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SHOOTEMBER Wrasslin 2016 |OT| - Can Punks Catch as Catch Can Too?

feel like the concision lawsuit got a lot more interesting

Randy Orton suffered a concussion, which was hidden by WWE and all concerned, in his 8/21 SummerSlam match with Brock Lesnar from taking the hard elbows to the forehead that busted him up.

Orton still wasn’t able to be cleared to compete and missed his Backlash match with Bray Wyatt. He did work his first match since the injury the next night on a house show in Fairfax, VA, where he teamed with John Cena against Wyatt & Erick Rowan. But in that match, Cena did almost all the wrestling, and Orton was limited to a hot tag. Orton had his leg all taped up to sell the angle done at the PPV. He took no offensive moves from his opponents, and only took one bump. But he did deliver his RKO finisher, a relatively safe move but still a bump, both in doing a run-in at Backlash and for the finish on Wyatt in Fairfax. It is not clear if he was cleared medically to compete the next day or the decision was made, similar to the last several matches of Daniel Bryan’s career in the U.K., to just have him work a finish and do one big move. He also did only an RKO on Erick Rowan at the Smackdown tapings on 9/13 in Philadelphia.



that was one of the more amazing spots


I did. I stand by it. Charlotte could be the lady version of Dean Malenko, better than Bruno, etc... but she's still got that kind of persona that makes you want to boo her. It has nothing to do with her growth as a character on a wrestle show. Even when I saw her on Today show or whatever it was she was on with Roman, I'm like, "if I watched regularly, I would always root for whoever was against her." It's like an energy she gives off, to me.

Ah right so the classic wrestling methodology of turning up your real life character to 100 means Charlotte is equivalent to Eva Marie and couldn't possibly actually be any good or display any improvement. She's just naturally unlikable that's all she has! Great logic. Fantastic.


Did you ever read about the hispanic lady who developed a british accent after surgery?


Man, I wish this would happen to me. It would be badass to have a cool accent instead of sounding like a sleepy hillbilly

Ah right so the classic wrestling methodology of turning up your real life character to 100 means Charlotte is equivalent to Eva Marie and couldn't possibly actually be any good or display any improvement. She's just naturally unlikable that's all she has! Great logic. Fantastic.

I'm saying she doesn't need to. Is she your mom or something? Why are you all offended? Forget it, man. Sorry for dissing your queen or whatever, fuck.
I like the Cruiserweight belt but God damn is it going to look stupid around some of those guys' waists.
I wonder if it's purple because red and blue or 'cause it'll match Neville's gear and he's likely gonna be the next champ (very likely the former). I hate the strap, like they looked at the tag-titles straps and thought 'let's make an even shittier one'.


I'm saying she doesn't need to. Is she your mom or something? Why are you all offended? Forget it, man. Sorry for dissing your queen or whatever, fuck.

lmao I'm just drilling into your shitty opinion and having a bit of a chat about it. If you don't want it discussed maybe don't put out on a public forum. I'm not offending just bemused.


Man, I wish this would happen to me. It would be badass to have a cool accent instead of sounding like a sleepy hillbilly
I just sound like a plain ass white bread son of a bitch. I have no discernible accent having moved around so much. I used to have a Chicago accent but that went away as I got older since I haven't lived there in 18 years. It's just a vague east coast accent at this point.


Did I just read that Randy Orton got a concussion from Brock Lesnar for that crazy bloody elbow thing they did? Is this legit? After strobogo, etc. told me it was totally safetown?



Did I just read that Randy Orton got a concussion from Brock Lesnar for that crazy bloody elbow thing they did? Is this legit? After strobogo, etc. told me it was totally safetown?


Stro continues to work himself into a shoot.

That's his entire legacy


Did I just read that Randy Orton got a concussion from Brock Lesnar for that crazy bloody elbow thing they did? Is this legit? After strobogo, etc. told me it was totally safetown?



"Hey Randy can you go out and get your face crushed because I need Brock to be strong so I can put over the Rock's cousin who I booked so shittily will never be over as a face?"


So...WWE forces DBry into retirement for concussions, puts his contract on a freeze so he can't wrestle anywhere else, forces him back to TV and be around the industry he wants to work in so much, and then shoots an angle in front of his eyes where a man elbows another man in the head 17 times and gives him a concussion, and then hides said concussion while continuing to let that man work storyline angles and still take small bumps....

I'm pretty sure they want DBry to commit suicide or go postal
The mess around Randy Orton's face smashing at Summerslam is kind of crazy in this day and age.

How do the people who let that go ahead still have jobs? This fucking company. Man.

Not only was the spot itself real dumb and handled poorly
Not only did he end up getting a concussion
But they are still having him do dark matches. (granted he isnt taking any major bumps and really only doing RKO's but still.... his damn brain is swollen. Let him take some time off before it starts leaking out his nose)


Did I just read that Randy Orton got a concussion from Brock Lesnar for that crazy bloody elbow thing they did? Is this legit? After strobogo, etc. told me it was totally safetown?


I think NVM said the same thing. Totally safe, they said. He safely busted him open. Brock knows what he's doing. They're both pros.


And now they're gone. How CONVENIENT.


So...WWE forces DBry into retirement for concussions, puts his contract on a freeze so he can't wrestle anywhere else, forces him back to TV and be around the industry he wants to work in so much, and then shoots an angle in front of his eyes where a man elbows another man in the head 17 times and gives him a concussion, and then hides said concussion while continuing to let that man work storyline angles and still take small bumps....

I'm pretty sure they want DBry to commit suicide or go postal

If Bryan ate meat he would be wrestling today.
Oh dear. Smith Hart is saying the death at Rollins' wrestling training school was Seth's fault.


to quote someone elses thoughts

"Smith Hart is using the death of a student @ Brave&Black to further the anti-Rollins narrative. Do not click any articles pertaining to this

Don't read any of Hart's dreadful social media posts where he literally invokes a dead 20 year old to critique Rollins' in ring psychology.

But also don't click any newz site features on this. It's the lowest of low down carnie wrestling mud slinging and you shouldn't feed it.

This lad is barely cold. Early reports seem to suggest some kinda medical condition, it was not a 'wrestling' accident. Just don't go there.

If you wanna do this stupid Bret Hart debate, go for it, but don't involve this dead guy in a fucking 'work rate' argument. Have some shame."

tldr: Smith Hart is a garbage person


I had a trainer once push me too hard.

I was like. "Dude, I'm going to faint. We need to stop."

Tough guy bullshit can get you killed.
I mean, Rollins is a crossfit junkie. A style of work out that is seemingly built entirely around pushing yourself to the point of near injury.
So...WWE forces DBry into retirement for concussions, puts his contract on a freeze so he can't wrestle anywhere else, forces him back to TV and be around the industry he wants to work in so much, and then shoots an angle in front of his eyes where a man elbows another man in the head 17 times and gives him a concussion, and then hides said concussion while continuing to let that man work storyline angles and still take small bumps....

I'm pretty sure they want DBry to commit suicide or go postal

Star Man coming to a Tokyo Dome near you


to quote someone elses thoughts

"Smith Hart is using the death of a student @ Brave&Black to further the anti-Rollins narrative. Do not click any articles pertaining to this

Don't read any of Hart's dreadful social media posts where he literally invokes a dead 20 year old to critique Rollins' in ring psychology.

But also don't click any newz site features on this. It's the lowest of low down carnie wrestling mud slinging and you shouldn't feed it.

This lad is barely cold. Early reports seem to suggest some kinda medical condition, it was not a 'wrestling' accident. Just don't go there.

If you wanna do this stupid Bret Hart debate, go for it, but don't involve this dead guy in a fucking 'work rate' argument. Have some shame."

tldr: Smith Hart is a garbage person

I was just about to post this. The most garbage of hot takes from that Hart guy.
I have a feeling and it's just a feeling, that WWE will always hold a grudge towards D-bry for messing up a LOT of their 2013/2014 plans -- especially for Dave Batista. I doubt that he was cheap.
I have a feeling and it's just a feeling, that WWE will always hold a grudge towards D-bry for messing up a LOT of their 2013/2014 plans -- especially for Dave Batista. I doubt that he was cheap.
I doubt WWE are too pissed off or even mildly annoyed anymore that Bryan helped give them one of their best Wrestlemania's and story-line pay-offs ever. It might never have been their original plan, but they gave him his moment and that's what mattered and it still does.

Maybe they might be annoyed he more or less got injured after, but not for messing up the original plans.


I have a feeling and it's just a feeling, that WWE will always hold a grudge towards D-bry for messing up a LOT of their 2013/2014 plans -- especially for Dave Batista. I doubt that he was cheap.

Lol. The sins against Daniel Bryan buried Roman4life. If anything they are pissed at that. But it's their own fault for being fucking idiots.

[QUOTE]New Japan’s total gross revenue from wrestling operations in the September to August fiscal year was $32 million, up 18.5 percent over the past year. That’s significant because they did that with lower attendance and with the loss of a number of key people like Shinsuke Nakamura and A.J. Styles. They or CMLL would be the No. 2 pro wrestling company in the world right now, but they are less than five percent of that of WWE when it comes to total revenue[/QUOTE]

All I need is FallingEdge, he'll beat up anyone for us. We'll take BronsonLee to get beat up and we can use to pop the crowd when he hot tags FE.

And I dunno, we'll take Klonere so we have someone European and smarky to pander to the smarks in the crowd.
Dammit I want to see this now.. LOL!!
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