See what you did , Brisitsh Monsoon?
Q: How was the Mae Young Classic, y'all?
See what you did , Brisitsh Monsoon?
Q: How was the Mae Young Classic, y'all?
MediocreSee what you did , Brisitsh Monsoon?
Q: How was the Mae Young Classic, y'all?
Don't watch it.See what you did , Brisitsh Monsoon?
Q: How was the Mae Young Classic, y'all?
If everyone took my wishes to heart, I bet WrassleGAF has had a great year. I know Sephzilla has been doing GWF which is pretty great. Who's been organizing the viewing parties where we all sync up and watch important, seminal matches or entire cards together and discuss? Where's the official WrassleGAF Discord? And who's been working on promotion? Looking forward to seeing all the progress in here I wasn't able to see due to not being an active member, NeoGAF doesn't let you access the email tags and such so I just glossed over it all.
That reminds me.
*Moves someone back to "Active Roster" status*
Nice. What's the word on the viewing parties and Discord status? Anything? Most Community threads embed that info in email quote tags, but I'm not seeing anything (and let's be honest, this OT looks...rickety)
Sarah Logan's one of my faves from the MYC, she's great. Kay Lee Ray as well, shouldn't have lost to Sugi - also, KLR vs Mercedes would've been a much better 2nd round match. Alpha Female shouldn't have gone out in the first round either, out of all the characters in the tournament she did the best presenting herself.
Apparently Alpha Female has signed with WWE.
Really ? I almost done with and was bored for 90% of it. It basically Destiny 1.5.I beat Destiny 2's story stuff yesterday, that's the most fun I've had with a shooter kideo game since DOOM. Definitely like this game a fuckton more than Destiny 1
Are we talking about GWF or normal wrasslin' stuff?
Really ? I almost done with and was bored for 90% of it. It basically Destiny 1.5.
Really ? I almost done with and was bored for 90% of it
Are we talking about GWF or normal wrasslin' stuff?
Remember the GWF?
Normal wrasslin' stuff. Did the viewingparties fizzle out?Nitro
Who's running this place? Who took the helm to direct WrassleGAF in 2017? Who's the most clued in to this community and its wants and needs?
More like Alpha Jobber now.Apparently Alpha Female has signed with WWE.
To me , I just got the feeling of deja Vu since there are barely any new enemie types and boring locations, not to mention the generic story.I've been enjoying most of it. The last few levels were really fun.
Who's running this place? Who took the helm to direct WrassleGAF in 2017? Who's the most clued in to this community and its wants and needs?
That said, the upset to Alpha (and my god, was she over with that crowd or what? Instantly over) did give whatshername with the waist cape some more exposure. Really helps my argument when I can't remember her name.
That is not a hard thing to do considering what the first had.Destiny 2 story has been great and way better than the first.
I think I'm almost done with it
We're a rudderless ship, the inmates are running the asylum, and other mixed idioms.
As she should. Instantly over, looks awesome, is awesome. Great match. Let's just forget her TNA days.
To me , I just got the feeling of deja Vu since there are barely any new enemie types and boring locations, not to mention the generic story.
I was voted Director of the WrassleGAF Executive Committee.
I was voted Director of the WrassleGAF Executive Committee.
I never saw her in TNA, to be honest. Just her stuff in Stardom and some European promotions. Also Rizin.
Nevertheless she is an awesome hire and I hope she does well with them.
Just want to remind everyone that Higuchi is the best lad;
Trips should forget about Okada and sign Higuchi instead.
Shoot?Just want to remind everyone that Higuchi is the best lad;
Trips should forget about Okada and sign Higuchi instead.
Just want to remind everyone that Higuchi is the best lad;
Trips should forget about Okada and sign Higuchi instead.
Sure but in Halo the goal of the game wasn't to run the same mission with the same type of enemies over and over again. In Destiny 1 I probably killed more fallen then all the enemy types in Halo 1 2 3 combined.The lack of new enemy types doesn't really bother me much. Halo 2 didn't really add much over Halo 1, for example. It's more that every enemy type that already existed feels like they're used better.
The main villain of Destiny 2 still looks like a Halo Grunt that found Jinder's juice supply
Apparently Alpha Female has signed with WWE.
Sure but in Halo the goal of the game wasn't to run the same mission with the same type of enemies over and over again. In Destiny 1 I probably killed more fallen then all the enemy types in Halo 1 2 3 combined.
Dave says expectto win at the MYC Finals, becauseShaynait would give the UFC 4 Horsewomen heat.
Wwe really should do a Hoss Invitational
Dave says expectto win at the MYC Finals, becauseShaynait would give the UFC 4 Horsewomen heat.
Dumb.Dave says expectto win at the MYC Finals, becauseShaynait would give the UFC 4 Horsewomen heat.
Four Horsewoman shit is exactly the sort of trash I don't want to see and serves as a reminder that as much as WWE play up the idea that Mania's the biggest date of the wrestling calendar, it's not their captive audience they're marketing to - it's the people who don't watch this shit year round.
Gonna laugh when Steph has to get her shine back from Ronda though, haha.
She is much bigger star then Brock ever and her fanbase still loves her, but whether they will tune in is a different story.I still don't see how making a big deal out of Ronda Rousey is gonna do WWE any business at all.
I mean, Lesnar lost in UFC, sure. But Lesnar had an illness and just one bad fight. Plus he still looked like he looked and had his WWE history to fall back on.
Rousey however was completely exposed, twice. Her star fell so hard it must have hit Vinny Mac on the head if he thinks there's still a WM program there. Even worse if they actually have her beat one of their actual wrestlers. Losing against Rousey is like making a member of the 3-Man-Band your World Champion for half a year, complete madness.