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Shootmember 2 Wrasslin |OT| :Shoot from the Hip When in Heated Verbal Exchanges

shaowebb with a 7 star post.

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And now for a new botch challenger. Super Calo.
This man hit the audience more than he hit his opponent.


The guy was known for doin a top rope "ankle head scissors" but the dude was so loose that, unlike La Parka who did that move, he never looped his feet behind their head and would just look like he over shot people all the time and they'd be forced to flip like a dumb fuck to sell it...or not as Jericho decided because he couldn't tell if the dumb fuck went for a diving victory roll, a double knee, a headscissor or what. Their whole series of matches was Super Calo doin glancing overshot or undershot moves. From the moonsault that barely grazed with a toe to the plancha to the floor he essentially missed and slapped concrete on the guy just can't aim shit.

He just dives full tilt, misses and generally runs into audience folks a lot. I think his mask's sunglasses shaped lenses mustve been too dark or something lol.

Super Calo was also one of those dudes who not only had poor balance but who couldn't catch you because he wasn't very strong. He botched often, didn't lift people right, and was sloppy. He was pretty famously beaten like fuck in the ring more than once by his opponent for being too sloppy. Scott hall was one who ripped into him and the other was La Parka who consequently ended up going out of his way to chair shot the guy in matches as they were paired up often in multi man matches. Theres even a few moments were La Parka just straight up kicked him in the dick. The chair shots were constant though. Plastic, wooden, metal, even making the poor guy take dives on them. I think it stemmed from several matches where Super Calo kept forcing La Parka's neck to whip sharply into the ropes by over launching him on lucha spots.

Super Calo. Botch master. His sons Saul and I think Omar wrestle under the names Super Calo 2 and Super Calo 3 now.





It's not like he's wrestling in it. I like it as a callback to the Bullet Club mask he wore in New Japan.

...the fuck? He nearly decapitated that little kid.

It was EVERY TIME too. He was incredibly unsafe on dives...even to himself. He just fucking senton-ed himself onto concrete worse than Foley most times trying to do dives and that damned Ankle Headscissor, but so help me if he plancha-ed this is what happened. He didn't control his moves. He was super loose and sloppy and he'd outright try to go as far as he could. He stomped many an audience member. He seemed like he outright wanted to harrass that one drunk guy in denim by pushing him over twice. He just kept goin over the railing.

The shit he misfired with in the ring was always super noticeable too. Once he had to sorta monkey flip La Parka over the ropes so La Parka could do a spot where he turned the flip into a senton outside or something. He had NO push and just sorta foot shoved up and landed La Parka snag between the second and third ropes nastily mid flip tangling him. He forgot spots a lot and would just bump into folks or walk around like in that Konnan clip. I dont know if he couldn't see in that mask, or couldn't hear in it or both. He was all over the place.


There was an article about Jinder's title reign in the NYT yesterday. Jinder was cited with his first promo accusing the audience to discriminate him elevated him to star status. WWE denied any political motiviation in creating Jinder's current incarnation. However the article pointed out that the story was created at an interesting time with Trump as POTUS and Linda McMahon being part of his administration. Still it was neutral to mildly positive, citing a show-goer with the Jinder character being a welcome comment on a problem with US society right now.


the fuck is that styles mask

also lol @ that botch post, jesus christ

I see good matches I may forget, but botches...hoo boy do I remember those dudes. Glad you enjoyed it. To be fair Super Calo was a mainstay for years with the whole Triplemania scene in mexico. I think he announced without his mask on as ...Ray Garcia? Rafael Garcia? Ramon? I can't remember. He was generally spoon fed spots though. Dude couldn't leap frog, he couldn't get air, he couldn't lift folks...he sorta went for drag moves like head scissors, whips and the like. With bad grip, balance and strength though it was just obvious how often he had no control as he just dived in front flips for more or less everything and slid off the folks he tried to hook on the way by.

I get the impression he may have been the intended pairing with La Parka in WCW tag matches originally with his "super cool" gimmick and La Parka rocking out on a chair like a guitar, but it was obvious La Parka wasn't big on the guy from how often he stiffed him and just outright took over the match and called both sides of it. I think this is how Psychosis and La Parka became teamed. Surprisingly the Super Calo vs Psychosis matches I found aren't horrible. Only botch I saw was Super Calo trying to feet first dive through the ropes and he ended up snapping his own neck as his chin caught above the second rope on the way down.

I honestly think he got over in WCW and Mexico because he just kept doing that front flip from the inside to the concrete by any means possible....to the ground as a senton, to a standin dude outside as his ankle head scissors, into a guy and then into a childs face with his feet as a tope, etc. He Mick Foley hobbled around a lot because that shit adds up. Destroys your back and shoulders doing that and he showed it in many matches. It got way more noticeable later in his career.


OMG the Patriot shit on the newest lapsed fan. nearly died laughing.

Austin: Well hell son, I was on the road with ya all the time, and I never noticed you was on any painkillers.

Patriot: "I kayfabed the boys, I was on 20 Zanax a day."

I'd watch 205 LIVE if it had botches like that every week

They need to get Místico back

I'd watch 205 if they just let the damn guys wrestle how they want to. I remember WCW cruisers blowing my mind as a youngin.

OMG the Patriot shit on the newest lapsed fan. nearly died laughing.

Austin: Well hell son, I was on the road with ya all the time, and I never noticed you was on any painkillers.

Patriot: "I kayfabed the boys, I was on 20 Zanax a day."


The Patriot stuff was great. I need to re-watch ground zero for the deep dive though. I want to try and get through them more but the dives can be sooooo drawn out.

Did you get to the part about Patterson and Hart? I was cracking up


I'd watch 205 if they just let the damn guys wrestle how they want to. I remember WCW cruisers blowing my mind as a youngin.

This is pretty well how I feel. I watched WCW live during that Super Calo and Psychosis stuff and yeah in gif form it looks like a slow spotted shit fest but it wasn't actually that way at all. Those guys were allowed to wrestle however they fuck they wanted and since they were hardly story essential and were used as a mid show energy boost they were COMPLETELY about speed and rapid fire sequences and high spots. It was a great time. Dudes fell a lot, botches happened but overall their matches had so many fun spots you were happy all the same.

If WWE let there roster cut loose and wrestle how they wrestle it'd be a lot better. Botchers or not.

I've honestly thought that the right comedic guy in the ring could get a "botcher" gimmick over. Someone as dopey as Chuck Taylor could probably do it. Comedically over reacting to his own botches and botching normal things in the most outlandish ways. Even going so far as to trip on the entrance and knock himself out and have to be replaced in his title shot. It'd be a fun way to use a jobber and get them over.


Neo Member
OMG the Patriot shit on the newest lapsed fan. nearly died laughing.

Austin: Well hell son, I was on the road with ya all the time, and I never noticed you was on any painkillers.

Patriot: "I kayfabed the boys, I was on 20 Zanax a day."


Him calling the pharmacies with fake prescriptions is some next-level carny shit.


No, no. There's Surfer Sting. Two, I think. I'm talking Classic Crow Sting. During the sweet, sweet buildup to Starrcade '97.

They have a '98 and a '99 Sting. One of which I'm assuming is hilarious Wolfpac.
Entrance masks are dope.

I kinda marked out when I thought this was his new mask.


I don't dislike the current mask under that one as much as most.
But there was some mood whiplash when he takes it off to reveal the nose accentuating one.
The actual attire...well Kane's ring attire had leapt off a cliff since his late 2002 return.
I don't dislike the current mask under that one as much as most.
But there was some mood whiplash when he takes it off to reveal the nose accentuating one.
The actual attire...well Kane's ring attire had leapt off a cliff since his late 2002 return.
As much as I love Kane, his entire persona took a major hit once he started wearing gear that exposed that cavern between his front teeth.

So basically, from '02 to now.
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