But around 2000 the relationship began to fizzle. Friends say Levesque wanted children; Laurer did not. She was also jealous of the time Levesque spent with his parents and siblings during the rare days the WWE wasn’t on the road.
When she sensed Levesque was growing closer with Stephanie McMahon—the boss’ daughter, whom he later married in 2003—Laurer was crushed, telling numerous friends she’d searched Levesque’s briefcase and discovered a love letter from Stephanie.
“They wouldn’t have lasted whether Stephanie came into the picture or not,” Kathy (chyna's sister) says. “I have no animosity toward Paul. He was very good to Joanie. He cared about her deeply, but she just had too many issues.
“Still, I really do think Paul was the only man she ever truly loved. She was devastated.”