for hours, doesn't mean its not survival horror

yeah, that's not addressing what's actually in the game. if Stephen King writes a kids book, it's not automatically horror just because he wrote it. Come on. And what does Outlast have to do with this? I'd never deny that's a horror game anyway. the first 20 minutes of it are more unsettling than anything in the dozen plus hours I've played TEW.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Chapter 11 is terrible. anyone who says this game is "true survival horror" is dead wrong.

seriously, the moment I
stepped on that slow moving platform with the gauntlet of enemies
I almost shut the game off. I've really liked 85% or so of the game so far but this is just bad level design, survival horror or otherwise.

you mean the enemies
you shoot once and they fall off the edge?


First chapter?
Laura fight (chapter 10)
"Chapter 10"...really....that was torture^^
Invisible enemies
The "fish"....fuck this thing^^ (chapter 11)
The "Keeper"-boss fight (chapter 7)
The save rooms

And there's more...

I really think that this game is Mikami's "new Resident Evil 4". It's just not polished, the story is bad (?) and the characters are boring (except Joseph, lol).

All I remember from RE4 is the village, the merchant, the terrible little troll villain, and a dog shit ending. Not sure I'll remember much from this game in a few years, if anything at all.. However this game will always remind me of the millions of helpless console nerds struggling to beat chapter 9 from a dude that is WALKING towards you and that being the reason why we cant have good games.
yeah, that's not addressing what's actually in the game. if Stephen King writes a kids book, it's not automatically horror just because he wrote it. Come on. And what does Outlast have to do with this? I'd never deny that's a horror game anyway. the first 20 minutes of it are more unsettling than anything in the dozen plus hours I've played TEW.

It is too, the game is 100% a horror game, just because outlast was more "unnerving" doesnt make TEW any less of a horror game
All I remember from RE4 is the village, the merchant, the terrible little troll villain, and a dog shit ending. Not sure I'll remember much from this game in a few years, if anything at all.. However this game will always remind me of the millions of helpless console nerds struggling to beat chapter 9 from a dude that is WALKING towards you and that being the reason why we cant have good games.

Dude. RE4's ending kicked ass. I mean, you got the tried and true timed escape scene (on a jetski, no less), you narrowly escape the island before it blows, Ashley gets shut down by Leon, and they ride off into the sunset. Perfect action game ending right there.
It is too, the game is 100% a horror game, just because outlast was more "unnerving" doesnt make TEW any less of a horror game

YOU brought up Outlast. I wasn't comparing the two at all. You for some reason implied I didn't think it was a horror game, which isn't true.

TEW is a 100% horror game? I guess a much better horror game I beat recently, Siren: Blood Curse, is 150% horror then.
YOU brought up Outlast. I wasn't comparing the two at all. You for some reason implied I didn't think it was a horror game, which isn't true.

TEW is a 100% horror game? I guess a much better horror game I beat recently, Siren: Blood Curse, is 150% horror then.

Yes i brought up outlast, because i've seen alot of people try to say that's "TRUE survival horror" and jsut becuase TEW is 100% horror, doesn't make Siren any less, because, siren is a horror game too


Just reached Chapter 4. The game has a certain Japanese like jankiness to it that makes it kind of hard to determine what kind of game TEW wants to be. On one hand, you have the "survival horror" aspect that places emphasis on managing your resources and using strategy. On the other hand, the game throws the "rah rah shoot em all!" aspect that was all throughout RE4 and RE5. I don;t know if I should be sneaking around or running and gunning. So far I've used stealth to get around, only resorting to guns blazing when things get out of hand. Hopefully the game picks up from here.
Just reached Chapter 4. The game has a certain Japanese like jankiness to it that makes it kind of hard to determine what kind of game TEW wants to be. On one hand, you have the "survival horror" aspect that places emphasis on managing your resources and using strategy. On the other hand, the game throws the "rah rah shoot em all!" aspect that was all throughout RE4 and RE5. I don;t know if I should be sneaking around or running and gunning. So far I've used stealth to get around, only resorting to guns blazing when things get out of hand. Hopefully the game picks up from here.

It's ok to play it a bit more like a shooter. Just don't waste like 10 shots on a single enemy or anything.


been playing on the PC. Game is pretty good other than the rough design decisions made.

that said, the PC version is the biggest fucking piece of shit I've ever played on the PC from a technical level. I'm at chapter 13 and just got done with it crashing 6 times in 30 minutes. No other PC game that I've played in all my years has ever crashed as much as this pile of crap.


that said, the PC version is the biggest fucking piece of shit I've ever played on the PC from a technical level. I'm at chapter 13 and just got done with it crashing 6 times in 30 minutes. No other PC game that I've played in all my years has ever crashed as much as this pile of crap.

I was super pleased with the PC port, didn't drop a single frame or really have any technical hitches at all on my end. I've seen some shitty ports over the years but I can't say this is one of them.

Crashing is never fun though so I feel for you (I dealt with that shit on Garden Warfare due to a factory OC'd card), I remember Xpliskin was crashing quite a bit when the game came out maybe he knows what caused it.
All I remember from RE4 is the village, the merchant, the terrible little troll villain, and a dog shit ending. Not sure I'll remember much from this game in a few years, if anything at all.. However this game will always remind me of the millions of helpless console nerds struggling to beat chapter 9 from a dude that is WALKING towards you and that being the reason why we cant have good games.
I see that we went from defending TEWs obvious flaws to bashing RE4. This thread is going places....
Sebastian's got nothing on this.

Go home and be a family man, The Evil Within.

Careful, MD might have a heart attack. But to be fair, I still think TEW is pretty great and it scratches an itch that few games can.

Might stream more Akumu tomorrow night

with continued apologies to Net Wrecker
His daughter got torched, and his wife was kidnapped
, you asshole.

Ohh snap, I didn't mean it like that. Unintended burn.

omg another one with that line, I'm on fire.


Careful, MD might have a heart attack. But to be fair, I still think TEW is pretty great and it scratches an itch that few games can.

Might stream more Akumu tomorrow night

with continued apologies to Net Wrecker

I like TEW, don't get me wrong. It's not game of the year, but it's not the worst thing I've played this year either. It's something you just have to experience for yourself.
Since it was brought up, what's everyone's current goty? Maybe I missed out on some good stuff.

Mine is between this, Bayonetta 2, and Guilty Gear, the only reason I'm undecided right now is because my copy of Bayo isn't here yet and Guilty Gear comes out december lol, the GG japanese demo was damn good though, I'll know once I play, otherwise idk what else is even in contention for that this year lol
Since it was brought up, what's everyone's current goty? Maybe I missed out on some good stuff.

Tropical Freeze. No contest.

Runner up right now is The Evil Within. It's far more flawed than other games that are high on my list (Dark Souls 2, Mario Kart 8, Shovel Knight, Wolfenstein), but it just came together really well to create a more memorable experience. This is me being really subjective.

I'll be playing Bayonetta 2 pretty soon. Just finished the first and had some problems with it (super tight core gameplay but gets in its own way a bit too often). I'm hearing that the sequel is much better in those respects. Really excited to see how they tweak the formula.


Trying to run though the game a second time just makes me crave the DLC. Hope they don't intend to stretch the game's vagueness too far
Since it was brought up, what's everyone's current goty? Maybe I missed out on some good stuff.

Only halfway though Bayonetta 2, but it's that. Easily.

1. Bayo 2
2. Wolfenstein: TNO
3. Donkey Kong Tropical Fruit Punch

After that there's Mario Kart 8, maybe Shadow of Mordor depending on how I feel about it in 2 months, The Evil Within's somewhere in there too. I've missed a few smaller titles, and there are some that can shift the list around if they hit this year (Hotline Miami 2, Galak-Z if it delivers on the AI battles) and Smash Bros will likely end up high as long as the online play isn't Brawl tier garbage, but my top 3 feels pretty locked down.
Since it was brought up, what's everyone's current goty? Maybe I missed out on some good stuff.

This, honestly. Barring a few glaring flaws, it has everything I'd want from a videogame.

Bayonetta 2 is very close, but I don't feel it changed much from the original.

Korra and Mario Kart 8 are both pretty good, but aren't GOTY material.

Ground Zeros is an amazing prologue, but it's not a full game, so it doesn't really count.

Nothing else is really worth mentioning. Then again, I don't think I played anything else that actually released this year, unless FFXHD counts. That's was pretty fun.

Edit: forgot about Dark Souls 2. That was alright, but I'm way over the series, and I never bothered finishing it. Shit feels like having a life-sucking job.
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