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SHOOTEMBER Wrasslin 2016 |OT| - Can Punks Catch as Catch Can Too?

You guys want a shoot? Fine.

I think Sasha is overrated. Her 'boss' persona is forced, considering she is smaller than most women, she doesn't speak particularly well, and her wrestling is only above average. I think she is very sloppy, careless, and very dangerous. She was completely outshined at WM by both Becky and Charlotte during the triple threat. I legitimately fear for her in the ring. I shouldn't have to do that.

She's young and she will learn but I think she's nowhere near as polished as Bayley, Charlotte, or Becky.

I used to be pretty high on Sasha but after having essentially squash matches on RAW here and there and then have a brutal botch at almost every PPV she's involved in, I have cooled on her.

Come at me.


Someone hold me back.


You could say that about anyone who sucks.

How does she suck?

I judge if someone is a success if the crowd reacts to her, chants for her and enjoys her matches. She has all 3.

I find it hilarious people here have called her, Charlotte and Lynch overrated yet they had the best match at Wrestlemania. How is that possible?
Am I being worked? I am surprised you all agree with me... I thought Sasha was in the AJ Styles, Kevin Owens territory round here.


Am I being worked? I am surprised you all agree with me... I thought Sasha was in the AJ Styles, Kevin Owens territory round here.

Sometimes friend, people don't have better things to argue about, one day you'll come in here, and some jabroni will probably say Bret wasn't a great technical wrestler and Rick Rude was a lousy heel.


Am I being worked? I am surprised you all agree with me... I thought Sasha was in the AJ Styles, Kevin Owens territory round here.

She's overrated, but she's still good. Compared to AJ Lee, who barely knew how to wrestle and never had a good match in her life but was talked about on here as if she was the best female wrestler in the world, Sasha is a breath of fresh air.
Wacthing NXT right now, and man I don't care about anything besides The Revival & Shinsuske/Joe.

It seems like NXT has a lot less promo work then before, there really aren't any homegrown stars getting over on their unique promo work. Has Tye even said a word yet?

The class of the BFF's, Sasha, Enzo & Sami was a wonderful time.


Am I being worked? I am surprised you all agree with me... I thought Sasha was in the AJ Styles, Kevin Owens territory round here.

All favorites end up getting shat on in a due time. Banks, Ambrose, Balor, Ziggler, Wyatt, Lesnar, New Day, Usos...your favorite will be inserted here too..

Jus kno




She's overrated, but she's still good. Compared to AJ Lee, who barely knew how to wrestle and never had a good match in her life but was talked about on here as if she was the best female wrestler in the world, Sasha is a breath of fresh air.

Who ever claimed AJ Lee was the best wrestler in the world?


All favorites end up getting shat on in a due time. Banks, Ambrose, Balor, Ziggler, Wyatt, Lesnar, New Day, Usos...your favorite will be inserted here too..

Jus kno



When was the Uso any one favorite ? Also a lot those guys got stuff shit booking that it makes them impossible to love.
All favorites end up getting shat on in a due time. Banks, Ambrose, Balor, Ziggler, Wyatt, Lesnar, New Day, Usos...your favorite will be inserted here too..

See the last page

Extremely sloppy, uninteresting matches

Vanilla as a scoop of ice cream on an irish baby's head

Luger'd, stupid name, bad promo, bump-monkey

Promos ramble on now

nah I like him

overstayed their welcome

Who the hell liked the Usos?

Just play the long-con guys. Because when we get that Sasha heel turn in a few months everything is going to turn out alright.

Are you serious friend?????

She already admitted to having terrible memory loss and she's only in her early 20s. The top part of her is ruined and now you want to work on the bottom part by thinking she can turn her heel and nothing will go wrong?? smh

what's gon be left?!
Are you serious friend?????

She already admitted to having terrible memory loss and she's only in her early 20s. The top part of her is ruined and now you want to work on the bottom part by thinking she can turn her heel and nothing will go wrong?? smh

what's gon be left?!
Just like Daniel Bryan fans...they don't care about their fave's health and well-being.
Are you serious friend?????

She already admitted to having terrible memory loss and she's only in her early 20s. The top part of her is ruined and now you want to work on the bottom part by thinking she can turn her heel and nothing will go wrong?? smh

what's gon be left?!
? I meant it in that Sasha turning heel will mean her character will hopefully become a lot better since a lot of people were criticizing her as a face. I'm not saying Sasha's gonna turn heel by pulling five suicide dives in a row on Bayley while landing on her neck all the way through and then doing a repeat spot from Summerslam with Charlotte.

Maybe I phrased it badly and I apologize for that.


Are you serious friend?????

She already admitted to having terrible memory loss and she's only in her early 20s. The top part of her is ruined and now you want to work on the bottom part by thinking she can turn her heel and nothing will go wrong?? smh

what's gon be left?!

Are you getting the memory loss thing from this interview?


Cause she sounded like she was joking around.


That belt looks oh so good around Nakamura's waist.

Best promo he's given so far too. Also, lol at him not mentioning his PPV match against Austin Aries.
? I meant it in that Sasha turning heel will mean her character will hopefully become a lot better since a lot of people were criticizing her as a face. I'm not saying Sasha's gonna turn heel by pulling five suicide dives in a row on Bayley while landing on her neck all the way through and then doing a repeat spot from Summerslam with Charlotte.

Her ankle being bent will not make her better

Nah but seriously I could see how it might be a good idea if she ever comes back for longer than a month, but 1) that's a big if and 2) putting her in more matches with Bayley will likely just lead to her trying more dangerous spots. That last match they had in NXT was insane. Character-wise it works, health-wise it's the biggest risk they could take with her
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