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Shuri seen in a classic gaming buying rampage! News at 11


notes: ignore the shitty formatting, its a quick copy paste job. The games were selected accordingly to their oddness factors. Sucky unplayable NES titles were favored, because I have this fetish for sucky unplayable nes games that terrorised my chilhood rental experience.

I Know some games are bit more expensive, but i'll rather pay more to be able to drive and crack the skull of the guy behind the site if anything is wrong rather than buying from some guy across the planet on ebay.

and in case you are wondering: usagé = used, sans boite = no box ;)

I should receive this in 2-3 days

Doom 32X Usagé (Sans boîte) $9.99 CAD
Final Fight CD Usagé $9.99 CAD $9.99 CAD
Lightning Force (Thunder Force 4) Usagé (Sans boîte) $7.99 CAD
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Hyper Stone Heist Usagé $9.99 CA
Virtua Fighter 2 Usagé (Sans boîte) $9.99 CAD
Virtua Racing 32X Usagé $9.99 CAD

Baseball Usagé (Sans boîte) $1.99 CAD
Bible Adventures Usagé (Sans boîte) $14.99 CAD
Blaster Master Usagé (Sans boîte) $9.99 CAD
Captain Skyhawk Usagé $4.99 CAD
Castlevania 3 Dracula's Curse Usagé $14.99 CAD
Clash at Demonhead Usagé (Sans boîte) $9.99 CAD
Jaws Usagé $4.99 CAD
Journey to Silius Usagé (Sans boîte) $2.99 CAD
Metal Fighter Usagé (Sans boîte) $9.99 CAD
Metal Storm Usagé (Sans boîte) $9.99 CAD
Ninja Kid Usagé (Sans boîte) $4.99 CAD
Quattro Sports 4 Usagé (Sans boîte) $4.99 CAD
Renegade Usagé (Sans boîte) $4.99 CAD
River City Ransom Usagé (Sans boîte) $14.99 CAD
Silent Service Usagé (Sans boîte) $1.99 CAD
Strider Usagé $9.99 CAD
The Three Stooges Usagé (Sans boîte) $4.99 CAD
Total Recall Usagé (Sans boîte) $1.99 CAD
Wrath Of The Black Manta Usagé (Sans boîte) $4.99 CAD

total: 196$CAN, or 148$US


was going to say you had too many NES games :)b) but then I noticed Metal Storm
You have some good game there (like Virtua Racing and Rity Ransom). Plus there's Metal Storm which I always wanted to get, but never did (had an awesome cover for the time).

But don't even think about playing Total Recall. In fact, don't even turn it on, you might kill th elife of your NES by a few good months.
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