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SHOOTEMBER Wrasslin 2016 |OT| - Can Punks Catch as Catch Can Too?


Those are some great, great seats. Looks like it was a pretty awesome show. :)

I was 4th row in the big section next to the entrance under the big screen. Well, 5th row if you count the row of superstars they brought out for the last two matches. They stuck around for everything btw. I was behind Gallagher and Bayley.


You know, as I'm watching this predictably gross Miss Hancock/Major Gunns bra and panties/mud wrestling match, I'm realizing the actual wrasslin' being done in the ring is no worse than what Eva Marie does. Amazing.

Oh, and great, finally a miscarriage angle in WCW.


Can you cut this gif in half and take out the miscarriage part? Thanks.

Wow, Meltzer was harsh on the Miz/Ziggler. The match was incredible. It should get bonus stars for not doing anything high risk. (Which backs up the Miz's point in his feud with Bryan)


It does I guess. If Boots is hovering around the thread I'm sure he could give a better breakdown on the differences between the two.

I found this description on Reddit:

King's Road was Baba's response to wrestlers in All Japan either leaving the promotion or aging out towards the end of the 80s. His philosophy was that he wanted to create an era of wrestling that was fit for the Heavenly Kings. Along with Jumbo Tsuruta, they selected four wrestlers who were loyal to All Japan (Misawa, Kawada, Kobashi, Taue) to be their "Four Corners of Heaven." King's Road was the story of them rising through the ranks on their road to Heaven.

Why is Japanese Wrestling so fucking cool O_O


I was 4th row in the big section next to the entrance under the big screen. Well, 5th row if you count the row of superstars they brought out for the last two matches. They stuck around for everything btw. I was behind Gallagher and Bayley.
I don't know how you resisted touching Gallagher.
It's ok, but the video feels weird, seeing these 50 year old dudes dressing like they did in 1990. Not that they suddenly have to try and look like Luther or something, but I don't get out much so maybe 50 year old dudes still dress like that.

Plus that one dude still looks like he's from the same alien species as Sam Cassell.

But it's nice to see them making new stuff at any rate.
I'll have to check it out, thanks.


I found this description on Reddit:

Why is Japanese Wrestling so fucking cool O_O

Yeah that's a good little breakdown. In terms of in-ring King's Road was more "wrestling" trope filled, with long dramatic matches that go through defined stages, with huge, dramatic finishing sequences that heavily influence wrestling today. It wasn't uncommon for AJPW main events to go 40+ mins. Modern NJPW is arguably more King's Road than Strong Style imo, with a more athletic bent.

Strong Style was aimed about being slightly more "real" with proto-MMA influences, more grappling and shorter, sharper matches. Most NJPW main events in the true strong style era would go 15-20 minutes with "outta nowhere" finishes based off again, more realistic scenarios like instant tapping from a well applied submissions instead of the WILL HE TAP. struggle to the ropes. When Shibata came back he emphasised this by making people tap outta nowhere with his sleeper but now has adapted a traditional closing sequence of Sleeper > PK.

Tom Nook

Large image dump incoming:

Holy shit. The Cruiserweight Classic Finale was one of if not the best night of live wrestling I have ever experienced. This show started at 10, turned it to 11, 12 and stayed in that range all night. Even the tag match which was total filler kept up the pace. These guys knew the spot they had and it was amazing. I don't even know if I could pick a favorite match of the night, it was all crazy.

Here's some of my pictures from the show:

I'll admit, I was rooting for Sabre because I love the technical style, but TJP was the right choice here. The biggest story of the night IMO, is TJP winning over this crowd. He was boo'd heavily at the start of the night because he won over Swann and Gargano, but he was cheered by the end of it. It was an amazing night to experience live.

Awesome post.
So happy TJP won the tournament. Totally marked out when HHH revealed the belt.


My only disappointment in the CWC, and this is minor, is that they didn't utilize the 60 minute time limit to it's fullest. The finale was only 17:47. With an announced 60 minute time limit, you expect them to push that.

It's only a minor gripe though, as the match itself was great.


The whole place marked out when Triple H's music hit. I don't know if you could hear it on the broadcast, but the crowd was singing his song.

Yeah you could hear it.

Surely this means he has to turn up on Raw next Monday to introduce this, you can't separate him from the Cruiserweights. And that means he's getting a face pop, contrary to the feud, or so we think. Maybe that's why Seth isn't being turned full face.



Yeah you could hear it.

Surely this means he has to turn up on Raw next Monday to introduce this, you can't separate him from the Cruiserweights. And that means he's getting a face pop, contrary to the feud, or so we think. Maybe that's why Seth isn't being turned full face.

They've kept NXT Hunter and RAW Hunter completely separate. They're not going to change that now.


They've kept NXT Hunter and RAW Hunter completely separate. They're not going to change that now.

It doesn't matter. He's very publicly the face of NXT and now the Cruiserweights. People are naturally going to want to cheer him for that. He pretty much fused the timelines, if you will, by acknowledging the Roman beatdown on Takeover London.

NXT invasion angle when


It doesn't matter. He's very publicly the face of NXT and now the Cruiserweights. People are naturally going to want to cheer him for that. He pretty much fused the timelines, if you will, by acknowledging the Roman beatdown on Takeover London.

NXT invasion angle when
This would fly in the face of a huge main title angle he was just directly involved with. It would be insanely dumb to do it right now. Maybe after Mania when there's a blow off to everything that's going on.


They could bring him in for the Cruiserweight thing only to have Stephanie / Seth / whoever finally confront him about the Raw title after it.


The "GAY COMMUNITY" tells me nothing.

The last is damning.

Meh. The second clip isn't worse than some John Cena promos over the past few years, I don't see people calling him out. What happens in a wrestling ring and even on a mic is subject to other things like bookers who could encourage that kind of language.

Seriously, show me something in AJ's personal life outside of a wrestling ring where he's shown to be a homophobe, then I'll believe it.


This would fly in the face of a huge main title angle he was just directly involved with. It would be insanely dumb to do it right now. Maybe after Mania when there's a blow off to everything that's going on.

You mean exactly how he presented himself in the Roman feud? I'm just wary of HHH wanting to portray himself in big feuds.

They could bring him in for the Cruiserweight thing only to have Stephanie / Seth / whoever finally confront him about the Raw title after it.


"Getting over kid, you should try it some time"


It doesn't matter. He's very publicly the face of NXT and now the Cruiserweights. People are naturally going to want to cheer him for that. He pretty much fused the timelines, if you will, by acknowledging the Roman beatdown on Takeover London.

NXT invasion angle when

The funny thing about this is, in this era of social media, you could take the "invasion angle" to the next level.

20 years ago, the invaders came in through the crowd in the background. Certainly no entrance music. Camera didn't focus on them until they jumped the barricade. It was groundbreaking, and it felt real.

Today, Nakamura and Joe could "invade" Raw, and the WWE could not acknowledge their presence AT ALL, and it would be all over social media, reddit, dirt sheets, youtube... think Punk showing up at Comic Con in 2011 when he "wasn't a part of the company"

but with today's WWE, Nakamura and his NXT friends would "invade" by coming down the entrance ramp, with music, titantron, WWE uploads the footage to their youtube... etc


The caller exclaimed "THE GAY COMMUNITY" and AJ simply repeats it. It was a gotcha (not to mention entirely stupid) question with a wtf reaction. If you assert it meant anything more than that then you are projecting what deeper significance is running through his mind.
This makes sense actually.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
My only disappointment in the CWC, and this is minor, is that they didn't utilize the 60 minute time limit to it's fullest. The finale was only 17:47. With an announced 60 minute time limit, you expect them to push that.

It's only a minor gripe though, as the match itself was great.
I think it worked well in making the matches look more like sport and less like an obvious work.

Jamie OD

I hope CWC makes its way in 2k18. would be a nice addition.

Seriosuly though, they need a new developer that can make these games carny again. Yukes takes it too seriously

The dream game I have is the WWE All Stars engine applied to the indie scene: ROH, PWG, Chikara, etc. Rather have a spotfest video game at this point than a realistic one.


The difference is the Roman storyline was fucking terrible so he went crazy DX face mode to get a pop.

Yeah his antics made that feud bearable.

The funny thing about this is, in this era of social media, you could take the "invasion angle" to the next level.

20 years ago, the invaders came in through the crowd in the background. Certainly no entrance music. Camera didn't focus on them until they jumped the barricade. It was groundbreaking, and it felt real.

Today, Nakamura and Joe could "invade" Raw, and the WWE could not acknowledge their presence AT ALL, and it would be all over social media, reddit, dirt sheets, youtube... think Punk showing up at Comic Con in 2011 when he "wasn't a part of the company"

but with today's WWE, Nakamura and his NXT friends would "invade" by coming down the entrance ramp, with music, titantron, WWE uploads the footage to their youtube... etc

So you update it for 2016. Have Hunter use his sway to bring up his crew, sign them to Raw contracts. Tell Steph and Mick that they ain't getting it done, that his guys are gonna run the show now. Maybe even call out the Shield being a failure, which is why he broke it up. So Steph and Mick go and round up some top guys on their end and boom, we have ourselves a little storyline.

The future is now, the future is RAW.


So you update it for 2016. Have Hunter use his sway to bring up his crew, sign them to Raw contracts. Tell Steph and Mick that they ain't getting it done, that his guys are gonna run the show now. Maybe even call out the Shield being a failure, which is why he broke it up. So Steph and Mick go and round up some top guys on their end and boom, we have ourselves a little storyline.

The future is now, the future is RAW.

Won't work in 2016. With everyone hanging out and being bros on instagram and Charlotte crying for Becky and all this social media killing kayfabe, they need to change the story system.

"Your tumblr is ass, how dare you post a gif of [thing]" then they fight.

hashtag on a pole match



If you think calling people faggots is ok in 2015, let alone now, I don't know what to tell you that will make you think otherwise.

I'm not saying it's okay, but it's in a wrestling ring. We all know the wrestler doesn't have final say on what happens or is said in the ring. To further prove my point, why is there focus on this one clip? If it was a thing with AJ, there would be more wouldn't there?

I need more evidence of consistent behavior, or more evidence from outside of a wrestling ring than him. Him questioning a caller's question means nothing.
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