well, if they keep launching games unoptimized they wont sell and then makes no difference if they are making them fast or not, not all games can sell like monster hunt, just look at the ronin who was bad on the ps5 and is even worse on pc, it could have far more people than whats having right now if the games was optimzedThere is a good reason why modern devs cant do this level of optimizations:
- Games have become much much larger, the amout of developers, content and assets needed for a modern game is like 100x larger than back then.
TI wants highly optimized games, and calls developers incompetent, but lacks any sort of understanding of what modern dev reality is.
- Asset quality and complexity is much higher, manual optimization has become simple impossible.
How do you optimize Quixel assets with tens of millions of polygons? Do it by hand?
How do you optimize an openworld map with hundreds of thousands of lights? Do it by hand?
TI basically suggests using a knive to open a can - as its cleaner than using a can opener machine that makes rougher edges.
Sure, this works when you have 1000 cans to open, it might work fine, but when you have 1 million cans to open, the knive solution is simply impractical!
The result would be even longer dev cycles.
- Making a modern game the "old way" with baked lighting is pretty much impossible from a productivity standpoint as it takes way too long.
Any oldschool dev can tell you that baked lighting drives you insane, as whenever you move a light or an asset, you have to redo it.
Not a big problem when your game is only made out of small rooms, but on the larger scale like openworld games, this creates so much downtime that it becomes unproductive.
- Modern tech is way better than the old tech.
TI might hate Unreal, but thats because he doesnt understand how modern games are made, nor understands the tech behind it.
Nanite and MegaLights work well when used correctly in scenarios they were made for. His examples are bad examples.
Raytraycing is also used for much more than just pretty graphics, it´s also used for Audio, AI, Culling etc.
- Developers arent getting paid to optimize, they get paid to produce content.
TI doesnt seem to understand that it isnt developers that call the shots, its the publishers.
A developer executes what the publisher demands them to do. They have the money, they pay you! As a dev you do what they say - end of story!
His angry rants against devs wont change that, unless he is the one ponying up the cash!
TLDR version:
TI offers seemingly simple solutions that fall apart pretty fast once you look at it in detail and are completely impractical on the large scale.
and the problem is not just the publishers, here we have a indie, 2.5D stilyshed, self published game, have a hard time running, and its not even unreal, nothlight or RE Engine, its Unity
its literally happening all over the industry, with or whitout publisher and doesn't even matter what engine they're using