w o w
Maybe you love it enough to not mention a long banned member's name on a daily basis? :/
ROH making that sudden push for carny promotion of the year.w o w
My face when reading this.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ring_of_Honor#Code_of_HonorYou didn't tell me what the Code of Honor is.
#DemBoysw o w
It's actually impressive how much of a laughing stock ROH have managed to become. Like it takes some serious effort to get to where they are now.pearce brought in shane hagadorn
roh's issues are so far beyond booking. they've been completely pillaged for years and i don't think their booking being like 'evolve level' would fix any of their issues
i do think it's funny that czw and tna are both better booked than roh. that wwe would rather buy tna than roh.
Why would you abandon a several thousand year old symbol. Some shitty recent ideology has no right to take it away from you.I remember seeing a bunch of swastikas when I visited Japan. It's a symbol to mark Buddhist temples. I was quite surprised they still use that symbol.
You gotta shake hands in ROH. Respect the Code of Honour, dammit.
Also, Delirious is probably the worst booker in ROH history, right? I mean, Pearce tried to push Brent Albright and Cornette brought in the headbangers, but at least there wasn't such apathy surrounding everything other than NJPW guys coming in.
It's stupid to me that they haven't given Big E the WHC belt.
I wonder if he'd be in the title picture right now if New Day didn't take off like it did. Since Vince was allegedly really high on the idea of Big E being one of their future top champions.It's stupid to me that they haven't given Big E the WHC belt.
One of the biggest problems with ROH is that every single one of their big shows has now become "Wow, look how amazing these New Japan guys are. They are so much better than the lowly guys we have. Aren't they awesome for gracing us with their presence?"
It feels like he is burned out and can't see that guys like Dalton Castle should be pushed.it also doest help they ignore every indie wrestler that doesn't pay 200 bucks for a seminar.
One of the biggest problems with ROH is that every single one of their big shows has now become "Wow, look how amazing these New Japan guys are. They are so much better than the lowly guys we have. Aren't they awesome for gracing us with their presence?"
dalton castle is the only positive thing i can think i've heard of of out of roh in the last decade. and i guarantee he's next on the crop for wwe to steal. and he's had more fun matches in other promotions.
Rumors have it that not only is Paige backstage for tonight's Raw but so is Luke Harper. Meltzer did say that he should be coming sooner than later.
While I'm kind of bummed he wont be on Smackdown, as long as he is far away from Bray Wyatt is fine by me. He can be a solid mid-carder and probably be more ominous than Bray is right now.
Dalton Castle is a treasure.dalton castle is the only positive thing i can think i've heard of of out of roh in the last decade. and i guarantee he's next on the crop for wwe to steal. and he's had more fun matches in other promotions.
matt tremont winning the czw title felt like a bigger deal than jay lethal winning the roh title. ar fox is a better heel in czw than adam cole is in roh.
Lio Rush, as well. Would not be at all surprised to see him in Japan next year, plus more chances for ACH - he went down well with the Japanese fans in his NOAH tour.
he did well in the lucha elite world cup. got really over during his match.
but again, lio got over in czw. not in roh. roh didn't even want him until he got over in czw. because roh has such high standards
I'm not sure why they don't do what the NWA did back in the day where the champ would drop the title in the beginning of a tour and win it back at the end and no one would know.
If Adam Cole or Jay lethal pinned okada or Tanahashi would the world end? Just let the njpw get his win back on a b ppv
ROH is just another name for Data West.
when you compare their rosters, i think that would happen regardless of booking
bj whitmer in 2016
Aoki taking overseas dates?
I remember seeing a bunch of swastikas when I visited Japan. It's a symbol to mark Buddhist temples. I was quite surprised they still use that symbol.
When they were hot heels, they should've made them the champions.It's stupid to me that they haven't given Big E the WHC belt.
Aoki taking overseas dates?
Aj without hair kills me every time. He looks so much better with the hair.
He's being brought over by Source specifically for a few training seminars, guess they thought they'd put a show on as well. Coffey should be an amazing opponent for him, really looking forward to that.
Also, if all goes to plan AJPW will be touring the UK early next year as well. Hopefully I can go, would love to see Akiyama in person. And young Kento.
I will never not mark-out for Nikki's forearm.Nikki played football?
That explains the strong style shit.
Holy shit I wanna go to this AJPW tour so bad. Hope it comes together. Cool enough that Aoki is coming over in any case.