Not sure how well it works but..MarkMclovin said:Man, I would kill for MIUI for the GS2.
Not sure how well it works but..MarkMclovin said:Man, I would kill for MIUI for the GS2.
I'm using the "XDeep" theme. I've tried a bunch of different ones, and just keep coming back to it. Very simple, and looks nice with a lot of my layouts....kiryogi said:Which slider are you using for your WidgetLocker?
which is this google music widget?Circle T said:Google Music Beta
ty_hot said:which is this google music widget?
the default one looks like the one from the default Android music player =/
ty_hot said:which is this google music widget?
the default one looks like the one from the default Android music player =/
That is correct. Same app as stock, just with the widget made transparent.rubbishmonkey said:I'm taking a guess here.. but it could be the modified transparent one from here?
lobdale said:Thanks for all the tips guys, taken a lot of inspiration from here on my new HTC Desire HD (well, new to me, anyway).
Running Launcher Pro, five screens, with the Froyo dock slider at the bottom. Upper area is Simi Weather and clock, middle is Circle Battery, and the bottom is the Ubermusic player widget, I have it skinned with the Metro look. On the bottom is the app tray, gmail, dialer, softbank mail, and a Simi Folder with games in it. Page left for some other frequent icons, page right for Simple Calendar. Background is from HTC Sense.
lobdale said:Not rooted, it's actually a feature built into Launcher Pro's settings. You can have it hide. Basically I have it so if I am on any screen other than the main home screen, pressing the home button will take me to the home screen, and if I press home while I am ON the home screen, the notification bar drops down. It's pretty slick!
Yeah I was pretty skeptical since I liked the look of HTC Sense that was default, but this Launcher Pro is awfully cool. It's I think about four bucks for the full version, but that one lets you resize widgets by just dragging, so you can really customize stuff. I also could increase the "columns" to five so I could have widgets three-wide centered nicely or two on one side and two on the other with some nice symmetrical padding in the middle.Chorazin said:Oooooh, that sounds awesome. Gonna have to check that Launcher out ASAP!
You can do a ton of stuff with it.Chorazin said:Oooooh, that sounds awesome. Gonna have to check that Launcher out ASAP!
Circle T said:A simple swipe down will show or hide the Status Bar, and a swipe up will show or hide the Dockbar.
Yea, it works quite well. I found it by accident flicking through screens once, but have been in love with the use ever since. The Dockbar is also scrollable too, btw. You can load it up with more than the 6 apps it shows, and then you just flick it side to side to scroll between "pages" of docked apps.lobdale said:That's pretty dope. It would be nice if Launcher Pro incorporated something like that.
Stryder said:
So, in the "Background Color" section, when you set all the sliders to 0, it still shows? That is odd, I've never had it do that. All I can suggest is make sure you hit "OK" and then "Save" after making adjustments. I often would hit Back, and not actually save my adjustments.Chorazin said:How are you guys making the background of Simi Clock transparent? I still have a black bar behind it no matter what I do to the alpha setting.
Circle T said:I use ADW Launcher, which can also hide the Status Bar, along with other things. It is quite awesome what all the various launchers let you do.
I have mine setup a little different than lobdale though. I have a couple gestures setup to show and hide the Status Bar at the top, as well as ADW's "Dockbar" at the bottom. A simple swipe down will show or hide the Status Bar, and a swipe up will show or hide the Dockbar. The hidden Dockbar works well for me, as I like to keep things minimal with no normal dock, just the single App Drawer icon. Same with hiding the Status Bar; keep it clean.
These pics are from an older layout, but you can see both here....
Circle T said:So, in the "Background Color" section, when you set all the sliders to 0, it still shows? That is odd, I've never had it do that. All I can suggest is make sure you hit "OK" and then "Save" after making adjustments. I often would hit Back, and not actually save my adjustments.
That is the "Hidden Dockbar" from ADW Launcher. It is a secondary dock that you can enable. {ADW Settings --> UI Settings --> Hidden Dockbar}HammerOfThor said:What did you do to get the dock to look like that?
lobdale said:Not rooted, it's actually a feature built into Launcher Pro's settings. You can have it hide. Basically I have it so if I am on any screen other than the main home screen, pressing the home button will take me to the home screen, and if I press home while I am ON the home screen, the notification bar drops down. It's pretty slick!
How do you make the player transparent?Circle T said:Google Music Beta
Post #1207 has your answer.SpeedingUptoStop said:How do you make the player transparent?
Also, this thread has driven me nuts customizing my phone. Launcher Pro alone made go through hours of customizations.
I think so. The ability to use widgets is great, not to mention there are TONS of themes for different unlock sliders. It was well worth the price for me.GK86 said:^I know the feeling all too well. Is the widgetlocket worth it?
Unlock straight to calling, or the camera. Music and wifi controls, weather and calendar on the unlock screen. Yeah, it's worth itGK86 said:^I know the feeling all too well. Is the widgetlocket worth it?
If I start messing around with LauncherPro, it's usually a 4th rabbit hole of tinkering. I love it.SpeedingUptoStop said:How do you make the player transparent?
Also, this thread has driven me nuts customizing my phone. Launcher Pro alone made go through hours of customizations.
This is actually one of the things that puts me off of Android (have an iPhone at the moment, weighing up whether to get a new iPhone or Galaxy II when I renew in a couple of months) - once I start with this kind of thing I can't stop!lawblob said:If I start messing around with LauncherPro, it's usually a 4th rabbit hole of tinkering. I love it.
Number45 said:This is actually one of the things that puts me off of Android (have an iPhone at the moment, weighing up whether to get a new iPhone or Galaxy II when I renew in a couple of months) - once I start with this kind of thing I can't stop!
bolbronx said:Just rockin one screen atm
Main + lockscreen:
thespot84 said:is that background with the album covers dynamic like windows media center, or just a static image?
DigitalSoul said:![]()
I going to try and not make it a habit to change my setup too often, but with android being customizable, I always find myself tinkering with and changing stuff lol.
Looks like LauncherPro and a few widgets. I believe one is Simiclock.SUPREME1 said:Man that's sexy.
What did you use to accomplish that?
I hope you're not going to say your phone is rooted. : (
SUPREME1 said:Man that's sexy.
What did you use to accomplish that?
I hope you're not going to say your phone is rooted. : (
thespot84 said:is that background with the album covers dynamic like windows media center, or just a static image?
bolbronx said:It's a live wallpaper that comes with the ubermusic player.
The covers flip depending on your settings.
Settings also include coversize & dimming
Tempted to buy that, but $5?!mik said:Soooooo, I'm trying to design my own set of dock icons for Launcher Pro and no matter what size I create them, they get shrunk down to microscopic proportions. Any idea what I might be doing wrong or how to correct it?
Also, this seems like a nice alternative to rooting your phone to get screenshots, even though it requires you to jump through some hoops:
I might try it if I can figure out how to download the developer USB drivers for my Atrix.