imagine if dean malenko had a personality
I know everybody likes Owen, but seriously fuck him for that spot. Austin specifically brings it up to him like "Hey you're going to drop to your knees on the tombstone, right?" and Owen's like "Nah, I don't do it that way".
I thought you had to be 18 to have a gaf account. 🤔What is WWF fam? 🤔
All these old as gifs
some might say that was karma for this
I thought you had to be 18 to have a gaf account. 🤔
I don't know if anyone who has joined the WWE post 1998 could be considered a too 10 great.
Booking also really fucked over Jericho post 2002.
they';d be idiots
why bring up 'karma' at all
Well we could start with Low Ki, and then you take everyone who wants to be Low Ki. There's plenty of them. It's just that a lot of indie wrasslers who fit this mold simply want to look like a badass, but instead they're incredibly bland.
I need names here
If only his in ring talents were as good as his mic work. But I would take him over Jinder.It's crazy thinking about how good Miz is. Dude is having a career renaissance right now, should be WWE Champion right now but then Vince had to drag him back to the bowels of RAM. :/
Fucking love the boi.
The catch point in Evolve feels like that, especially this iteration.
At a certain point character can easily overcome in-ring ability. Especially within the WWE frameworkIf only his in ring talents were as good as his mic work. But I would take him over Jinder.
Well he's a flatearther, what did you expectLooks kinda dumb
Been on #TeamMiz since his tag with Morrison.It's crazy thinking about how good Miz is. Dude is having a career renaissance right now, should be WWE Champion right now but then Vince had to drag him back to the bowels of RAM. :/
Fucking love the boi.
Heh...since its old gif wcw today for me here's a tribute to how I remember Psychosis. The botchiest, rope slippingest, poor balance, couldn't catch you, trip over his own two feet mother fucker in the Cruiserweight division. He had some competition in Super Calo eventually, but damn I dont think I ever seen this guy up top and not have to hop off and try again or fall. Decent legdrop to floor though. Couldn't imagine what a match between him Sin Cara, Elix Skipper, and Super Calo would be like.[img]
What about botch master Juvi?
LOL. Sure that's one way to take that bump.
This banner brings me life
Why, Zachary?![]()
It means 'be chill' or 'calm down'.Was does tranquilo stand for?
caring about random tweets
imagine living that life
Kenny just had surgery, I'm no doctor but I imagine it would be better in the long run to rest a bit no?
Shit, next year will make it a decade since The Dirt Sheet was a thing. GOAT webshow. Being the Elite wishes they could be on that level.Been on #TeamMiz since his tag with Morrison.
I was happy as hell when he got the belt but still felt like it was quite early. Wish he'd get another run.
Showtime's online subscription numbers went through the roof though and they were good enough for Showtime to want Season 4 if Lynch does it.
Get with the times, old man who is probably in the same age-bracket as me.
YusssNew lapsed fan is up
WWF ground Zero
caring about random tweets
imagine living that life
I support her occasionally biting back. It's good for her young fanz specifically to see, in my opinion. I feel like it's empowering and useful. Especially when she acts nonchalant about it.One rude tweet can be shrugged off.
I imagine she gets hundreds of those a day.
There's a point where you can't just shrug it off and are going to respond to one.
I'm all about those packages.Well-built package
RIP in piece meWe put together an awesome farewell video package for you, Mahonay.