Top 5 games?
- Deus Ex
- Half-Life
- Morrowind
- System Shock 2
- Myst
Top 5 games?
I haven't played many games which I disliked since I haven't played a lot compared to other people, but I'd say my bottom five are:We always talk about fave five kideo games, but what about your bottom 5?
Bottom 5:
- Final Fantasy 4
- Final Fantasy 6
- SF3: Third Strike
- Def Jam: Icon
- Megaman X5
Professor Beef is turning out to be a GWF Champ who can really get heel heat
I haven't played that, but I do remember playing the one on PS1, which was pretty alright from what I can remember.Duke Nukem Forever is the only one I know for sure is in my bottom 5
I have a confession: I'm having more fun watching 93-96 wrasslin than modern wrasslin. This isn't a slight at all with what's out because even during NJPW Destruction in Kobe I just wanted to turn it off for Bash at the Beach 95.
We always talk about fave five kideo games, but what about your bottom 5?
one of the Leisure Suit Larry games
Outpost is probably in my bottom 5. A bottom five for me would be one that not only sucked, but sucked and had hype on its way in.
No Mans Sky and Outpost were pretty poor offerings.
It was a pretty fun time period in wrestling.
I'm getting into adventure games at the moment. Been trying to get all the Ace Attorney games and have already started the Nonary games. Enjoyed the first two, and now waiting to get around to Zero Time Dilemma.Outpost is probably in my bottom 5. A bottom five for me would be one that not only sucked, but sucked and had hype on its way in.
No Mans Sky and Outpost were pretty poor offerings.
*crowd booes*
- Deus Ex
- Half-Life
- Morrowind
- System Shock 2
- Myst
I wonder who even reads this stuff. Do kids read comic books? And WWE comics at that? Reigns insecurity is off the charts in that that deep wwe comicbook lore.
Cringier than Cody's Old Japan promo.
Bottom Five
- Deadly Premonition
"Some sold out arena, back in the day"What this sounds like is they've fucked up Roman's mindset since he was a child. His mom, knowing kayfabe and whatnot, knew why the Wild Samoans were booed but given Reigns is a kid, she didn't tell him the truth. She gave some excuse that's warped his mind. Now, as an adult, Reigns still doesn't get why he's booed. He doesn't get that he's the one in the wrong while the fans aren't. He doesn't get that Rollins has been the real one grinding all his life to get here while he, Roman Reigns, is the one really getting things handed to him.
Roman's suffering from a mental disability. Holy fuck.
Oh, shit. Meant to put Indigo Prophecy.I have no WrassleGAF son.
I was always going to stick with it due to being a Metal Gear mark but I recognise it's huge flaws.I didn't get past the 2nd stage. Just got bored and never picked it back up.
Top Five
- Omikron: The Nomad Soul
- Beyond Two Souls
- Indigo Prophecy
- Heavy Rain
- Probably Detroit:Become Human
Better than his current hair
This is worse than the other listReal top five:
Super Metroid
Witcher 3
They better, I need the best Ambrose look coming back, just with less roids.
damn you renee
I have to agree with you on this one. Such a great premise, but just a little clunkyBottom Five
- Omikron: The Nomad Soul
Tuesdays WWE Smackdown Live averaged 2.542 million viewers for USA Network. The number was up from the 2.510 million count from last Tuesdays edition.
Powells POV: A slight increase for the penultimate edition before Hell in a Cell. The September 27, 2016 edition of Smackdown delivered 2.340 million viewers.
Glad to get validation from you, it matters a lot to meThis is best than the other list
Magna Cum Laude?
Nah, Box Office Bust. Friend "loaned" me to his copy, had to basically sneak it back one of the times I went to his house because he refused to take it back. Can't say I blamed him tbh.
Glad to get validation from you, it matters a lot to me