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Silent Hill HD Collection |OT| Programmed in Smoke Signals

I found my SH2 discs and the game is running fine, but the controls for a 360 pad are really weird. I have to press start and A to shoot. It gets even weirder, trust me. So how do I remap them? I tried every single button in the menu.
Shattered Memories was, besides the story, a bad game. Unless you find a game solely dedicated to walking to be great entertainment.

Yet, it probably managed to have one of the best uses of the wii controller of the entire console library. I personally enjoy wandering around and exploring game spaces, so I liked that about SM. Being able to zoom like that in previous games would have been amazing.

If the puzzles had only been better. : (


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Yet, it probably managed to have one of the best uses of the wii controller of the entire console library. I personally enjoy wandering around and exploring game spaces, so I liked that about SM. Being able to zoom like that in previous games would have been amazing.

If the puzzles had only been better. : (

I dunno about the Wii version, but I completed the PS2 and PSP versions once each. The game isn't scary, creepy or tense at all. The chase sequences are just plain bad and annoying, and the otherworld is just laughably poor. There's no real incentive to explore the areas you visit, as the only things you can find are mementos (which are completely useless) and audio logs/messages/ghost photos that don't really have any effect on the overbearing story anyway. I liked the story, as mentioned, and the psych profile and twist ending, shallow as they both may be, were neat. But as a whole, the game was just a bad, boring walking simulator and would've been better off as a novel or, if they wanted to implement the psych profile mechanic, a 'choose your own adventure' book.

And the puzzles were generally insultingly bad.

But hey, at least I got a photo of Heather in the shower.


Yeah I just don't even know what to say to that.

Kinda expect the boat to take off like it's going into hyperspace.

OMG, looks like some kind of SNES Mode-7 effect:


I'm hearing that some of the chanting in SH3 has been replaced with the sound of babies crying instead. Anyone run into this?


I'm hearing that some of the chanting in SH3 has been replaced with the sound of babies crying instead. Anyone run into this?

The chanting from the pre-intro video was removed.


When you meet Claudia the chanting is softer and doesn't play during the cutscene.

Not sure about the babies crying though, I am sure I did not here that during my play through of the HD version, I could be wrong though.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
I can make any game sound like shit if i chose to describe them as poorly as you do.

Doesn't even take an effort to make Shattered Memories sound like shit, since it was shit. But really, what did that game offer beyond a good story? What little gameplay there was consisted solely of walking around, solving a few pitiful puzzles, finding pointless mementos or photos/audio logs/messages that didn't add much to the game, and terrible chase sequences. It's a good story wrapped in completely awful gameplay.


Wasn't the crying baby sound intended to be in the game originally, but got cut for some reason?

That crying wasn't from that scene in the making of video. It was added in from another source.

I don't recall there being any chanting in that scene so the change would be from somewhere else if true.


Doesn't even take an effort to make Shattered Memories sound like shit, since it was shit. But really, what did that game offer beyond a good story? What little gameplay there was consisted of solely walking around, solving a few pitiful puzzles, finding pointless mementos or photos/audio logs/messages that didn't add much to the game, and terrible chase sequences.

1. The story was fantastic. The characters were great and i LOVED the psychiatrist parts.
2. The exploration was very well done on the wii. Amazing controls all around. Shame you played the ports. I heard they were bad.
3. I loved looking for the mementos and listening to the messages, and trying to figure out their meaning. You say they didnt add much to the game? hmmm
4. The feeling of being followed is something that bothers me. The chase sequences were actually very tense and unsettling and because i wasnt glued to the internet, i never knew when the ice world would suddenly kick in. I never had any problems with these.
5. Soundtrack was fantastic

To me Silent Hill is about having an experience, and not about following a strict check list that demands rusty demon worlds, piramid heads and fog. Supposedly its about the protagonists personal hell, and everything in SM actually feels like it belongs there. Nothing feels shoehorned in there as a wink wink to the fans.

So yeah, I cared about the characters, I cared about the story and the world intrigued me. Just walking around can be a wonderfull thing if you actually give a shit about everything surrounding you.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
1. The story was fantastic. The characters were great and i LOVED the psychiatrist parts.
2. The exploration was very well done on the wii. Amazing controls all around. Shame you played the ports. I heard they were bad.
3. I loved looking for the mementos and listening to the messages, and trying to figure out their meaning. You say they didnt add much to the game? hmmm
4. The feeling of being followed is something that bothers me. The chase sequences were actually very tense and unsettling and because i wasnt glued to the internet, i never knew when the ice world would suddenly kick in. I never had any problems with these.
5. Soundtrack was fantastic

To me Silent Hill is about having an experience, and not about following a strict check list that demands rusty demon worlds, piramid heads and fog. Supposedly its about the protagonists personal hell, and everything in SM actually feels like it belongs there. Nothing feels shoehorned in there as a wink wink to the fans.

So yeah, I cared about the characters, I cared about the story and the world intrigued me. Just walking around can be a wonderfull thing if you actually give a shit about everything surrounding you.

The story was good, definitely, but personally I didn't think it was fantastic by any means. Silent Hill 3 already touched upon the relationship between father and daughter, and I actually cared much more about Heather and Harry in SH3 than I ever did in SM. As for the ports, the graphics were obviously terrible compared to the Wii version (but at least there were no motion controls), but my problems with the game wouldn't be solved even if I played the Wii version, since my problems stem from how empty, barren and boring the game ultimately is.

The messages and such are OK, but still somewhat pointless since they don't really play much into the main story of the game, but the mementos I don't get at all. They don't really serve any function, as they don't give you any memories, messages or anything like that. You just pick them up, store them, and then never see them again until the ending when Heather puts them away in a cardboard box. They're just pointless trinkets that Climax put in the game for no real reason.

Personally I've never liked chase sequences or games where I have no means of defense, so the Otherworld segments were nothing but an annoying nuisance to me. Also, the visual look of the Otherworld just wasn't very interesting compared to the hellish, morbid otherworld explored in SH1 and 3 (SH2 and 4 had somewhat more toned-down Otherworlds).

And the soundtrack was, overall, completely forgettable to me. I liked the main theme, the one that plays at the beginning of the game and during the credits, but the rest was the same phoned in shit Yamaoka delivered for 0rigins and Homecoming. I loved Yamaoka's work in SH 1-3, and 4 was OK, but after that he really didn't seem like he cared anymore.

Silent Hill is definitely more about the experience than about shit gets rusty and doors are locked (SH2 and 4 are examples here), as Homecoming felt like Double Helix were just checking off items on their list, but Shattered Memories had nothing of what I expect from a main series SH game; tension and an oppressive atmosphere. There were no scares, no sense of dread, no oppressive atmosphere, no real point in exploring what little area the game let you walk around in. It's so completely different from the other games I don't know if it should really be considered a Silent Hill game in anything but name. I just didn't care about the world, the characters or the gameplay. The one thing that saves it from being bottom of the barrel shit like Homecoming is the story.
1. The story was fantastic. The characters were great and i LOVED the psychiatrist parts.
2. The exploration was very well done on the wii. Amazing controls all around. Shame you played the ports. I heard they were bad.
3. I loved looking for the mementos and listening to the messages, and trying to figure out their meaning. You say they didnt add much to the game? hmmm
4. The feeling of being followed is something that bothers me. The chase sequences were actually very tense and unsettling and because i wasnt glued to the internet, i never knew when the ice world would suddenly kick in. I never had any problems with these.
5. Soundtrack was fantastic

To me Silent Hill is about having an experience, and not about following a strict check list that demands rusty demon worlds, piramid heads and fog. Supposedly its about the protagonists personal hell, and everything in SM actually feels like it belongs there. Nothing feels shoehorned in there as a wink wink to the fans.

So yeah, I cared about the characters, I cared about the story and the world intrigued me. Just walking around can be a wonderfull thing if you actually give a shit about everything surrounding you.
So, basically, you liked it because it was on the Wii? SMH.


I thought Shattered Memories was decent as well. The lighting effects were excellent for the Wii, and snooping through the environments was a pretty tense experience with a few genuinely scary moments. The use of the Wii controller's unique features was also laudable. I didn't find the frozen environments anywhere near as tense as the otherworld environments in the other Silent Hill games, and the chase sequences relied on trial and error far more than they should, but there is a lot to like about the game. The lack of combat isn't the same as lack of gameplay. Wandering through interesting locales counts as gameplay too.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
I thought Shattered Memories was decent as well. The lighting effects were excellent for the Wii, and snooping through the environments was a pretty tense experience with a few genuinely scary moments. The use of the Wii controller's unique features was also laudable. I didn't find the frozen environments anywhere near as tense as the otherworld environments in the other Silent Hill games, and the chase sequences relied on trial and error far more than they should, but there is a lot to like about the game. The lack of combat isn't the same as lack of gameplay. Wandering through interesting locales counts as gameplay too.

It does. But Shattered Memories had no interesting locales IMO, so the gameplay was mostly just reduced to walking.


I thought Shattered Memories was decent as well. The lighting effects were excellent for the Wii, and snooping through the environments was a pretty tense experience with a few genuinely scary moments. The use of the Wii controller's unique features was also laudable. I didn't find the frozen environments anywhere near as tense as the otherworld environments in the other Silent Hill games, and the chase sequences relied on trial and error far more than they should, but there is a lot to like about the game. The lack of combat isn't the same as lack of gameplay. Wandering through interesting locales counts as gameplay too.

How the hell is wandering through SM tense when you can't die and nothing ever happens?

The chase sequences don't punish you either. if anything dying is good thing since it mucks up the enemy locations making subsequent tries easier.

How is picking up cans and turning keys a great use of the motion controls? Nothing they asked you to do was anything more advanced than the same basic stuff we saw in the first year of the Wii's lifetime.

There was no gameplay, the psych profile was a gigantic waste and not nearly as clever as they made it out to be. The story was meh and they couldn't anything find more interesting to do than the most generic daddy issue/elektra complex tropes imaginable.

Just about everything SM tried had been done before and done better.


How the hell is wandering through SM tense when you can't die and nothing ever happens?

Tension is not something that relies only on whether you can die or not. It's a mood created by a variety of things. The lighting, the music, the events you anticipate may occur.

How is picking up cans and turning keys a great use of the motion controls? Nothing they asked you to do was anything more advanced than the same basic stuff we saw in the first year of the Wii's lifetime.

Well, for one thing this game had better lighting than any other game on the Wii, and using it as a virtual flashlight was entertaining in and of itself. I also said Wii remote "features", since I thought having the remote serve as a virtual cellphone was also clever, and an interesting way to engage the player just a tiny bit more.

There was no gameplay, the psych profile was a gigantic waste and not nearly as clever as they made it out to be. The story was meh and they couldn't anything find more interesting to do than the most generic daddy issue/elektra complex tropes imaginable.

Just about everything SM tried had been done before and done better.

Again, exploration counts as gameplay. You may not have enjoyed it, but claiming "there was no gameplay" is a fallacious statement. I wasn't blown away by the story or the psych profile part, but it wasn't the abhorrent tripe you're making it out to be. It was, at least, about as well written as anything in the series, and certainly better acted than at least the first two games. Sure, it was hardly the rebirth the series could have used, but I enjoyed it more than I did Origins at least.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Tension is not something that relies only on whether you can die or not. It's a mood created by a variety of things. The lighting, the music, the events you anticipate may occur.

That is true, but IMO there was nothing to create any sort of mood besides boredom. The music was completely forgettable and there was no oppressive mood so you wouldn't really anticipate any scary events.
How the hell is wandering through SM tense when you can't die and nothing ever happens?

This is poor criticism. SM isn't scary, but the lack of danger has nothing to do with it. You're in no danger whatsoever in Silent Hill 2 either, because every single enemy in the game is immensely easy to beat up and poses little to no actual danger to you.

SM is an adventure game - think LA Noire, or Grim Fandango. Don't attack it for its genre.

The problem with SM is that it simply isn't scary, but that has far, far more to do with the environment and music and sound design. The enemies have very little to do with it. And it's worth recognizing that it does some very interesting and creative things.


This is poor criticism. SM isn't scary, but the lack of danger has nothing to do with it. You're in no danger whatsoever in Silent Hill 2 either, because every single enemy in the game is immensely easy to beat up and poses little to no actual danger to you.

SM is an adventure game - think LA Noire, or Grim Fandango. Don't attack it for its genre.

The problem with SM is that it simply isn't scary, but that has far, far more to do with the environment and music and sound design. The enemies have very little to do with it. And it's worth recognizing that it does some very interesting and creative things.

I have the same complaint about SH2 which is why is one of the reasons I prefer 1 and 3. Even adventure games have instant deaths which SM doesn't even bother with. I fully agree that SM is more like an adventure game than a traditional SM game but it isn't even a mediocre adventure game either.
I have the same complaint about SH2 which is why is one of the reasons I prefer 1 and 3. Even adventure games have instant deaths which SM doesn't even bother with. I fully agree that SM is more like an adventure game than a traditional SM game but it isn't even a mediocre adventure game either.

If 'scary' means 'my character's health might go down' to you, I suggest the Resident Evil/Dead Space games instead of Silent Hill's brand of psychological horror.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
This is poor criticism. SM isn't scary, but the lack of danger has nothing to do with it. You're in no danger whatsoever in Silent Hill 2 either, because every single enemy in the game is immensely easy to beat up and poses little to no actual danger to you.

SM is an adventure game - think LA Noire, or Grim Fandango. Don't attack it for its genre.

The problem with SM is that it simply isn't scary, but that has far, far more to do with the environment and music and sound design. The enemies have very little to do with it. And it's worth recognizing that it does some very interesting and creative things.

I don't agree with this. It's not about whether or not you're actually in danger, it's whether or not you think you could be in danger. SM fails the "scare" test for me because I feel secure. I never felt that way in Silent Hill 2 and the game does quite a lot to encourage that.

Sure, ultimately you have to be pretty shitty to be exposed to real danger at the hands of the non-boss monsters in any SH. But I never knew if Pyramid Head was at the end of that interminable hallway or at the bottom of the hole I haphazardly chose to jump down.

At least that's how it worked for me.

For the record, I enjoyed SM because it was an adventure game.


That is true, but IMO there was nothing to create any sort of mood besides boredom. The music was completely forgettable and there was no oppressive mood so you wouldn't really anticipate any scary events.

I'm with you on this one. Shattered Memories had the weakest depiction of Silent Hill as a setting to date. The frozen-over otherworld and uninspired creature designs combined with walking-sim gameplay to form a rather dull, barely frightening experience. The story might have been above average as far as games go, but the product as a whole is still a joke compared to the likes of Silent Hill 1-3.
I felt much of the tension in Shattered Memories derived from not knowing when the next Otherworld was going to occur. SM wasn't particular scary, but I found the chase sequences very panic-inducing - which wasn't borne out of frustration, as I was actually pretty skilled at them - so that feeling of dread carried over into exploring the real world, with the most successful transition I felt being the second one that happens at the cabin in real-time. Yeah, SM wasn't nearly as doom-laden and disturbing as the first three, but it had its merits. And like others here have said - it's better to treat SM as an adventure game rather than a survival-horror.


SM is an adventure game - think LA Noire, or Grim Fandango. Don't attack it for its genre.

For an adventure game it has really shitty puzzles, though.

I can't understand why (if they wanted to limit monster only to the chase sequences in ice world) didn't they fill the world with interesting puzzles. You can do much more with motion controls than a simple "shake a can" or "move object from point A to point B" type of things.


If 'scary' means 'my character's health might go down' to you, I suggest the Resident Evil/Dead Space games instead of Silent Hill's brand of psychological horror.

Let me put it to you this way.

When I play SH always afraid of something unexpected happening. I've played the game to death and I know all the enemy placement, etc. The sound design, atmosphere, etc. always manages to create an irrational fear of something unknown happening. On my first playthrough there was obviously new enemies,etc. to run into. At that point the fear was legitimate but the fact that it continues several playthoughs after is a testament to how great a horror title it is. SH2 never manages that because the enemies are so pathetic that even if some unexpected horror appeared it would probably just walk around in a circle and fall over. To me that severely undercut the rest of the game. SH2 at least had some great psychological scares to make up for it. Imagine the elevator/item scenario from SH2 and how much more potent it would be in SH1 or SH3 Sm has nothing. Games are not movies and you have to tailor the horror experience to that.

Don't lump me in with the braindead dead space crowd because you feel like misinterpreting what I'm saying to try and defend how horribly shitty SM was.
Are you sure you are not patching the official non-fixed .exe? Everything worked as a charm for many people.

Pretty sure. I downloaded the sh2pc.exe from your post, ran the Respatcher in the same directory as it (not the game dir), it said Res set to 1920x1200 and created a backup sh2pc.bak, then I copied the new sh2pc.exe to the game dir and ran it. Still 1600x1200.

Maybe the Settings are supposed to be set a certain way for it to work?

BTW, I appreciate your post, but I think step 1 might be unnecessary; sh2patch.exe replaces sh2pc.exe with a new official one (dated 10/23/2002), which is then replaced with the fixed one in step 2. As far as I can tell, the Konami patch doesn't change any other files.

Edit: After some googling I found the problem. For some reason the in-game setting has to be set to 640x480 for the Respatcher to work. After that it ran at 1920x1200 fine. However, I couldn't get AA and AF to work following your directions. I alt-tabbed out and forced them in Nvidia Control Panel, but it still seemed to have lots of jaggies.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
For an adventure game it has really shitty puzzles, though.

I can't understand why (if they wanted to limit monster only to the chase sequences in ice world) didn't they fill the world with interesting puzzles. You can do much more with motion controls than a simple "shake a can" or "move object from point A to point B" type of things.

I think the worst and saddest 'puzzle' was one that involved a locked door, and right next too the door hung a jacket, and the only thing you had to do was search the jacket to find the key. At least the old SH games required some sort of effort from the player to find the keys you needed.

Anyway, come to think of it, considering how much inspiration the SH series has taken from literature, and how it has always had a firm basis in the fear of the unknown and grotesque, the fear of things humanity cannot comprehend, how come there's never been any Lovecraft references in the games?


I think the worst and saddest 'puzzle' was one that involved a locked door, and right next too the door hung a jacket, and the only thing you had to do was search the jacket to find the key. At least the old SH games required some sort of effort from the player to find the keys you needed.

I don't remember exactly now, but I think the puzzle you're referring to was one of the "psyche test" type of puzzles: there were three different looking jackets and you had to pick one. Whichever jacket you picked, the key was there and the game noticed the choice you made.

However, this doesn't change the fact that other puzzles weren't that much more interesting :/.






go to the 19:58

baby crying starts when Heather crumples in pain

sidenote: new Heather actress is really awful. Claudia isn't as bad but still worse.

someone care to test that turning off 5.1 changes things back to the original sound design?

I don't think it does because you can hear the old track before the abrupt cut to the new one when Heather starts speaking.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
I don't remember exactly now, but I think the puzzle you're referring to was one of the "psyche test" type of puzzles: there were three different looking jackets and you had to pick one. Whichever jacket you picked, the key was there and the game noticed the choice you made.

However, this doesn't change the fact that other puzzles weren't that much more interesting :/.

From what I can remember there were no other jackets, there was just one single jacket that hung right next to the door, and you had to open the jacket to find the key hanging inside. But yeah, the puzzles in Shattered Memories were just sad. It's been some time since I played 0rigins, but IIRC the puzzles there were generally decent to good, so why didn't Climax bring that experience to their next SH game? Such a wasted opportunity.
I really enjoyed Shattered Memories, but certainly not as a horror game. It wasn't scary except for one or two minor moments or one particular shock, but I still loved the atmosphere it created. I was amazed how much detail and effort they've put into the town, it really felt like I was going through... well, some town. There's also lots of stuff you can with your phone and whatnot.
I thought it did really well in storytelling and combining it with proper motion controls. Not only in the sessions, but also certain other parts. The sequence in which you are
seemingly drowning in your car
was amazing imo. Of course, the story also had me hooked throughout and I was going for a different route in a second run immediatly.


I really loved playing SH1 on the PSP and on PS3, after hearing all the bad talk about some of the stuff in this collection is it still worth it to get it?

I've never played a silent hill game besides SH1 and Shattered Memories.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
I really loved playing SH1 on the PSP and on PS3, after hearing all the bad talk about some of the stuff in this collection is it still worth it to get it?

If you have no other means of playing SH 2 and 3, then yeah, get it. If you have a PS2 or a decent PC, get the PS2 or PC versions instead.


I really loved playing SH1 on the PSP and on PS3, after hearing all the bad talk about some of the stuff in this collection is it still worth it to get it?

I've never played a silent hill game besides SH1 and Shattered Memories.

Opinions vary, but I personally think it isn't. If you have no access to the originals or PC versions then renting it or picking it up used for dirt cheap maybe. Even then I would really only suggest SH2 on the collection. SH3 is just too much of a mess in this collection.


From what I can remember there were no other jackets, there was just one single jacket that hung right next to the door, and you had to open the jacket to find the key hanging inside. But yeah, the puzzles in Shattered Memories were just sad. It's been some time since I played 0rigins, but IIRC the puzzles there were generally decent to good, so why didn't Climax bring that experience to their next SH game? Such a wasted opportunity.

Hm... I'm sure there was a puzzle where there were three jackets with a key hidden inside one of them.

And about puzzles, I think Climax just wanted "realistic obstacles" in SM instead of abstract puzzles like in previous SH games. However, that decision bit them in the asses. The only interesting puzzles I remember from SM were guessing principals' computer password and the one where you had to align objects so that their shadows created a word or something. Every other puzzle was, as you said, just sad :( And it's a shame because SM, if done right, could be a really good adventure game.

BTW. Why are we discussing Shattered Memories in HD Collection bitching threadOT?


Why so angry?

And "braindead" Deadspace crowd?

I thought it was a terrible game for several reasons. I don't think Deadspace fans are that terrible but hearing called it the new standard in horror games just irritates the hell out of me.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Hm... I'm sure there was a puzzle where there were three jackets with a key hidden inside one of them.

And about puzzles, I think Climax just wanted "realistic obstacles" in SM instead of abstract puzzles like in previous SH games. However, that decision bit them in the asses. The only interesting puzzles I remember from SM were guessing principals' computer password and the one where you had to align objects so that their shadows created a word or something. Every other puzzle was, as you said, just sad :( And it's a shame because SM, if done right, could be a really good adventure game.

BTW. Why are we discussing Shattered Memories in HD Collection bitching threadOT?

You may be right, I can't really remember for sure, and I don't have my PSP here (and I'm too lazy to google it).

Hacking the principal's PC wasn't particularly interesting since the answers to all the questions were found in the same room anyway. The only puzzle that had me stumped was the shadow alignment one (which created a four-digit code, I think), but that was mostly because I wasn't really sure exactly what the game wanted me to do there.

This is the official SH bitching thread now anyway :p

I thought it was a terrible game for several reasons. I don't think Deadspace fans are that terrible but hearing called it the new standard in horror games just irritates the hell out of me.

The DS games are great, but it's debatable whether they should be called horror games or action games.
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