Idle Will Kill said:
Opti, be sure to report back with your experience.
Okay. Look. Do them. Seriously. That's my report.
So, I was in some club with some friends at 3 in the morning, feeling pretty jaded because I hadn't been able to get in for a while, while everyone else did (I'm almost 18...). But anyway, a friend and I sussed a way to get me in. So yeah, I was feeling a bit shit. So. I felt the need to save the night and make it a memorable one. I had the shrooms on me. My dilemma though, was this; it was fucking 3 in the morning, I'd never done shrooms, so I did not know what to expect, and I was in an unfamiliar environment. So I just took one cap. Then, 15 minutes later, I just went fuck it, if I'm going to do it I'm not going to fucking do it half arsed; so i took another.
We then caught a cab home, and the drug started to take a hold of me on the way. Something wasn't quite right, but at the same time it wasn't "wrong" enough for me to cross out the possibility that maybe the whole thing was just a placebo effect. But when I got out of that cab...fuck! I was just bulldozed by it. I stood outside my house for a while, mesmerised by uh, the ground, and then the trees, which seemed to be forming some sort of bridge or arch over the road. And everything seemed...3d, that might sound ridiculous but, it was like everything had more depth, everything was more...real. So, I then got to thinking - shit, I can't just trip by myself, that'd be...well it'd still be cool but at the same time pretty fucking lame. I ring one of the friend's I caught the taxi with, and asked him what he thought of taking shrooms at 3.30am in the morning. Needless to say he was down. I grabbed my bike, and rode over to his joint (this was one crazy bike ride...the shrooms also gave me this incredible sense of well being and empathy with freaking everything. Everything was beautiful and utterly fascinating).
While I was waiting for him to come out I started looking at the grass, and after a while it started swirling and pulsing, like it had suddenly come alive (well err, more so heh). I gave him two caps and had another myself, and after standing out there for a while, we headed off. Now this was one great walk, we wnt around the neighbourhood, while the day unfolded before us. It was so surreal (yeah I hate the word too but), the night slowly dissipated before our eyes. There was one point, where we were standing in the middle of the road, and looking one way, it was still pitch black, in the direction of the slowly rising sun, the sky was turning this beautiful pale blue colour. It was amazing.
And I also noticed something else. Stare at any one thing (any natural thing actually, staring at a car doesn't do shit), and some weird visual shit will start happening. I stood spellbound by this tree, which seemingly started growing in different ways before my eyes. We kept walking, and as it got lighter I thought it'd be an ace idea to look at the clouds. Woah, woah, fucking woah. The centers of the clouds, the slightly darker parts, remained solid, but the surrounding, whispy part of the clouds started swirling around in fucking unison. They started taking on the patterns of like a fucking regiment of soliders marching (they didn't look like soldiers or anything like that, they were just synchronised in movement, and all took on the same vague shape). My friend saw the same thing too.
But yeah, we kept going, and came to this half built house. For some reason I was really fascinated by this, and the smell of sawdust was great. And after a while we arrived at where we'd left off. We'd gone in a circular motion back to his house. It was night when we left and day when we arrived back. I had a coffee there, and then took the scenic bike ride home...on the way I saw another house in the process of being built and had the urge to walk around that too. So I did. Then I rode home as this awesome day (it's one fucking nice day today!!!) came to fruition. I got home at around 8am, and realised that I needed to hear some music. I wanted something fairly tripped out, but not pretentiously so (ie: Floyd), so I cranked some Hendrix (Electric Ladyland). Can't go wrong with Hendrix. And wow, it was a new experience listening to that cd in my state. Fin.
Oh, and a few things - at no point did I feel nauseous, or that the trip could in any way turn pear shaped. I was never overwhelmed* by it, and I had a fucking great time. I also, I found that my thinking wasn't really compromised, it was certainly different, less impeded, conversation seemed to flow more easily, but it didn't make me stupid as bud does...and I was filled with goodwill towards everything.
Kurashima said:
Basically, taking shrooms frees your ego
Yeah, I got a sense of this, but it didn't quite happen, at least not completely. I probably didn't take enough...I felt like it was on the verge of going but unfortunately it never quite did. I'll take more next time and see how it goes.
*stare at one thing for too long and it might feel like a bit much, but you can just look away and everything's cool again