Red dead opinion?
GOAT incoming
Red dead opinion?
Red dead opinion?
Is that the one where Hogan was booed out of the building?
Daniel Bryan currently growing his hair out for hair vs mask matches in Mexico
What's wrong with you?Red Dead needs to be a multiplayer story
Probably done with New Japan if Okada beats Naito.
Red dead opinion?
Red Dead Redemption 2 looks fine and all, but I loved the first so much that I'm not sure it can meet expectations. Don't give a flying shit about GTA-style multiplayer, or multiplayer in general for that matter, I just want the single player to grab me like the last one did.
Even if Okada is considered the one true ace you have to have him lose to Naito. It's a matter of having big draw matchups down the line against Omega and Naito as opposed to just Omega. Besides there's not much of a point in dragging out his historic run unless there's some other landmark I'm not aware of.
NJPW revolves around Okada but even considering that, it's time to give him an "underdog" run. It's best for everyone involved.
Red Dead 2 needs another Undead Nightmare type gimmick. Done better this time tho.
What's wrong with you?
RDR1's multiplayer was really good, though. Played a lot of poker.
RDR1's multiplayer was really good, though. Played a lot of poker.
I don't mean like Destiny. I mean actual story were you can be part of the gang.
I don't play multiplayer because I'm my favorite person.
I don't play multiplayer because I'm my favorite person.
Oh boy.
Like Divinity Original Sin/2?
That would be cool.
I don't play multiplayer because I'm my favorite person.
My bI don't mean like Destiny. I mean actual story were you can be part of the gang.
LoserI don't play multiplayer because I'm my favorite person.
Seph what's the longest winning streak in GWF history? I'm gonna break it
RDR1's multiplayer was really good, though. Played a lot of poker.
and this is why the Huggers of Destruction failed
As shown on last nights GWF show
Also I really don't think they're going to lean into the multiplayer nearly as much as people are fearing. GTA5 is still printing money for them, and the setting of Red Dead just doesn't allow as much monetization as the modern day GTA does. It'll be there, but it won't be this all encompassing thing that gets all of their attention and detracts from the single player experience.
That's true. There's not going to be apartments for sale in RDR that's for sure. Also I can't think of a RDR equivalent of shark cards.... like bonds?
Seph what's the longest winning streak in GWF history? I'm gonna break it
It's really really good but my problem is the execution. It kills me how shit the matchmaking and loading is. I hope red dead kills all the screens for a more seamless experience.I don't get how GTA Online took off as much as it did. I don't even find it as fun to play as single player GTA
I miss Ultra Street Fighter IV
It's still here.I miss Ultra Street Fighter IV
I miss when there was a good population of players online for Ultra Street Fighter IV
Here you goI miss when there was a good population of players online for Ultra Street Fighter IV
That sounds pretty damn easy
Who are you?
Yup. Or maybe making it a free PS+ title can revive it for a bit.Needs cross-platform play now, that'd save it
Here you go
Those belts don't mean a thing, they need to be elevated by someone prestigious first, someome like meThe guy who is now champ again