Exactly, does nobody watch Arrow? Felicty Smoak? Come on.
Err, so now you're the second person to bring this up I kind of feel the need to address this. A fictional character in a TV series created by men isn't some stellar example of women in geekdom. Please at least use someone who actually exist like Felicia Day.
But in all seriousness that's not even the argument. It's that women dont like the geek culture, it's just "Women felt that they were less similar to the typical computer science major. "
So less similar. Not unwanted, or harassed, or dismissed or whatever else. Just less similar.
You are misinterpreting the study. Stop it.
Another quote by the article Mumei posted:
So it's a matter of women not liking the nerd stereotype as opposed to making women not feel welcome... because shirt. Thus the argument is essentially "How dare you wear clothes I don't connect with"
In that context, it's easy to see why there is so much blowback.
You are creating strawmen by selectively quoting the study, it is a really disingenuous way to argue.