Aha, shrooms facilitates more conversation than bud (assuming you don't take heeeaps), and it's higher brow. When you're on shrooms (from my own experience, something you lack ), you don't become stupid like you do on bud. Sure, the severity of this temporary loss of intelligence varies on the type of weed, but chances are conversation will be considerably dumbed down. Shrooms changes your thinking patterns, but it does not impede your ability to express yourself.
It sounds like your cousin just took a huge dose, or perhaps he's normally a bit of a nutter? As for shrooms being risky...uh, what? Providing you get shrooms off someone you trust, they're probably just as safe as weed.
And what "other things" does bud facilitate? I mean shit, half the time it doesn't even facilitate conversation, people just completely zone out, especially with hydro. Seriously, you should not be giving advice about something you haven't tried for yourself. It's pretty clear that a. you haven't done them, and b. you haven't read about them in depth.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not campaigning against weed, just your ignorant comparison between it and 'shrooms.