That whole Cena-Roman promo that got a lot a buzz seemed pointless if you think about.
are you just always trying to pop off and failing at it horribly or is this a new thing for you?
With help of AJ, get Big E noticed
PETA is fucked up period. There are far better ways to advocate for animal rights.
it's not too late
I don't even consider PETA an animal rights group considering they kill most of the animals they take in
I don't care if she's still "green" bring her over Hunter
You can take your dogpiling on hatred for other posters to PM if that makes you happy, but I'm not interested in having a discussion topic about it in here, do you understand?Can vouch for him doing it often
You can take your dogpiling on hatred for other posters to PM if that makes you happy, but I'm not interested in having a discussion topic about it in here, do you understand?
it's not too late
Aight, I am going to watch AJPW consistently. It is time. Should I just start at the Summer Exposition show and be good to go?
Ya'll need to not argue about stupid shit like Dolph Ziggler sleeping with an overrated comedian who steals jokes
Ya'll need to not argue about stupid shit like Dolph Ziggler sleeping with an overrated comedian who steals jokes
Believe it or not I don't think every Japanese wrestler wants to come to the States.
Aight, I am going to watch AJPW consistently. It is time. Should I just start at the Summer Exposition show and be good to go?
Start with the show in May with Kento vs Ishikawa
Since you've still got a couple weeks before the next AJPW show becomes available, I would advise watching the main event run of Ishikawa starting on 5/21, then watch his defenses and Miyhara's matches that led to their rematch at Summer Explosion. So basically Ishikawa/Miyahara from May then Ishikawa/Jake Lee and Miyahara/Suwama on 6/11 and Ishikawa/Suwama and Miyahara/Doering on 7/17.
Extra bonus points if you watch the tag title matches on those cards.
But if you only have time for one, Summer Explosion should be good start even if it was uneven(main and tag title delivered big time).
That *anything wwe has done in the last 10 years* that got a lot a buzz seemed pointless if you think about.
Ya'll need to not argue about stupid shit like Dolph Ziggler sleeping with an overrated comedian who steals jokes
Data, what is it about Kimura that makes you enjoy her so much? Like I think she's pretty good, but you seem really high on her.
Hold me back...
Not really wrong outside of the pipe bomb and Bryan's push.
Bryan's story ultimately changing nothing feels like a really intentional Vince McMahon decision to me. This is the same Vince that decided to have the most audience killing energy sucking loss in history two matches before one of the biggest face wins ever.
She's at home in the ring and in front of an audience in a way that no rookie has been. She seems as confident in front of 10 people as she does in front of a 100. Her mom is super talented.
and she's hot
Bryan's story ultimately changing nothing feels like a really intentional Vince McMahon decision to me. This is the same Vince that decided to have the most audience killing energy sucking loss in history two matches before one of the biggest face wins ever.
I still maintain that Taker's streak ending was Vince trying to kill Bryan's moment
The thing is though that Bryan's story did change stuff to some degree backstage. Meltzer has mentioned a few times that Bryan proving he could get over to the level he did gave Vince more of a belief of guys of that size. Like do you really think we would have seen guys like AJ and Owens be pushed to the level they have even as recently as 5 years ago? When Bryan came in he was treated like a joke. When AJ came in, with a similar level of talent and similar background, he was treated like a star. Especially relative to Bryan.
Santino Marella: Where Are They Now?
I don't think I have ever heard Santino talk in his real voice until now.
He believed in Bryan and people of his size so much that the main event of Wrestlemania the following year was Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar![]()
WWE selling a late WCW era Randy Savage figure.
Just because he's not pushing them as the top of the top doesn't mean that he doesn't think more of them now than he did a decade ago.
Kevin Owens would have been lucky to be a job guy in 2008.
That will put butts in the seats.RBH!
He believed in Bryan and people of his size so much that the main event of Wrestlemania the following year was Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar![]()
This is conveniently leaving out how Bryan nearly crippled himself in the following months due to his carny obsession with wrestling. That's not on Vince at all.He believed in Bryan and people of his size so much that the main event of Wrestlemania the following year was Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar![]()
Ya'll need to not argue about stupid shit like Dolph Ziggler sleeping with an overrated comedian who steals jokes