You mean the same year Jeff Hardy won the WWE Championship and CM Punk was a Money in the Bank winner?
I remember this so well. What a disaster.
I remember this so well. What a disaster.
I remember this so well. What a disaster.
Yes, because neither Jeff Hardy or CM Punk was considered a "fat guy". And also there's context to consider.
Jeff got pushed because he was super over. He sold so much merch that literally could not justify not pushing him. And even then it took a while before they went all the way.
Punk was pushed in spite of Vince not really buying in on him. His whole first world title reign was literally everyone in the company saying "lol what a joke of a champion".
Wow even 1-800-COLLECT couldn't take WCW 2000. WCW has to resort to the less than great 10-10-220.
Does anyone get the reference or do they just think you're having an episodeFun fact when I'm at wrestling shows and people chant 10 I chant two twenty after every second 10.
The Atlanta Falcons blew a 28-3 lead in the super bowl
Other highlights from Starrcade 1999:
He didn't earn it?In 2017 people still think Daniel Bryan main-evented Mania because "he earned it" and not because CM Punk quit?
In 2017 people still think Daniel Bryan main-evented Mania because "he earned it" and not because CM Punk quit?
In 2017 people still think Daniel Bryan main-evented Mania because "he earned it" and not because CM Punk quit?
CM Punk wasn't going to main event WM30 though
Didn't some prominent WWE executive call him skinny fat though?
Neither was Bryan. If CM Punk never left, the WM30 card would have been:CM Punk wasn't going to main event WM30 though
In 2017 people still think Daniel Bryan main-evented Mania because "he earned it" and not because CM Punk quit?
you know, austin only became the guy because hhh did his curtain call bullshit, shawn had a career ending injury and bret left
it's like poetry. it rhymes.
I think CM Punk quitting more or less just ignited a fire under HHH's ass, which is why the end result there was HHH putting on arguably his best match ever. The big fan push / shitting on Orton/Batista stuff that catapulted Bryan into the main event was already happening before Punk walked.
Trips needs to get Vince to retire. Who would have thought Trips is one of the best things about WWE!!!
I think the prospect of Triple H and Steph is definitely a 'be careful what you wish for' situation.
Does anyone get the reference or do they just think you're having an episode
I'm digging Zach's new "Strobogif" gimmick.
I think the prospect of Triple H and Steph is definitely a 'be careful what you wish for' situation.
UK people: Is Powerade a thing over here anymore? I'm currently ntly losing his very fluid I've ever had in my life due to a stomach bug, and I'd prefer to get that over Coconut Water. Asked someone to bring a couple born bit goes back and they said they couldn't find any and Amazon Prime has the blue stuff for regular price, but the berry one for £10 a bottle.
Then again, I have such a fever that none of this could have happened other than browsing Amazon.