Wow. Just found out Hugh Hefner was a good person.
Vince McMahon came in with a very distinct vision for No Mercy, that this show and what would happen in the two key matches were not about now, or the day, but about telling the story of getting to WrestleMania, which is all about Lesnar and Reigns being the two superior guys in the company, and nobody else is on their level. Lesnar is being kept super strong so Reigns beating him means the most. Reigns is put over everyone clean so he's the strongest challenger possible.
The idea was Cena would hit Reigns with every big move, over-and-over, and he couldn't beat him, while Reigns would beat Cena with his usual stand-byes, the Superman punch and spear.
Similarly, Lesnar would survive multiple Strowman powerslams, and win clean with one F-5. He also wanted Lesnar vs. Strowman to be kept inside the ring (other than the one spot outside the ring involving the post, but nothing with tables and such), which kind of exposed Strowman, who got over on doing stunts outside the ring. The mentality, whether it's right or not, was the short-term not so great match (I'm sure he was expecting a far better crowd response for the main event when he had the vision but going in it was going to be a short match with one F-5 as the finish) was the small picture and the big picture was both guys being as strong as possible for Mania.
New Observer is out
Fucking barf.
Sacrifice everyone to get Roman over. Fucking dumb.
Roman should just kill Lesnar with 3 spears in a row at the very beginning of the match.
If you're going to push him, fucking push him.
The great thing about Roman Reigns is everything
At Manio? Big intro. Face-to-face. Romando explodes with a super man punch. Lesnar stumbles back and bounces off the ropes and is met with a spear. Jackhammer. 1-2-3.Roman should just kill Lesnar with 3 spears in a row at the very beginning of the match.
If you're going to push him, fucking push him.
But when does he get to do that thing where he jacks off his forearm?? Thats important.No, I want one spear being all that it takes
That way we really know he's strong
The early word is that Iwatani will be out of action three to six months.
Mayu finally getting that big push then this.![](), I'm talking international object here.
Tuna Dave gets some wrong. I'd give it **1/2This is where I tell yall Dave gave Cena/Reigns 4.25 Stars
But excelsior told me this was all pretty well thought and that WWE was mostly great🤔New Observer is out
Fucking barf.
Sacrifice everyone to get Roman over. Fucking dumb.
Not surprising from that gif of the stupid ass structure spot. I think someone said she wrestled a match after that.Mayu finally getting that big push then this.![]()
Friends with Kevin Owens and the Young BucksAs someone who knows nothing about Cole what are the upsides?
Remember when they had a man win the first ever Women's Money In The Bank matchThey should just have Carmella cash in on the Universal title match
Get some real heat going
That happened in 2002, brother.Who will even book WrestleMania 18 since Vince will have died?
Got'imThat happened in 2002, brother.
Another woman who there has been some internal talk regarding being interested in making a comeback is Celeste Bonin, 30, who wrestled as Kaitlyn. Because of her look and her background coming in fifth place in the Arnold Classic Figures competition, she was put over in Tough Enough even though she was the least experienced. She was on WWE television just two months after her first wrestling lesson and was on the main roster from 2010 to 2014, leaving after marrying bodybuilder P.J. Braun. The two split up a few months ago
Friends with Kevin Owens and the Young Bucks
Former star of the hit Youtube series Being The Elite
This is where I tell yall Dave gave Cena/Reigns 4.25 Stars
Did I mention he was a former member of the popular faction Bullet ClubOkay, but I like Kevin for his in right work and the Bucks are okay I guess? Why should I like Cole? I think I liked him more when he was dead.
Speaking of Enzo, he is looking into a rap career next. He wouldnt be able to use that name if he leaves WWE
Did I mention he was a former member of the popular faction Bullet Club
Too sweet m-, wait sorry
I don't have a problem with him but he's about as "standard athletic non-flippy indie guy" as they comeI like Cole. He can have great matches and cut good promos.
He's great.
So make Roman look so strong and then he gets defeated by the Miztourage the next night?New Observer is out
Fucking barf.
Sacrifice everyone to get Roman over. Fucking dumb.
I don't have a problem with him but he's about as "standard athletic non-flippy indie guy" as they come
I think Fish and O'Reilly are better than him as well, at least in ring
He has a catchphrase so he's perma over though
Nothing on TV mattersSo make Roman look so strong and then he gets defeated by the Miztourage the next night?
Again I don't think lowly of him but I can't think of anything about his in-ring work that jumps out/sets him apart from others. He's not a high flyer, he's not a master technician, he's not a powerhouse, he's athletic?I've seen him have great matches with multiple guys, so he's well above standard from an in-ring perspective. And he's good on the mic too.
I kind of don't get how people think so lowly of him.
Again I don't think lowly of him but I can't think of anything about his in-ring work that jumps out/sets him apart from others. He's not a high flyer, he's not a master technician, he's not a powerhouse, he's athletic?
Since Ambrose and Rollins beat all 3 Miztourage members themselves, I'm imagining that when it's Shield/Miztourage that they'll step back and let Roman beat their asses alone. That's just how it's gonna be with Da Big Dawg being overpowered.
And lord...have yall thought about how shitty that Rumble match is gonna be? It's gonna be Roman breaking his old record and tossing dudes out like he doesn't give a damn.
They haven't sacrificed everyone though, have they? Why is there always such an overreaction? They've used Reigns to make both Styles and Strowman look strong over the past two years. Just because Lesnar is the final boss reserved for the top guy, how is that sacrificing everyone?New Observer is out
Fucking barf.
Sacrifice everyone to get Roman over. Fucking dumb.
I can still go