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Should I get Breakdown and Full Spectrum Warrior?

I just saw them for pretty good prices, and they we don't get as much good deals in Canada as you go in the US.:
20$ +tax CDN for Breakdown (makes 15$ US), and 40$ + tax CDN for Full Spectrum Warrior (about 30$ US).

Are these games worth it?

I already have an big backlog of games to play, so I dont know.

(I just swipped Klonoa 2 for 7$ US and Chronicles of Riddick for 23$ US, good stuff)


works for Gamestop (lol)
Full Spectrum Warrior is great but kinda short

Breakdown, I dont know. I know there's a lot of hate for that game on this forum


Breakdown is a REALLY hit and miss game, if it hits with you, well prepare for a really unique experience, and if it misses... it misses with you it misses VERY VERY badly. Personally, it really stayed with me, hell I *still* think about that game, just different moments and stuff in it and I beat it like 3 months ago.

Never played FSW.
Breakdown gets some points for originality. If you lower your expectations and think of it as an action game instead of an FPS then you might like it.


Never got around to Breakdown, but Full Spectrum Warrior is very cool. I went into it expecting not to like it and it surprised the hell out of me.


I think the gameplay in FSW is average, very little changes from what you learn in training and it feels like work getting through the levels, even though I would say the game is pretty easy.

FSW is just a rental because its so short and little replay value.
Breakdown is a game I've got to say is really fucking flawed, but will keep you playing until the end. I've basically heard the same from everyone who's played it.


you'll enjoy breakdown until the last 10 minutes. then you'll sell it and make half your money back.


keep your strippers out of my American football
FSW is way too f'n short to recommend other than a rental. I haven't played Breakdown, so I can't say.
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