Adam Prime
hates soccer, is Mexican
Anyone know if the PS2 version will be 480p? This might give me a reason to fire up the ol' PS2 in who knows how long... since Persona 4 last Christmas!
brandonh83 said:Does the game try to be creepy when you're not in the icy world? Like when you're exploring and there's no enemies, do you still see weird things or hear strange noises and the like?
Dascu said:There is only one element that can decide whether or not this is a "true" Silent Hill game:
Does the game have a UFO ending?
ZephyrFate said:Honestly, the animations in this game beat most HD titles.
Although for the most part I agree with what he said being false, The chase animations do seem much better than what I'm use to on ps2.Amir0x said:it has nothing to do with what console can do it, it has everything to do with the statement being straight up bullshit. The animations in the fifteen or so videos I've seen on Silent Hill Shattered Memories don't even match some mid-tier PS2 titles (although Silent Hill games have never had great animation, so it's not something I was worried about)
It's just you'd have to basically be playing zero PS360 games for the statement he made to be true.
Penguin said:So is there enemy variety? All I seen all those weird midget, skinless people monster thingies.
Ridley327 said:Can anybody explain that, though? I just now thought about how survival horror games tend have, at best, OK animation and I can't think of a single one that's really excelled at facial animation. You would think that of all genres that survival horror would have more of a high-point than the fight with Mendez in RE4.
Amir0x said:It's hard to say. I think in general, the focus in survival horror games have typically been to turn up the fire on the atmosphere/creepy factor/gruesomeness, so the detail goes more into the horrible surroundings and shambling enemy designs than the animation itself. Which is probably dumb... anyone can tell you that a creature which moves "Unnaturally" can be scarier than the environments themselves. Creatures which have shutter stop motion, which speed up or slow down in unpredictable ways.
Silent Hill enemies do that from time to time, though. It's just the animation has never been terribly impressive. They don't do a good job of it.
Amir0x said:Enemies changed based on psychological profile, no? So there was probably more emphasis put on changing a few select types of enemies with a lot of variation in their individual appearance based on what you selected.
Ridley327 said:Can anybody explain that, though? I just now thought about how survival horror games tend have, at best, OK animation and I can't think of a single one that's really excelled at facial animation. You would think that of all genres that survival horror would have more of a high-point than the fight with Mendez in RE4.
:lolManmademan said:I'm on the fence. Maybe I should ask Doug what he thinks.
Hey Doug! What's your opinion on the new silent hill? Worth the cash?
ZephyrFate said:I'm still baffled as to how SH3 pulled off those incredible character models and facial details. Mindblowing.
If you upscaled a wii game and then downscaled it again, it would probably look exactly like a wii game with video lag.ratcliffja said:This is like an HD game in SD. You know, if you upscaled a Wii game and then downscaled it again, it might look something like this.
ratcliffja said:This is like an HD game in SD. You know, if you upscaled a Wii game and then downscaled it again, it might look something like this.
MW2 had quite a few threads.Second said:HD game in SD.
Never heard that one before. :lol
brandonh83 said:I've been rejected by three Gamestops. Looks like I'm waiting. :lol
:lol :lol :lolDascu said:MW2 had quite a few threads.
Amir0x said:Enemies changed based on psychological profile, no? So there was probably more emphasis put on changing a few select types of enemies with a lot of variation in their individual appearance based on what you selected.
brandonh83 said:Are the scares in the icy world restricted to the monsters? Or, like I asked earlier, is there more than just the monsters to freak you out? How long to do the icy sections last?
NintendosBooger said:GAF I have the game!!! Copped it from a local EB games!!
Dascu said:MW2 had quite a few threads.
Second said:ouch
And thanks for the impressions, slasher_thrasher21. The game sounds amazing. February 2010 can't come soon enough.
2010...sounds so far away. -_____-'