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SHOOTEMBER Wrasslin 2016 |OT| - Can Punks Catch as Catch Can Too?


Moving into our new house in a few weeks. Going to finally watch Nitro from start to finish.
Her ankle being bent will not make her better

Nah but seriously I could see how it might be a good idea if she ever comes back for longer than a month, but 1) that's a big if and 2) putting her in more matches with Bayley will likely just lead to her trying more dangerous spots. That last match they had in NXT was insane. Character-wise it works, health-wise it's the biggest risk they could take with her
Hopefully her family and friends will have talked to her about it. Sasha's talented enough that she doesn't need her high-risk spots to get over with the crowd, she can focus back on her character work or ring psychology and keep that popularity up.

Sorry again, man for misunderstanding you. My bad.
Do you guys like Resident Evil 4? Thinking about replaying it. Haven't touched it since it first released and didn't know it was so well regarded.

Never finishing RE4 was a secret shame of mine. Got to chapter 4 and I must say; This game is better than most games I've played this year. I'm having a god damn blast playing it on PS4.



Am I being worked? I am surprised you all agree with me... I thought Sasha was in the AJ Styles, Kevin Owens territory round here.

Sasha definitely outperformed everyone but AJ and Cena at Summerslam.

It's too bad Charlotte was trying to kill her which kept the match from being as great as it should have been.



When was the Uso any one favorite ? Also a lot those guys got stuff shit booking that it makes them impossible to love.

2013. When Usos didn't lose the titles to Harper and Rowan? That was around the time they started getting hate.
Wyatt is overrated, though. Not my bae Sasha.

Yeah but he was heavily loved some years ago. The moment he fucked up that Ambrose/Rollins match was the end for him. Hell, Cena screwed with him but people still had his back until then.
See the last page

Extremely sloppy, uninteresting matches

Vanilla as a scoop of ice cream on an irish baby's head

Luger'd, stupid name, bad promo, bump-monkey

Promos ramble on now

nah I like him

overstayed their welcome

Who the hell liked the Usos?


The majority still turned on em though regardless of why. It happened.
Oh god i can see Tozawa be over as fuck with that yelling with the crowd yelling as well. I mean it's Full Sail, pointless noise is their forte.
The biggest problem with Sasha's BOSS persona is she can't maintain it all the time. Just go watch the promo she did with Enzo. She's laughing, talking normal and then for no rhyme or reason other than her cue goes into "I'm the boss" mode.
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