So Owen's said in an interview that they knew the finish going in.
Are you serious friend?????
She already admitted to having terrible memory loss and she's only in her early 20s. The top part of her is ruined and now you want to work on the bottom part by thinking she can turn her heel and nothing will go wrong?? smh
what's gon be left?!
Are you getting the memory loss thing from this interview?
Cause she sounded like she was joking around.
I really love the Review a Smackdown theme song.
Welcome. What's your Fave Five, friend?If she was fo'real about this it surprises me WWE didn't take any precautions, then again, Summerslam...
Also, it just sucks man. Been following Sasha's career for a while and she's a really good wrestler but A) Not winning the title at Mania and B) Losing it AT Summerslam after barely a month due to injury just plain straight sucks, talk about a big momentum loss there. I mean, did she even had a title defense at all?
Hi there, I'm new to the thread. Don't suplex me out of it, pls!
He was signed before hand. But as you see he's advertised for the division on Raw, I guess he has another contract as we speak.I'm confysed. Kendrick is signed on as a trainer? So that's it for him then?
After some speculation, word got here out this week that Alberto Del Rio gave observe and could no longer be returning to WWE. Its been said that Del Rio become pissed off with the companys lack of comply with-via on guarantees (most important occasion push) given to him when he back last summer season and that he gave notice 60 days in the past.According to new reports, Triple H stopped the push of Alberto Del Rio because he felt Del Rio partied too much, was a liability to the company and was also a bad influence on Paige.
Del Rio gave notice in late June, which was before his Wellness Violation suspension on August 17th. Del Rio is not expected to return to the company at all at this point and after the end of September he will be free to work anywhere in the US. He is reportedly able to work internationally immediately.
Omg Groove me liked it did once!I get it. I think for me the storytelling did work here because i believed that Kendrick was outmatched. I would put this on Kendrick himself. Early in the match, he was getting dominated. He then takes unconventional risks to get the upper hand, almost borderline heelish (neck snap to top turn buckle). From there he takes advantage of the pain to dish out his super moves to try and end it early. He couldn't out wrestle Kota so he needed to hit hard and fast. My only complaint was that it went on longer than it needed to.
I bought it.
Meltzer"Originally, things were supposed to be huge. He was promised a main event push with Paul Heyman as his manager, with the idea of ending up as the big Hispanic superstar babyface the company has lacked since Rey Mysterio stopped working full-time. Early on, Vince McMahon treated him so well that the two would fly together and even sat next to each other on some trips on the company jet. But his pairing with Zeb Colter, a McMahon idea, was a mismatch for a number of reasons. When that pairing didnt work, McMahon moved on to his next toy, so to speak. His next run as part of the League of Nations was no better and he was just a guy on the card, even though he had a top main eventer contract. He had been openly leading the crowd in Si, Si, Si cheers in working to make himself a babyface, but no angle to follow up was ever shot."
I will never get tired of saying itAmerican Alpha have been complete nothings since moving to SD.
Welcome. What's your Fave Five, friend?
You can never go wrong with BK but kicking out of a Burning Hammer!? Fuck that, that legit brought out the mark in me. I'm sad that he won't be in the tournament anymore but I'm glad he'll be in Raw. Imo be deserves more than just that division.Auto correct imo
What did you think of it, Blu?
Jesus Chris I'm going to rant again but I cannot stand fucking Daniel Bryan on commentary. His voice doesn't have the tonality it needs. When he gets into those high pitches I want to fucking die. His commentary is full blown "we want Sasha" beginning to end.
The League of Nations basically made Wade Barrett (a great loss) and Alberto (...meh...) leave the company, stalled Rusev's climb to become the best heel in the company and was the best thing to happen to Sheamus in quite some time, which says a lot about him recently.
And all for a failed attempt to put over Roman, pff.
Yeah but MMA back then was also still mostly one dimensional "tough man" competitions.
Oooh man, current I'd say,:assuming you meant wrestlers and not pornstars
-My maaaan Mascara Dorada ()Metalik
-AJ Styles
-Sami Zayn
IIRC before the dark days, Angle talked about how good Benoit was despite the lack of actual amateur wrestling experience.
Fucking DiscoostinHonorable Mention:
Literally fucking anybody but Becky
I really miss those fast paced chain wrestling moments. It's always a great show of actual wrestling.
Fucking Benoit, I pity/despise the man.
We need more people like you.
Thinking back on it, Hunter and Steph are probably going to be in a heated angle over this Title match. Why? Because last weekend they got a puppy. Nothing says 'hey kids, don't worry about what's on TV, we got a cute puppy for you to play with.'
- Hunter's sore he lost to Reigns
- Got passed over for the Raw GM spot
- Betrayed Rollins, so to speak
Where is this from?
What? You don't know?Where is this from?
Last night on SD Bubba.Where is this from?
Last night on SD Bubba.
I just can't understand.
"Owens was so convincing that there were people who believed they had swerved him on the finish, but this was not like Lesnar vs. Orton at all, and everyone involved knew what was up and were just good actors."
I have to watch it again when I get home, it isn't sitting right with me. I'm trying my best not to assault DM for allowing that shit to happen.Holy shit is that the burning hammer? I thought it was banned!
I sound like such a mark right now.
FuckingGarbage.gifLast night on SD Bubba.
I just can't understand.
What? You don't know?
Consider yourself enlightened
that's not the uncut version tho, it's still missing some stuff
Man, dat Kendrick and Bryan moment at the end
I have no fucking idea why Vince doesn't like tournament, with how lazy and stupid their writing team is I'd expect them to abuse them, I mean, these stories write themselves
Shootember is a hit. 1 day, 19 pages, Blue has 100+ posts already, and it wasn't even September yet.
We didn't even have a Raw or Smackdown or a PPV on and no big news stories.
Shootember is a hit. 1 day, 19 pages, Blue has 100+ posts already, and it wasn't even September yet.
We didn't even have a Raw or Smackdown or a PPV on and no big news stories.
Shootember is a hit. 1 day, 19 pages, Blue has 100+ posts already, and it wasn't even September yet.
We didn't even have a Raw or Smackdown or a PPV on and no big news stories.