Cindi Mayweather
You guys want a shoot? Fine.
I think Sasha is overrated. Her 'boss' persona is forced, considering she is smaller than most women, she doesn't speak particularly well, and her wrestling is only above average. I think she is very sloppy, careless, and very dangerous. She was completely outshined at WM by both Becky and Charlotte during the triple threat. I legitimately fear for her in the ring. I shouldn't have to do that.
She's young and she will learn but I think she's nowhere near as polished as Bayley, Charlotte, or Becky.
I used to be pretty high on Sasha but after having essentially squash matches on RAW here and there and then have a brutal botch at almost every PPV she's involved in, I have cooled on her.
Come at me.

Someone hold me back.