What is this?
What is this?
Who? And why doesn't he do the dance? Why doesn't somebody?
Dave's report
D-did the Triple threat really nearly last an hour?
D-did the Triple threat really nearly last an hour?
they went the distance brother
broadway on twitch.tv!
DM forgot how to pin, Pikma was a spot monkey who only went for pins after big moves, and FallingEdge went into business for himself and kept kicking out at 2 well over 40 minutes in
look at this fucking guy
also bruiser brody vs ox baker. not a good match but spectacle wise of the era that's like a dream match. AND Gary Hart at the end doing what he does best https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_HFDDeIuxI
Adrian Severe?? Ha!Fabian Aichner -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fabian_Aichner
What is this?
Sounds better on paper than it probably was to watch.
I hope the road agent in charge chewed those boys out.
A drawing from a pre schooler.What does it look like to you, Herofriend?
I admit, I watched the two Enzo segments from this week on Youtube and they were pretty interesting.
Thing is, all I want the match to be is an extended squash with whoever beats him. And I'm pretty sure they'll just go with him cheating to win for a few months and the whole thing will get incredibly stale and annoying.
i can't believe enzo is real half the timelol what a geek
That bit at the start when Juice refuses to work over the knee because he knows Omega is just getting off surgery.
Then later he realizes he can't win without targeting it and goes all-in on the viciousness. But he's playing Omega's game at that stage - nobody can outescalate Kenny and he's proven to be able to work through injuries during his G1 win final two matches.
*chef kiss*
No matter how much people on here hate him he is a draw to the casual crowd. As bad as he is he is probably the best thing to happen to 205 live viewer wise. I'm interested to see the numbers now with him on it.Enzo is a draw
No matter how much people on here hate him he is a draw to the casual crowd. As bad as he is he is probably the best thing to happen to 205 live viewer wise. I'm interested to see the numbers now with him on it.
Finally, klonere has ascended from the cuppa haters.
At first I wasn't too keen on how babyface Juice was in regards to not attacking the knee. The way that it played out later totally redeemed it. Excellent match.
Speaking of babyface vs heel, my favorite so far this year might be Shotaro Ashino vs Ikemen at the W-1 LOVE in Yokohama show on 9/2. Well worth tracking down.
why would they sacrifice his catchphrase being over and his merch sales to turn him heel
why would they sacrifice his catchphrase being over and his merch sales to turn him heel
why would they sacrifice his catchphrase being over and his merch sales to turn him heel
Follow the money, how you doin?Why would they sacrifice an entire roster to try and get one guy over when everyone knows this is a fake circus business?
why would they sacrifice his catchphrase being over and his merch sales to turn him heel
lol @ thinking being a heel hurts your merch sales/catchphrases in TYOOL two thousand and seventeen
Ready for round 2 Beefy?
that was always the excuse for not turning cena and reigns though
i'm not seeing the upside from a business perspective for a heel enzo. almost like they just want to berry him because they're petty fucks
Very flattering thumbnail
It was.I'm gonna watch this LU match
It better be good, Owensiswho
DM vs RBH. Winner claims WCW.DM's next match should be a last man standing match to see if it makes a difference.
that was always the excuse for not turning cena and reigns though
i'm not seeing the upside from a business perspective for a heel enzo. almost like they just want to berry him because they're petty fucks
DM's next match should be a last man standing match to see if it makes a difference.
Were there any crazy staring spots in GWF 8? That's all I want to know...
DM vs RBH. Winner claims WCW.
They can still go
One more match!They can still go
The later half of the triple threat match was heavy with DM stares
They can still go
Ready for round 2 Beefy?
now fam. Single match will take a break. I can't be having 2 matches a night.tag champ