I've never had an employee talk over me, and get probably asked a maximum of two questions per visit. Somehow, this doesn't ruin my entire day, shocking I know.
This is why when I worked at Toys R Us I pretty much stop asking guests on the retail floor if they'd like a Rewards card they can use when they check out to sign up for the program. Because shit like this just indicates how butthurt some people can get that I took A FEW SECONDS out of their SUPER DUPER IMPORTANT day. I'm just asking if they'd like a little card and yet some people act like instead I asked if I could take them out back and beat them with a baseball bat. Like geezus christ, people who actually work here are stuck inside this building for HOURS, heaven forbid your precious little ass have to stay in here an extra 5-20 seconds.
Also, of course they're going to at least ask if you pre-ordered the game first. Those copies are for the people who actually put a pre-order down, they can't just start handing them in to every dumbass rando who walks in and thinks there's some guarantee they'll have enough copies for every conceivable buyer. Granted, the latter is likely to be believed by a few dumbasses out there, one guy coming into my Toys R Us years ago was getting some Hot Wheels and wanted the free car that you got if you bought enough Hot Wheels. Mind you this was Saturday, the last day of the weekly offer of this free car. I check our stock and we're out. Dude wasn't having it though and said word for word, "that's unacceptable. You should all carry enough to ensure anyone who buys enough Hot Wheels gets one." I had to show all the restraint in the world in not saying out loud, "you're right, sir, Hot Wheels should make SEVEN BILLION of these stupid little cars just so some entitled asshole who couldn't even bother to show up until the final day of the offer gets his little toy."