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SHOOTEMBER Wrasslin 2016 |OT| - Can Punks Catch as Catch Can Too?


You mean Seth Rollins is positioned as the top face right? Like what are people watching that I'm not. Reigns is clearly still one of the top faces but let's not act like he's getting center billing with the Seth Turn.

I fast forward through most of the show. Is Rollins really top face? He was laughing at injuring Finn 2 weeks ago. Is he getting cheers now?
The reason that they did this is...Bayley and Sasha are pretty much considered the minor characters in the Charlotte and Dana storyline, and they saw this as another idea where Dana would go in there, and say that because [Bayley and Sasha] both lost, then [Charlotte] shouldn't have to defend the championship...and because Dana says that, it screws it up, and now [Charlotte] has to defend against both of them instead of one of them, making it worse. So, it's another layer of the Charlotte-Dana Brooke feud.

They think [Dana's]'s gonna be this super babyface, and I don't know where they're seeing this.
I think, realistically, if WWE survives the transition away from Vince McMahon, it will be around forever. The moment Vince steps down, and I'm guessing it will be he physically can't run the company anymore, will be a real calamity for investors.

So if the WWE manages to weather that storm, I think they'll eventually be hot with the public again. History tells us it really only take one guy at the right time with the right kind of out-of-the-box booking to bring in new fans.
God, imagine the reactions here if that triple threat is just to build to Charlotte defending against Dana at Survivor Series or something
If Charlotte loses the belt to Sasha or Bayley and goes into a non-title feud with Dana while Bayley vs Sasha happens as the other woman story-line then that's fine since at least it's not for a belt. But holy shit, if they actually have her beat those two only for Dana to have a feud with her.


Dana Brooke reveals that she was playing Charlotte all along and that she was priming the champ for Emma's return so that her true BFF Emma can take the title from Charlotte.
Dana Brooke reveals that she was playing Charlotte all along and that she was priming the champ for Emma's return so that her true BFF Emma can take the title from Charlotte.
If only.

Emma should go to Smackdown, she ain't getting that title on Raw anytime soon but it seems she's going there. At least on SD they could pick up the abandoned Becky vs Emma feud which could be quite entertaining.


It's weird how stagnant everything on Raw has been.

Gallows/Anderson should have taken the tag belts by now - instead they failed after taking Big E out and then started winning non title matches when the New Day was back at full strength.

Reigns should have just won the US title if he was going to. Instead they had a match on Raw the week before and then a non-match while Rusev went off on his honeymoon.

Now even if it goes the other way there's going to be another month of those feuds.
God, imagine the reactions here if that triple threat is just to build to Charlotte defending against Dana at Survivor Series or something


Fuck this company

Keep in mind Meltzer was also saying this time last year that "WWE wants Eva to be their big female babyface" and "she'll get pushed over all these NXT women".

Some stuff he knows, some stuff he speculates. It's hard to tell which is which sometimes.
Keep in mind Meltzer was also saying this time last year that "WWE wants Eva to be their big female babyface" and "she'll get pushed over all these NXT women".

Some stuff he knows, some stuff he speculates. It's hard to tell which is which sometimes.
They have been teasing the hell out of a Dana and Charlotte feud for the past month so it definitely seems like it's going to happen.

If it's a non-title one then fine, it could be entertaining for all we know if Emma gets involved and sides with Dana (but heel Emma should stick). Hell Charlotte's a cowardly heel, have her enlist Nia Jax as a bodyguard like Tamina was to AJ.
Why would even a babyface Seth Rollins want to help Roman Reigns?
Because, WWE logic of history being forgotten and personality changing the second a heel turns face and to a lesser extent, vice versa.

Ideally Emma comes back and reunites with Dana and they attack Charlotte but with neither going babyface and them kept away from each other for awhile. The idea that Vince would see Dana as a potential babyface would be just another example of his going senile.
It's weird how stagnant everything on Raw has been.

Gallows/Anderson should have taken the tag belts by now - instead they failed after taking Big E out and then started winning non title matches when the New Day was back at full strength.

Reigns should have just won the US title if he was going to. Instead they had a match on Raw the week before and then a non-match while Rusev went off on his honeymoon.

For some reason they didn't want Rusev dropping right before his honeymoon. It sure isn't because they grew a heart, so I'm guessing it's just a strange thing they do. Like when Miz beat Sandow right before leaving for a month to film, and it killed Sandow for good.

I don't think the club's winning the tag titles. New Day are a bit away from Demolition's record I believe
It's weird how stagnant everything on Raw has been.

Gallows/Anderson should have taken the tag belts by now - instead they failed after taking Big E out and then started winning non title matches when the New Day was back at full strength.

Reigns should have just won the US title if he was going to. Instead they had a match on Raw the week before and then a non-match while Rusev went off on his honeymoon.

Now even if it goes the other way there's going to be another month of those feuds.

Yeah, I don't know what the fuck happened. I haven't watched since KO won the belt.
Evil Emma is the one true heir to the throne

Dana's focused on Charlotte but gets attacked by Emma, who pulls her away from Charlotte. Let's go
Man I miss seeing packed arena filled with hot crowds, even if they were a raucous bunch they were better than the shit we usually see now when we only see really hot crowds a few times a year and half the time they're more interested in getting their shitty chants in.


Do you even watch WWE, RBH? Are you just some weirdo waiting for them to die?



yeah this is actually nice

it's too bad WWE isn't interested in releasing wearable clothing. everything has to be a giant catch phrase in writing or a cartoon character.

Tell that to my sweet Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat T-shirt, Anth0ny.


I was over every other time.

I don't know maybe I did watch some over there but I do remember playing a ton of N64 WRASSLIN games over there.

I have my lapsed fan talk tonight.

If should be fun.

You're actually going to do the interview thing?? Amazing! Be sure to let us know which show. Or is it the next one? Or what? I'm always behind.


Bury Zach in the lapsed fan interview.

He doesn't have the testicular fortitude to do that.


You're actually going to do the interview thing?? Amazing! Be sure to let us know which show. Or is it the next one? Or what? I'm always behind.

He doesn't have the testicular fortitude to do that.
This week is next I guess.

It's survivor series 2002. The first PPV I ever bought.

Prior to that I just searched on AltaVista, Aol, and Yahoo PPV results. I remember it felt so weird watching matches with no commercial breaks.
I have some memories of that ppv, so I think I'll write in an email for the Fox318 show.

Should I name drop wrassleGAF, or go for something more subtle like writing "that FlammableD sure is a jabroni"
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