I demand more japanese lady wrestling gifs. Now damn it! Obey me Tagy!

Really wish some of these women had more international recognition, they work hard.
I demand more japanese lady wrestling gifs. Now damn it! Obey me Tagy!
I went to Japan for a multitude of things
Get drunk off my ass in Golden Gai
Explore Tokyo
and see a Real Pirate drop a motherfucking elbow on some poor soul
Oh what could've been with Perry!Perry Saturn had a real solid elbow drop
Man I just cannot get into any Giant Baba matches.
If AJ wins does that mean WCW finally won the invasion?I still can't believe we are a step away from having Kevin Owens and AJ Styles hold the 2 top titles in WWE.
Way to kill those chances, Mark318. You know Vince browses GAF!If AJ wins does that mean WCW finally won the invasion?
I still can't believe we are a step away from having Kevin Owens and AJ Styles hold the 2 top titles in WWE.
It would be pretty lame if WWE gave the CWC to someone already established, who absolutely doesn't need it, like Ibushi.
What does that trophy get you anyway? Does it turn into a championship?
HHH did it last year with the Dusty Rhodes classic.It makes it legitimate.
Plus I think Kota and Triple H are working everyone with this "he hasn't signed" thing yet because its way too obvious hes winning.
Yeah fucking rightIf AJ wins does that mean WCW finally won the invasion?
It makes it legitimate.
Plus I think Kota and Triple H are working everyone with this "he hasn't signed" thing yet because its way too obvious hes winning.
must have been nice to be around people your own height.
http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1274049Where is the UFC 203 thread?
Really wish some of these women had more international recognition, they work hard.
Do not show this to Sasha Banks.
FFS, I wonder how long that was in the road. RIP to your radiator and condenser.Anyway, links of photos, so I don't clog a page with images:
- what I initially saw when I got out
- the tire in question
- the rim. notice that it is folded in on the back
- my front tire. It's completely torn through, and the rim has a part of it peeled back
- the hood, after the CHP dude got there.
- after the tow truck lifted it. that's my fan.
- the tow truck lifting thing, and how bent my main radiator is
- another picture of the radiator. I couldn't believe it
- idk what it is, but part of the bottom is torn and gone entirely.
- the tow guy poured some sand stuff on the fluid to dry it up, but look at how long it is. You can see the tire and rim in the distance.
I demand more japanese lady wrestling gifs. Now damn it! Obey me Tagy!
FFS, I wonder how long that was in the road. RIP to your radiator and condenser.
Why in the world is Suziki doing Indie Sleaze
I love Pro Wrestling. Love it so much that I even made my own Pro Wrestling promotion. It's called Middle Kingdom Wrestling. We operate in China. You may know us from Googling about CWC WWE Particpant Ho Ho Lun who wrestles for me or just doing any research about Chinese Pro Wrestling.
Nxt is going to be in Japan Dec. 4th
The day before DDT runs the same building.
I was coming in here to break it off with Menome because that jerk didn't tell me I have to repair my weapon in Bloodborne?! Son of a...
What has Sunny ever done for wrasslin fans?
Gotten banned.
Best in the business.
Kairi Hojo > Asuka.
Best wrestler in STARDOM by far.
my dude Curt Hawkins has a better elbow drop
Looks like Seth Rollins may be getting a new theme song very soon.
CFO$ and Downstait are working together on a song for the former WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Here's a snippet of the song.
So it's a remix of his current theme? Lame.SethRollins to get a new theme song 🙄"Babyface"
*pics of car shenanigans*
Blue is WrassleGAF's Jeff Jarrett.
You're the Roadie.