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Silent Hill Downpour |OT| Rain, Rain, Go Away

Wait Ok, I haven't been on this forum very long, but there seems to be some contention that Silent Hill 3. Probably one of the worst video games made, much less one of the worst Silent Hills from The Team Silent Golden age is considered to be better than Silent Hill 4?



Well, I gotta say that the game looks and sounds OK and seemed to have turned out better than I had expected. But, it doesn't look very scary or even atmospheric. I mean, it looks like a decent game, but it doesn't look like a good horror game.


Wait Ok, I haven't been on this forum very long, but there seems to be some contention that Silent Hill 3. Probably one of the worst video games made, much less one of the worst Silent Hills from The Team Silent Golden age is considered to be better than Silent Hill 4?


I guess you haven't been on the internet for very long, since SH3 is often considered to be one of the best games in the series, no matter where you go.
Wait Ok, I haven't been on this forum very long, but there seems to be some contention that Silent Hill 3. Probably one of the worst video games made, much less one of the worst Silent Hills from The Team Silent Golden age is considered to be better than Silent Hill 4?


Silent Hill 3 anally evacuates on most horror games I've played. The atmosphere is amazing and it has some of the greatest setpieces in a horror game.

So... yes. We're serious.
Wait Ok, I haven't been on this forum very long, but there seems to be some contention that Silent Hill 3. Probably one of the worst video games made, much less one of the worst Silent Hills from The Team Silent Golden age is considered to be better than Silent Hill 4?



Sorry, my brain just melted and fell out of my ears.



Guys, the game looks pretty good. The music is actually working and even the fucking Korn song is nice imo.
Seriously, how does this not look like a solid horror title to you?

Silent hill fans are the fucking worst. You're making the Zelda fanbase look like a reasonable bunch.
To be fair, all popular game series have fans like this. I like it though because it allows for fans to have specific entries that might be their favorite. For me, 4 is the weakest entry in the series but none of the game have been downright terrible.
To be honest, gameplay-wise, the series isn't very good.

Know what happens when you give a horror game what people would consider "good gameplay?" You get Resident Evil 5. I will keep my shitty gameplay as long as it means that I can have a great, atmospheric experience.

I mean, I'm not contesting you, you're absolutely right. The gameplay isn't really that good in any of them. But I'd wager that most people who like the series don't really care. :p


To be honest, gameplay-wise, the series isn't very good.

I don't think you can be a Silent Hill fan without begrudgingly accepting the fact that you're not getting much in the gameplay department.

I think Drinky Crow described SH2 once as a "museum game," and I think I like that term.


Wait Ok, I haven't been on this forum very long, but there seems to be some contention that Silent Hill 3. Probably one of the worst video games made, much less one of the worst Silent Hills from The Team Silent Golden age is considered to be better than Silent Hill 4?


you're asking US if we're serious? ohhhk


Know what happens when you give a horror game what people would consider "good gameplay?" You get Resident Evil 5. I will keep my shitty gameplay as long as it means that I can have a great, atmospheric experience.

Or Amnesia: The Dark Descent!

The Siren games have some decent gameplay too, outside of the clunky controls at times. Oh, and Fatal Frame!

I think Drinky Crow described SH2 once as a "museum game," and I think I like that term.
That is how I approach a Silent Hill game. Set difficulty to Easy, enjoy exploring the place and looking at the freaky pictures.
Silent Hill 3 anally evacuates on most horror games I've played. The atmosphere is amazing and it has some of the greatest setpieces in a horror game.

So... yes. We're serious.

I mean I loved the graphics and absolutely adored the OsT in SH3. To me it has the best OsT in the series history followed by SH2, but as a game, it was inept, structurally weak and sanitised from a gameplay stand-point. SH3 was probably the "safest" game Team Silent made, it was almost insulting in its framework.
Or Amnesia: The Dark Descent!

Sure, but it's also a first person title that plays much differently than SH or RE.

Though I have to say I would be totally down with a first person SH game with the sensibilities of Amnesia. I think it's actually easier to pull off atmosphere and scares when you're in first person.

The Siren games have some decent gameplay too, outside of the clunky controls at times. Oh, and Fatal Frame!

Didn't like Siren's gameplay at all, and again, like with Amnesia, Fatal Frame is too different to draw comparisons.

Like I said, I'm not contesting you. I'm just speaking within the realm of similar, third person horror titles.


Didn't like Siren's gameplay at all, and again, like with Amnesia, Fatal Frame is too different to draw comparisons.
I think Siren has the right idea by focusing on stealth gameplay. Problem is that it still has some bad controls, occasional horrible "combat" and, for the PS2 game at least, you need to backtrack and redo levels a lot.

I think Haunting Ground and the first Clock Tower had some good gameplay too. No combat, focus on exploration and hiding, competent controls.

Anyway, my point is that survival-horror and good gameplay aren't mutually exclusive.
I think Siren has the right idea by focusing on stealth gameplay. Problem is that it still has some bad controls, occasional horrible "combat" and, for the PS2 game at least, you need to backtrack and redo levels a lot.

Yeah. I thought Siren was okay but I didn't really like playing it. I think the "museum" terminology above is great. They're not really meant to be games that play well, just... adequately for what the developers are trying to do.

Anyway, my point is that survival-horror and good gameplay aren't mutually exclusive.

They shouldn't have to be mutually exclusive. I do agree that if they're going to just create interactive experiences that they shouldn't throw half-assed gameplay elements into them.

This is why I'd be fine with a first person Silent Hill. Stop pretending like it's going to have good combat (Team Silent's games didn't, Homecoming tried but failed, and Downpour apparently doesn't) and just create an experience that plays well, like Clock Tower or Fatal Frame.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Wait Ok, I haven't been on this forum very long, but there seems to be some contention that Silent Hill 3. Probably one of the worst video games made, much less one of the worst Silent Hills from The Team Silent Golden age is considered to be better than Silent Hill 4?


Silent Hill 3 isn't as good as the first two, but yeah, it's much, much better than SH4. SH4 was, to be frank, not very good at all (unkillable ghosts, shitty escort mission, breakable weapons, limited inventory and backtracking out the ass), even if I got some fun out of it.
The escort parts weren't that enthralling I'm sure;

But what was wrong with the limited inventory system? It was set up for a reason so that you could travel back to the Room, and every time you did, you checked around to see if anything had changed, or any new events would occur.

I mean SH fans are usually rewarded with laziness by having the protagonist having a black-hole for a pocket, but you didn't NEED to carry everything. You didn't NEED tons of healing items in the first half because The Room healed you.

You would only carry 1 or 2 health items incase things hairy, an unbreakable Melee weapon, maybe a medallion and whatever quest items you needed. You didn't NEED to walk around with Candles until Eileen entered the game. You usually kept them in the item chest to exorcise the Room from gradual possession.

The Ghosts were annoying for sure, especially if you had no Medallions, but when you got the Swords you could put 4 of the 6 down permanently.

As for Guns, we already know you banked Guns and Ammo for late game.

I guess its how fast you grasped the systems in place in SH4 that made you enjoyed them it and must have come as a culture shock to SH fans to actually having game mechanics implemented into the system for the first time in God knows how long.

To me it stands as the 2nd best SH right after SH2. If SH4 had a tighter structure to cut back on the revisiting and a story on par with SH2 it would indeed by the best "game" in the series.
But shouldn't you/we be talking about that on the HD Collection thread if anything?

PS: To me SH2 is the best by far, SH4 is the worst by far, at least SM I could finish :p SH3 has some genius stuff, even if the plot of the game itself is... barely there.

Guys, the game looks pretty good. The music is actually working and even the fucking Korn song is nice imo.
Seriously, how does this not look like a solid horror title to you?

Silent hill fans are the fucking worst. You're making the Zelda fanbase look like a reasonable bunch.

Because everything since the beginning has been somewhat lackluster to awful (we are not holding handPRESS A TO OPEN THE DOORs, Korn song etc.) but Dusk Golems impressions seem that there might be some hope left for me.

And PrinceOfApathys hyperbole was mindblowingly bad. Oh wow.


I don't think anyone has touted this as being Silent Hill's saving grace. I honestly don't think the series is quite as bad off as a lot of people let on. The first four are great, Origins is okay, Homecoming left a lot to be desired but wasn't one of the worst horror games I've ever played, and Shattered Memories was so different and not-Silent Hill but with its own charms that a lot of people seemed to like.

Yet some people act like it's fucking Sonic or some shit. Sure it's obvious the series hasn't been what it used to be, but the people who conceived it and made it what it was are no longer working on the franchise, thus I do not expect Silent Hill games anymore to reach those heights. However it's one of the few horror installments that I actually still look forward to installments from. Resident Evil is now almost purely action, Dead Space is pretty good but again mostly action, Amnesia is pretty good, and...?

I agree with this. I honestly never saw the problem with the Silent Hill games. There hasnt been a bad one outside the lame handheld storybook shit. SH1 is amazing, SH 2 is amazing, SH 3 is great, SH 4 is okay (i appreciated how different it was) SH Origins was okay, SH Shattered Memories was impressive but not as a SH game. It was barely a SH game. Homecoming i thought was okay-good.

So really nothing stands out as the shit everyone seems to think it is.
The majority of SH fans lap up whatever shit Konami puts out.

I hear this sentiment a lot and it reeks of misplaced elitism and a desire to presume that one is a "true" fan of something, as if such a thing could be evaluated, by virtue of being the most snobbish about it.

Sales for the series have gone progressively down since the second, so it's objectively false that everything Konami puts out is lapped up unwaveringly by the majority of any group. The fanbase, inasmuch as it can be quantified, is extremely critical of everything that doesn't come close to matching whatever their particular favorite is. I hear far more shit thrown at Double Helix and Climax than any of the first three games, so I don't see where the perception that anything post-SH4 has been widely embraced comes from.

I really get the sense that some people can't accept the idea of anybody but Team Silent working on the franchise to such an extent that they have to pre-emptively deride anyone who even tries a post-TS entry.


Wait Ok, I haven't been on this forum very long, but there seems to be some contention that Silent Hill 3. Probably one of the worst video games made, much less one of the worst Silent Hills from The Team Silent Golden age is considered to be better than Silent Hill 4?

This is totally a joke post. TOTALLY.


I'm not calling myself a true fan or any other such thing. I love SH dearly but the series is toxic now regardless of who is making them. I actually rank SH4 last so it isn't a Team Silent bias. I just don't believe in giving a game a pass because of the name on the box. The core fanbase that has stuck around has some tendencies to gloss over the series' faults for no good reason. Everyone is entitled to like whatever games they want. Saying you like SH4 or SM is one thing put calling them better games than SH1, SH2, or SH3 is just objectively wrong.

I want SH to be great again, I really do. New blood is potentially good because formula and tradition can be highly destructive to crafting anything in the horror genre. The attempts have been poor because Konami keeps picking the wrong people to be involved with the series and their treatment of the ip is just poor. I personally can't bring myself to be excited about it anymore.

I stand by my experiences with the SH fanbase. It was enough to turn me off of them and I don't interact with them anymore.

That's all I'm going to say on the subject. I'm more interested in talking about downpour than opening old wounds.

SH4 just riles me up and I tend to vent whenever it comes up.


SH4 is a great game, in par with the original trilogy, just different, arguably Shattered Memories too.
I agree with Homecoming being Silent Hill: The Movie: The Game, but it was good enough for my living SH fix. Enemy models were gorgeous!
That's all I'm going to say on the subject. I'm more interested in talking about downpour than opening old wounds.

My concern from what I have read about downpour is it seems to have a fleshed out story that ties up some loose ends. To me this is what is wrong with the modern silent hill games in comparison to SH2 and 3. Once shit starts to get explained it loses the special atmosphere.


Wait Ok, I haven't been on this forum very long, but there seems to be some contention that Silent Hill 3. Probably one of the worst video games made, much less one of the worst Silent Hills from The Team Silent Golden age is considered to be better than Silent Hill 4?


The room is the 2nd worst silent hill , behing homecoming.

I dont count shattered memories as its a remake or re-imagining , wtv, its not the same and origins was better than 4 or homecoming imo.

You sir , are the crazy one.

I tried 2x to finish 4 , i just couldnt do it , it SUCKS.
And this is coming from someone who LOVES the first 3 SH games to death.

Downpour looks decent , at least it shall be better than book of memories lol WTF is that thing
I'm a huge Silent Hill fan, and I cannot wait to buy this game when it releases. Excited to see what loose ends the intend on tying up in various stories.
I don't think anyone has touted this as being Silent Hill's saving grace. I honestly don't think the series is quite as bad off as a lot of people let on. The first four are great, Origins is okay, Homecoming left a lot to be desired but wasn't one of the worst horror games I've ever played, and Shattered Memories was so different and not-Silent Hill but with its own charms that a lot of people seemed to like.

Yet some people act like it's fucking Sonic or some shit. Sure it's obvious the series hasn't been what it used to be, but the people who conceived it and made it what it was are no longer working on the franchise, thus I do not expect Silent Hill games anymore to reach those heights. However it's one of the few horror installments that I actually still look forward to installments from. Resident Evil is now almost purely action, Dead Space is pretty good but again mostly action, Amnesia is pretty good, and...?

I agree that the game looks like utter shit in the media they've released. The screenshots are muddy and boring. But like with any other game especially in the horror genre, actually seeing it in motion and furthermore playing it are much different than looking at screens. Almost every shot from this game since it was announced has looked terrible, but yet almost every gameplay video I've seen proved to be much more promising, especially that recent 40 minute playthrough that showed off an extremely cool and inspired otherworld.

But no, I don't think anyone is holding on for this to be the "saving grace" of the franchise because since the original team left, they're never going to be what they used to be. But that doesn't mean that other people can't try their hand at it and release something that's at the very least a pretty good horror game. As far as I'm concerned, Silent Hill is worth a thousand trips if it has a story to tell.
there's a lot of stuff in this thread about what Silent Hill fans are and aren't... but I think so many over look how the series really splits it's fans. about all we can all agree on is that the first was a really good game. whatever someone puts as their favorite there's really very little consensus perhaps beyond 'the first three overall are better than the ones that came after overall'

it's rare for two people to put them in the same order of quality. you have what i call 'Silent Hill 2' fans who hold that game up as one of the highest examples of the artform and who slam everything in any sequel that arguably diminishes it.

like, never mind how awesome a character Pyramid Head was, he should never be reused because something in an art book said he was unique to James. we're a weird bunch who can't decide if Homecoming had the best combat in the series (though that's a low watermark) or if it had hands down the worst.

there's no consensus on what a Silent Hill game should be, and i'm glad i'm not in charge of making one.

i think it partly stems from SH2... which improved certain aspects of the original substantially, and screwed others things up substantially too. stepping back it's one of the things i find most interesting about the franchise.

this one will unlikely end up at the top of anyones lists... but since Silent Hill games have such widely divergent expectations, i'm sure we'll be slotting it into our favourite orders all over the place, which is, I guess, as it should be.

hell i don't even know what i want. i enjoyed 0rigins because it was Silent Hill by numbers, and i enjoyed Shattered Memories because it wasn't.

other than the first game, every Silent Hill has substantial weaknesses I think... but usually every Silent Hill game has some strength that for many over come those weaknesses. i've heard every sequel considered one of the best and seen those opinions backed up by things that make sense.
i think it partly stems from SH2... which improved certain aspects of the original substantially, and screwed others things up substantially too. stepping back it's one of the things i find most interesting about the franchise.

I think you can split the games into trying to be 'action adventure with "good design elements" and "mind fuck" (mf)

The mf games, SH2, SM tend to be more controversial, but are more loved by those who bought into it.

Games like SH1 and SH3 probably struck a good balance, and hence are a bit more universal.

From there it has all been trending towards the action adventure route in the main releases. Trying to add better 'game parts' without killing the silent hill aspects. A process that hasn't succeeded in my opinion as these quirks added up to something better than the sum of the parts.

So my question is; Which direction is downpour taking the series? Back to what I perceive as it's mf glory or further away towards an action game? Neither is necessarily bad, just a matter of opinion and what I personally want.


That intro...

Why would I care about what happens to this character after that?
Imagine if SH2 opened with James brutally murdering Eddie. Usually you slowly unravel a character's past, find out if they are really guilty or not, what they are guilty of, but nope, brutal murder in the first 5 minutes.
That intro...

Why would I care about what happens to this character after that?
Imagine if SH2 opened with James brutally murdering Eddie. Usually you slowly unravel a character's past, find out if they are really guilty or not, what they are guilty of, but nope, brutal murder in the first 5 minutes.

Not every character in the series has to be portrayed as a good person from the outset, some people are just down right bad, and we have to see how the World of the game will react to them. That is one of the problems with the series. For e.g "seemingly" good person going through a personal hell...ooga-booga. It hasn't been done well since the 2nd. Developers never want to branch out and try new things with either the narrative or gameplay, lets just calm down and see how his story goes. Jesus.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
That intro...

Why would I care about what happens to this character after that?
Imagine if SH2 opened with James brutally murdering Eddie. Usually you slowly unravel a character's past, find out if they are really guilty or not, what they are guilty of, but nope, brutal murder in the first 5 minutes.

I'm not going to give an exact reason, but think for a second about the whole situation. Why was he beating up that dude? I'm just asking a question rather than giving an answer, but that's the first sort of question the game raises to you. Murphy of course knows this is going to make things worse for his prison sentence, but what reason could he have for doing such a thing? Is it involved specifically with the guy he was beating up, involved with himself, some other element? But I will say there is a reason the game opens up like that.


Not every character in the series has to be portrayed as a good person from the outset, some people are just down right bad, and we have to see how the World of the game will react to them. That is one of the problems with the series. Developers never want to branch out and try new things with either the narrative or gameplay, lets just calm down and see how his story goes. Jesus.

There's no mystery at all here, though.
James was bad, too, but SH2 wouldn't have been nearly as good if they showed James kill his wife in the intro.
I'm not going to give an exact reason, but think for a second about the whole situation. Why was he beating up that dude? I'm just asking a question rather than giving an answer, but that's the first sort of question the game raises to you. Murphy of course knows this is going to make things worse for his prison sentence, but what reason could he have for doing such a thing? Is it involved specifically with the guy he was beating up, involved with himself, some other element? But I will say there is a reason the game opens up like that.
I couldn't hear anything, but it seemed pretty unnecessary. The fat guy wasn't a threat and tried to run away. Is he trying to copy Walter Sulivan?


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
I'm genuinely curious how this game pans out.

I find Homecoming just OK, but not SH 1-3 level. Origins was kinda long and less SH-ish. I hated Shattered Memories. How would you rank your SH games Dusk Golem + this game?

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I'm genuinely curious how this game pans out.

I find Homecoming just OK, but not SH 1-3 level. Origins was kinda long and less SH-ish. I hated Shattered Memories. How would you rank your SH games Dusk Golem + this game?

Mind you this is a personal opinion, and I will also say the only game I haven't played (well, outside of Arcade) is Origins so I can't rank that.

Like many others, Silent Hill 2 is my personal favorite. I could go on and state the things that everyone loves about the game, it's great story, great atmosphere and feel of isolation, it's attention to details and deep symbolism, but I think this is all underlined by what really makes Silent Hill 2 a fantastic game, and something this game does better than any other game I have witnessed to this day: Subtlety. I think that is Silent Hill 2's single greatest trait, and something a lot of video games fail at. I think that a problem a lot of horror games have is the lack of subtlety, where they aim too hard to captivate the player with action focus, have all of this flashy stuff, grip them with over-the-top set pieces from the get-go... And this approach isn't wrong, but there's so much of it in the market that it can be easy to forget there are other fantastic ways to open up a game, or a fantastic and gripping way to hold an audience than just having deep combat. Silent Hill 2 opens up with you all by yourself walking into town. Everything from the noises, to your first conversation, to the appearance of the first monster, is slow, building up, but subtle. The game doesn't spoon-feed you anything about the story or what it means. It's laid out all you need to know in the game, but not always in plain sight. James is fairly tame, the location he is in nightmarish, but also has an air of loneliness and normality about it. Silent Hill 2 has a fantastic pace, and is such a good example of a video game story and experience because it doesn't rush itself, it doesn't shove monsters in your face to try and scare you. It works subtly to accomplish this, and the whole game is reflective of this as over the course of the game everything pieces itself together and gets more and more twisted. There's a lot more I could say, but I'm trying to stick this all to one (lengthy) paragraph.

Silent Hill 3 is my second favorite, in big part because I think it's both excellently designed and the second scariest game in the franchise. This game has the most combat in the series, but it never feels like an action-game. That's because it doesn't forfeit atmosphere and the experience in favor of this action. It more feels like Heather's desperate struggle for survival. The game is tense, and odd. With probably the most likable protagonist the series has had, matched with some fantastic scares, and generally just being the most odd of the titles... Instead of some isolated town you literally feel like reality itself is shifting into nightmares. Locations that one may go to in their every day lives is twisted into these nightmarish hellscapes. And don't get me started on the game's excellent secrets, which have a good sense of comedy about them. I forget who said this, but horror and comedy are two sides of the same coin as they are created to evoke emotional responses from the audience. Silent Hill 3 I think had the most well-designed structure, some of the best characterization the series had, some of the best scares and locations, and some of the best secrets the series has ever had.

Silent Hill 1 I think has the benefit of being the initial establishment, the mystery of what Silent Hill is. Often times part of the issues with horror games is that franchising them can be hard. In Resident Evil, the first game for example has a sense of mystery and isolation about it, but the consecutive titles got a bit more action-focused to make up for the lack of mystery or malice of the unknown. For Silent Hill, even knowing fully the plot of the first game, the game has an atmosphere of mystery and dream logic about it that really pulls the player in. I think the best moments of the game are the opening sequence (which is a fantastic way to draw players in, though I will admit I'm less fond of the following Diner scene and running around town collecting keys), Midwich Elementary School (particularly the first transition to the Otherworld and seeing everything in the school you've previously been in twist into some nightmarish yet intriguing version of itself), and the end sequence of Nowhere (I think the ending moments have some of the game's best music, some of the best twisted dark elements, and things like Lisa to the reveal about your daughter make it unforgettable). Unfortunately I think some of the middle section of the game doesn't quite stand out as well. There's nothing wrong with it, but it doesn't have quite the same novelty. And I also feel that Silent Hill 1, while a good game, doesn't hold the same woah moments that 2 and 3 have even with it's great sense of mystery and feeling like you're going through a dream.

Silent Hill: Downpour goes here for me. This might change as of course this game is still sinking in and I'm still playing it, but I do think I'm almost done for my first playthrough. Silent Hill Downpour I'll wait to fill my full impressions on once I beat it, but so far in my eyes at least it's almost as good as the original trilogy. It does some new things that I'm enjoying, like the randomized storm effects, the side quest, and the likes. This is also met with some great atmosphere, some good story-telling, excellent puzzles, and probably the best exploration element the series has ever had. But then the graphics are just alright and there's a few technical hiccups, the combat is very clunky and the inventory system is definitely a love it/hate it thing (only able to carry two weapons at any given time, weapons break, etc), the voice acting is really hit and miss... And generally, it feels like it's a bit sloppy in some ways. It's kind of hard to explain, but I think it kind of shows how this studio making the game are somewhat newcomers to the gaming industry. But it also genuinely shows that these developers have a lot of heart for the franchise and know how to make a good horror game and are daring to use old and new conventions in gaming to accomplish what is probably the Silent Hill game in the last 8 years I've enjoyed the most. The environments are both interesting and well-designed. The surreal moments are fantastic. The chase sequences are better than Shattered Memories, as well as the exploration. The game in some ways feels like a mixture of elements from the Silent Hill series, but implemented together in new ways and it probably feels a lot fresher than one might expect simply because a lot that the game does a lot of current-gen horror games aren't daring enough to try. The game is probably the biggest Silent Hill game as well, and even though I'm almost done with the story there is so much of the town I haven't explored yet and the side quests themselves seem like they're another half to the game to experience. In that sense it kind of reminds me of Deadly Premonition actually, which is a weird comparison but the side quest in that game really fleshed out the whole experience more, which the side quest here seem to do as well in my opinion. I'll leave full impressions whenever I finish, though.

Silent Hill 4: The Room I believe is the scariest game in the franchise. It's controls and camera are unfortunately helplessly broken. The game can be sometimes emotionally draining. However, the surreal locations, music, scares, story, and just general strangeness this game has I believe is done really well in this game. Unfortunately in terms of gameplay it is broken, and making you go through the same locations twice with those invincible ghost things (excluding your limited sword count) is just a dick move, I believe that this game is a great 'experience' that is held back by it's gameplay, but is wholly fascinating and terrifying.

I want to clarify, I don't think Silent Hill: Shattered Memories is a bad game. It's good for a spin-off and I think it has some cool mechanics and is interesting. The problem I have with it is that the whole game feels more like a glorified tech demo than a game, and it just feels like Climax came up with this cool mechanics system of how to make a new Silent Hill game play like, and then just put together some game around it. That said, I'd be lying to say I didn't enjoy myself, but it felt like such a cool system was put to waste in what could have been a really great game if they had just utilized their mechanics and ideas better. Chase sequences could have been better and could have used more monster variety. Hell, more stealth elements might have worked wonders to vary out these sections as well. Exploration could of had more to explore and do. The changes the game has when 'psychologically profiling' you could have been much more than just changing lines of dialogue and aesthetics. It was interesting, I did enjoy it, but I also felt it could of been so much more instead of just settling for less.

Silent Hill: Homecoming is okay... But there's just things about it that irk me. I think the opening sequence of this game is the worst opening sequence of any Silent Hill game. I think the combat is terribly unbalanced, where you're either too powerful for everything around you with the ceremonial dagger or you're getting raped to death by a pack of nurses. The story actually made me laugh at how stupid it was in the Police Station scene, which seemed more like a monster or zombie film than anything that should be in Silent Hill. Pyramid Head is blatant fan service. The puzzles were either piss easy or were sliding tile puzzles. And the whole game felt like it was trying to be Silent Hill The Movie The Game. But for all of that said, the game did have some interesting, and dare I say, fun moments. I thought that the whole set-up of Alex's house was cool and well done. I liked the world in the game, the environments were interesting and detailed and I had fun going through them a good majority of the time (even if the Hotel and Prison dragged on for me). I do wish the environments would have been more open to explore though. But when I start to fondly remember elements about the game I liked, I then remind myself that I was fighting cult members with a knife in a scene that seemed like it's more fit for Hostel or the Saw films than Silent Hill and it just continues this loophole of mixed feelings I have with the game. Definitely the series weakest entry, but I also don't think it's as bad people say it is. It's not abysmal, just terribly misguided and just okay. The endings were really poor, though.

That sums it up pretty nicely.


For me, the actual list is:
SH2 > SH1 > SH3 = SH4(for very different reasons) > SM > Homecoming.
I've only played Origins for an hour or so, so i can't say about that.
I hope Downpour is gonna fit in between SH3/4 and SM, since there' plenty of gap there, but we'll see.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
For me, the actual list is:
SH2 > SH1 > SH3 = SH4(for very different reasons) > SM > Homecoming.
I've only played Origins for an hour or so, so i can't say about that.
I hope Downpour is gonna fit in between SH3/4 and SM, since there' plenty of gap there, but we'll see.

Well you shouldn't have to worry. While opinions are different for every person, I'm pretty certain this game is going to definitely be better than Shattered Memories for everyone. I say that since the two main game elements that were in Shattered Memories, the exploration and chase sequences, are done MUCH better in this game. In fact, if I had to say what is probably the single greatest element of Downpour, it would be it's exploration. This game is actually pretty large and there is a lot to just explore and discover. Like a lot of houses that serve no purpose but as something to explore if you want to, and that sometimes will lead into side quest or secrets or easter eggs or whatever.

For instance, and this is a spoiler for a REALLY awesome side quest:

In Chastain Heights, there's an optional movie theater you can explore that's a bit away from the main path. However, while it first seems sort of like a normal movie theater, exploration will lead you to discover you actually can step INSIDE the movie screens and explore the scenes that are playing out in the movies. It's actually really cool. It's also part of a pretty inventive optional puzzle.


So the side quests are fun? If you're almost finished, have you not felt compelled to search out the side quests that you haven't finished? Also, when you do finish, an estimate of game length would be appreciated. I've read 10-12 hours for the story and 15-17 if you do the sidequests. Accurate?


Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
So the side quests are fun? If you're almost finished, have you not felt compelled to search out the side quests that you haven't finished? Also, when you do finish, an estimate of game length would be appreciated. I've read 10-12 hours for the story and 15-17 if you do the sidequests. Accurate?


I am curious enough about the story to go through to the end first I guess before I go side quest hunting, I definitely plan to play this game again. There's been a few moments where I've made choices that feel like they've changed the story some and I'm wondering if it'll change if I do something differently. So far I've been playing about 11 hours and I think I'm near the end, but I've only done four sidequest (there's a total of 14 it appears) and I've only done some exploring, there's still a lot in the town I haven't even been to yet. However, what I've done the side quest are fun. Most seem to be fetch quest or exploration based, but not in a tedious way. However, some of them are almost like riddles in what they want you to do, but I think this was on purpose. However, from the side quest I've done so far they do seem like they're completely worth your time and often there are results to completing them. Like someone that runs the tunnels will open up more tunnels if you get items for him around town. These paths open up some new optional areas or access to previously explored areas.
With these games being released, I can't wait to delve into some survival horror goodness. Will finally download Siren: Blood Curse.

...wait... You didn't think I meant I was going to pick up this or the collection did you? Bwahahahaha.

To be serious, I may rent this raining one and wait for more impressions of the hd collection.


Short bus special
DawnGolem, are there any SM references? Or are they not treating it as canon?

I would guess that any mainline Silent Hill will never reference SM as canon at all. Since it's just a reimagining of Silent Hill 1 really.

Making it canon with the series would fuck the whole series up.
I would guess that any mainline Silent Hill will never reference SM as canon at all. Since it's just a reimagining of Silent Hill 1 really.

Making it canon with the series would fuck the whole series up.

True. I'd think they could still reference it in a fun way though - especially given shared Konami producer etc.


I guess out of the first four 3 would be my least favorite although I loved them all. I'd probably put 2 and 4 at the top followed by 1 and then 3. There's never been one that I didn't enjoy though, I'm not super hard to please when it comes to horror games, as long as the atmosphere is right. Heck even Origins wasn't so bad for a PSP game.

I'm just excited to play a new Silent Hill again since a lot of the stuff that comes out these days doesn't interest me a whole lot.
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