Jesus what the hell happened while I was out last night? Feels like this was rigged from the start. 🤔 no wonder the ratings are tanking with booking decisions like this! #5monthsAfter my successful GWF singles debut, I'd just like to say.... I told all you motherfuckers that you put me one-on-one and there ain't a soul on this roster can beat me. Giancarlo thought he was gonna "get one over on the rookie" and all that got him was a better look at the lights. I wish I could say it was a nice first challenge, but it was anything but. Next time, give me an opponent that can actually last more than four minutes.
New Observer is out
Fucking barf.
Sacrifice everyone to get Roman over. Fucking dumb.
1. Elias pinned Apollo Crews in 8:34: 2
2. The Miz retained the U.S. title over Jason Jordan in 10:13: 2.75
3. Finn Balor pinned Bray Wyatt in 11:32: 3.25
4. Dean Ambrose & Seth Rollins retained the tag titles over Sheamus & Cesaro in 15:55: 4.25
5. Alexa Bliss retained the women's title in a five-way over Bayley, Sasha Banks, Nia Jax and Emma in 9:53: 3.5
6. Roman Reigns pinned John Cena in 22:09: 4.25
7. Enzo Amore pinned Neville in 10:34 to win the cruiserweight title: 1.75
8. Brock Lesnar pinned Braun Strowman in 8:51 to retain the WWE Universal title: 2.25
Pro Wrestling Sheet has confirmed WWE reached out to the popular Ring of Honor/NJPW tag team to say they own the copyright to the ”Too Sweet" hand gesture and have discovered that the brothers have been using it in other companies, as well as on merch.
Pitmark, it's fucking fake.
Does owensisajobguy ever sleep? He been posting for almost 24 hours straight.
I thought you were better than this, Menome. This is low-card stuff.Your toilet is fake? Do you live in a bathroom showroom?
He gave Omega/Juice 4.5 too. Which feels about right to me.
That's what I think of too, like Shawn was stuck in a dryer too long. It's really hard to believe he's 5'11 and I'm not counting when he stood next to Drew.NXT just being Circle of Respect is kind of ridiculous. Adam Cole just looks like weirdly shrunken Shawn Michaels.
Same, Ahmed looked awesome back then... Not so much when he showed up in WCW and fueded with Booker T over a letter.Ahmed Johnson was so awesome when I was 12. Dude is like the worst of all time, though. Haha...
(Randomly watching some of the '97 Survivor Series.)
Mayu finally getting that big push then this.![]()
That bit at the start when Juice refuses to work over the knee because he knows Omega is just getting off surgery.
Then later he realizes he can't win without targeting it and goes all-in on the viciousness. But he's playing Omega's game at that stage - nobody can outescalate Kenny and he's proven to be able to work through injuries during his G1 win final two matches.
*chef kiss*
Very flattering thumbnail
To many worked headbutt i see.I woke up to use the toilet, Heromark. But now I'm paranoid about falling asleep because my head feels weird.
It's fucking fake. Me on the left.
Bucks hit with a C and D over too sweet gesture
I scrolled down and read Goldberg Story as Golf Story and I thought discussion about something interesting broke out.
Golf Story > Roman Reigns
The Meltzer rule: subtract 1 full star from every wwe rated match for the real, non-bellcurved star rating
To me omega/juice was like a fucking masterpiece compared to anything on that no mercy card
Gotta say when Bullet Club rolled up on WWE and had a megaphone yelling "Luke Gallows? Anderson? Are you in there? You're friends are here. We're here to rescue you!"
That I smiled. Those guys aren't getting what they deserve in WWE. I'd love if there was an exodus as folks discover they can make a killing outside the WWE that resulted in those two, Balor, and Styles all coming back to Bullet Club. Styles will likely never leave though. He's over and likely making a good paycheck there. Balor is buried along with Anderson/Gallows though. I could see them heading out. Hell I'd love it if they got Bayley or something one day since they ruined her on WWE tv too.
Pipe dreams. They'll all stay and be midcarders.
That route is lazy for someone like Rollins who is insanely talented. For Enzo its the perfect route because he knows the whole roster can kick his ass.I'm sure they'll just go with chicken shit cheating heel for Enzo because the staff is that god damn lazy.
wow can't believe you've outed yourself as an OwensIsNow alt account
Who? And why doesn't he do the dance? Why doesn't somebody?Zach, there's a guy in NXT who was trained by Alex Wright. Sadly, he doesn't dance.
Who? And why doesn't he do the dance? Why doesn't somebody?
I want Menome to swaddle my bod.Your toilet is fake? Do you live in a bathroom showroom?