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Silent Hill: Shattered Memories - |OT| of Not Your Father's Silent Hill

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
NintendosBooger said:
What the hell, stuck already. Someone tell me where the second key to the second locked door is located (the one in the playground)

Check the
I'm really loving this game. I especially like how they implemented the cellphone/camera. The use of the wiimote speaker is pretty cool and actually adds to the game.


I won't be able to get the game until next week if Best Buy has it (got a gift card).

Anyway, is there more than one type of monster in the game besides those pink humanoid creatures ? I do know that they
slightly evolve
but are there actually different monsters to be found in the game?

The screen shots and video footage leading up to the game's release hasn't shown any so I was just wondering.
I don't want to start waving the victory parade just yet. I have things to say, some good, some bad, but mostly good. The bad will be explained more than the good because in order to explain the bad, I have to get into it.

First, the bad. I've clearly voiced criticisms about how the way the game looked in the trailers and screens and whatnot; that it lacks the Silent Hill "punch." You see, it's impossible to get around the fact that SH operates in a very deep mindset when it comes to being scary. It understands that context and execution is more important than anything else. It creeps you out to the core by showing you bizarre things that don't make much sense at first glance, it lets you hear noises... it really rattles your senses. Shattered Memories does not do this. At all. There has been nothing yet that I find truly brilliant when it comes to the horror department. Some things, sure, which I'll get to in a minute, but I want to clarify that this is not a Silent Hill game, it's not nearly as scary or brilliant as a Silent Hill game, and no one should expect anything more than that. In this regard, it's very disappointing because as I've said before, I think it would be very easy to translate the nuances of the past titles to the changes on display here and I really think Climax dropped the ball bad in that aspect.

Secondly, and this is as I predicted, the chase sequences... aren't that good. I thought the first one was okay, but the second time around when it shifted to the icy dimension, I really thought the atmosphere was creepy and I wanted to sort of explore around and run into weird cool shit that the series is known for, but instead I'm being forced to dash through the environments like some Olympian trying to beat a record or something, and the game has frozen on me twice while doing so. Not very fun at all. It's okay, there is certainly a level of panic but all in all I don't think this is as well executed as it could be. I'll have to see how it goes later, but as for now, don't mark me down as a fan of the chase gameplay. Oh, and the fact that they had to highlight, in blue traces, what obstacles you can climb and what doors you can barrel through is extremely tacky and incredibly poor level and game design in general. It's ugly and makes everything like 20 times more "gamey." So, no, Climax, please try something else, or try a lot harder next time.

Finally, the shoddy attempt at scares themselves. Or, rather, the fact that all the "scary" stuff they've tried to do so far has been highly repetitive. It goes like this: you see a static representation of a ghost, or memory even, and when you approach it the static gets louder and then there's a flash and the ghost/object in question moves around and there's a loud crash on the soundtrack that makes it seem like they're trying really hard to be scary. Problem is, this happens every single time. It made me jump a bit the first time, but by the... tenth time, I'm pretty used to it and now it just seems like an extremely cheap scare tactic that I'm not fond of. I know that these things are purely informational sequences so far, as in, each of these encounters provides you with some backstory of the memory you're experiencing, but I sort of feel that these could have been handled a lot better and after so many it gets tiring.

I also just feel that there's no art direction in this game at all. The characters look good, but they don't look unique. The environments look good, but I feel that there's too much of a reliance on the lighting and shadow effects instead of solid art design. It's a very good looking game, but it also looks very shallow, like they didn't really take the time to look at how sort of boring everything looks. But I'm still early in, so that could change.


The graphics, controls, dialogue, voice acting, overall presentational value, and atmosphere is 100% authentically holy fucking shit. I'm truly blown away with everything else in the game aside from the lack of horror nuance and the bad-so-far chase sequences. When you're not in the icy realm, you have some very large environments to explore and so far they have been thick with heavy in the dark, lonely atmosphere department. The way the story has played out so far has been fantastic. The characters are very realistic and wonderfully portrayed. The psychiatrist scenes have been great so far and the way that the game weaves in and out of them is very well handled and I love how things you do in the office ends up relating to the following section of gameplay. IGN and others have complained that the choices you make are purely cosmetic, in that it only changes things visually, but I think it's been rather neat so far and I can't wait to see what they do with it later on.

But playing the game just feels so good. Moving the flashlight around in the dark rooms, how you can control the manner in which you go through a door, the puzzles, the cell phone functionality and Wii remote speaker usage-- it's all wonderful. It's so cool that despite my opinions that there are many shortcomings in the horror department I think it's worth playing the game for this stuff alone. I've been having a blast sending Harry through these amazingly realized environments and I really think Climax hit a home run with the gameplay.

The game not being that scary is a very low blow to me and its as I've predicted, but the atmosphere, storyline, and gameplay is so incredibly fantastic that I'm willing to keep trudging through the game with a positive state of mind.


  • great visuals
  • intuitive and original gameplay mechanics
  • amazing use of Wii controls
  • story/characters
  • heavy on atmosphere

  • lacking the fright of past SH titles
  • chase sequences are tedious, not scary
  • other scares are kind of lame
  • bland art direction

If I were to review the game right now, I would probably throw a 7/10 its way. Hopefully things get scarier and the art direction takes off, because aside from that there's a really great game in here somewhere. The positives are keeping it afloat, but the negatives are weighing on me. Time will tell.


Thanks for your impressions. They were quite informative.

Juse one thing. In your opinion, how's the music? No one seems to have talked much about it.


brandonh83 - two things.

First, so far, with the opinions that you have about the game - was I totally insane in my review, or can you see where I was coming from? *laughs*

Second - I really, really want to see if you think the same way about the game once you've beaten it. I'm not going to say anything about the end, but... it kind of caused my opinion of the storyline to drastically change. (And I don't mean any one particular ending, I mean the resolution of events period before any specific ending.)
I hated the soundtrack when I listened to it the other day, but the thing is, so far all I've heard is music that's actually not on the soundtrack, beyond the music that plays when you're first exploring that you heard a lot during the E3 stuff and it's very good. I'm starting to think they left some of the best stuff off the soundtrack, because it's evident to me that the soundtrack does not completely suck as my initial impressions otherwise suggested.

shidoshi: I completely understand 100% where you were coming from, and I pretty much agree with everything in your review so far. It's not Silent Hill, it's not very scary, but it's still a really good horror game so far with very fun gameplay mechanics. But no, I'm right there with you and I suspected I would be. If I were writing a professional review of the game, as a fan I think I would have written a very similar review, but I'm also finding a lot of things to like as well, but I really need to play more.


brandonh83 said:
I hated the soundtrack when I listened to it the other day, but the thing is, so far all I've heard is music that's actually not on the soundtrack, beyond the music that plays when you're first exploring that you heard a lot during the E3 stuff and it's very good. I'm starting to think they left some of the best stuff off the soundtrack, because it's evident to me that the soundtrack does not completely suck as my initial impressions otherwise suggested.

Thats good to know, but not sure why they wouldnt put the best on the preorder soundtrack. Track 5 (Creeping Distress) and Track 7 (Snow Driven) sound nice.
I really think the big difference between this game and the others is that... okay, in this one I've been creeped out exploring the various places I've been, but the problem is that since the game doesn't have the trademark Silent Hill level of creepiness and insane art direction, I don't think that subsequent playthroughs are going to be very captivating. I can replay the earlier titles over and over, and still be completely unnerved by them. Here, it's like, I think my first time through will be an edgy enough experience, but the art direction and scares aren't anywhere near being strong enough to make the second trip worth taking so far. That's a pretty big problem. It's creepy in its own ways but they're not just not being daring enough. And I know Climax can do it because I felt that Origins had its moments.

But, I'm liking the game a lot right now. It's missing some heavy marks, but it's also doing plenty of things that I deem to be very cool and unique, and even though I think replays are going to be boring and not scary at all, at least this first time through has been relatively creepy at times. That's more than I thought I was going to be able to say about it, and I am pleasantly surprised with the title overall so far.


I know this isn't Climax's first Silent Hill game, but could it just be that Team Silent was a ridiculously talented group that is much more the exception than the rule? In other words, is it really fair to expect Climax to live up to their reputation?

It's like comparing Rob Zombie's Halloween to John Carpenter's or something...except the remake in this case is good, just not legendary like the first.


Hoping someone can help me out,
I'm in the art room at the high school and don't know what to do next. I tried rearranging the statues on the table to match the painting but nothing happened and I cant go anywhere else because I need a key to get through another door in the same room and also need a key to get into the planetarium.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Do we have any reports of the game working correctly on PAL machines via Gecko OS/USB Loader? I'm tired of waiting for the PAL version, and even if the Italian postal service sucks around Christmas holidays I might end up importing it from videogamesplus.ca.

doomed1 said:
Special thanks to Jocchan for the new banners in the OP!
I'm happy you liked them :D

EDIT: Oh, and by the way Hell Frozen Rain is all kinds of awesome. I didn't like it that much in the beginning, but lately I'm listening to it repeatedly (maybe it has something to do with its solo reprising the main theme from SH1 around 3:33, I know Waiting for You already did it with Theme of Laura but I honestly don't care). So, Brandonh, you're officially wrong about the best track in the OST :p


MiniDitka said:
Hoping someone can help me out,
I'm in the art room at the high school and don't know what to do next. I tried rearranging the statues on the table to match the painting but nothing happened and I cant go anywhere else because I need a key to get through another door in the same room and also need a key to get into the planetarium.

Re-arranging the statues
is only the first half of the puzzle. You need to then do something with what they then reveal.


Can anybody tell me what kind of "scary" this game is?

I liked Dead Space because it has such an awesome atmosphere, and you're always fearing for your life. Is this like Dead Space or like FEAR which is basically random screamers?


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
tass0 said:
Can anybody tell me what kind of "scary" this game is?

I liked Dead Space because it has such an awesome atmosphere, and you're always fearing for your life. Is this like Dead Space or like FEAR which is basically random screamers?
Older Silent Hill games were more like Dead Space (but insanely better), you were creeped out by the atmosphere more than anything else.
It should be the same for this one.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
scitek said:
I know this isn't Climax's first Silent Hill game, but could it just be that Team Silent was a ridiculously talented group that is much more the exception than the rule? In other words, is it really fair to expect Climax to live up to their reputation?

Their name was Team Silent...so yeah, they were indeed rediculously talented. The thing was Silent Hill was their baby, as in, a collective peak of all their talent and creativity combined. Everyone doing what they did best, perfectly, as they loved it.

Silent Hill will never be like that again. It's something that always confuses me about gamers; getting so hyped over unexpected sequels and franchise entries that are handled by teams composed of entirely new people. Excitement is fine, but game development requires such a personal artistic touch and direction that everybody is, ultimately, different.

Rare are a prime example. They're not like they were in the SNES/N64 days because an absolutely massive amount of the staff is totally different, including many of the lead designers and directors. You cant just dump a IP in anybody's hands and have it turn out the same as the original entries. It doesn't work that way.

Silent Hill is destined to never, ever be like it was, simply because from here-on out it will be handled by people with different direction. That doesn't mean it wont be good (great, even), or that it wont do a solid job of digging into source material and concepts, but it's always going to be at least a little bit different.

Silent Hill fans need to get used to it. They dont need to like it, but that's how the industry turns. The 'good old days' are over.


brandonh83 said:
I really think the big difference between this game and the others is that... okay, in this one I've been creeped out exploring the various places I've been, but the problem is that since the game doesn't have the trademark Silent Hill level of creepiness and insane art direction, I don't think that subsequent playthroughs are going to be very captivating. I can replay the earlier titles over and over, and still be completely unnerved by them. Here, it's like, I think my first time through will be an edgy enough experience, but the art direction and scares aren't anywhere near being strong enough to make the second trip worth taking so far. That's a pretty big problem. It's creepy in its own ways but they're not just not being daring enough. And I know Climax can do it because I felt that Origins had its moments.

But, I'm liking the game a lot right now. It's missing some heavy marks, but it's also doing plenty of things that I deem to be very cool and unique, and even though I think replays are going to be boring and not scary at all, at least this first time through has been relatively creepy at times. That's more than I thought I was going to be able to say about it, and I am pleasantly surprised with the title overall so far.


Wow, this sounds almost exactly how I felt about New Super Mario Brothers:

It has it where it counts (gameplay, design and execution), but lacks majorly in the intangible areas.
Well I completed it last night. The final nightmare sequences had me shaking my head because I was sorta like WTF. Reminded me of some old moments in SH. Overall the game was great. I do understand the review in Play stating its not Silent Hill. Though it has no merrit on how good the game is. The game is extremely well done. Though again, no one ever said this was a Silent Hill remake, it was stated a re-imagining and by those standards, SM hits its on the head hardcore. This is a definite re-imagining all the way.

I can say the ending had me thinking. I'm now trying to figure out how it all fits together. There are some possible ideas and theories I have so like any Silent Hill game, there is bound to be alot of talk concerning the end for sure. Thats one staple of the series that has sorta been stuck in every game at the least.

Overall, I'd give the game a 8 out of 10. Solid game, great atmoshere, good characters, cool sorta mystery. Its Silent Hill alright, but its not! Its a new vision of Silent Hill. Its radically different the other games in alot of ways. I like what Climax has done here. I can see alot of first time Silent Hill people playing this and then playing the original for the first time and actually prefering this one. The fact that I went through the whole game sorta not knowing what to expect from the game was great because I must admit, any game that tries to capture the old SH games (looking at you Origins and Homecoming) people seem to bitch about and complain how its not Team Silent worthy. Even though I enjoyed those version alot. The SH series has stuck to a formula that has become all too predictable. Well now Climax pretty much said "fuck you guys" this is our version of Silent Hill and they held nothing back in that regard.

Climax. My hats off to you! I'd actually like to see you guys make your own suvival horror series now with what you have learned doing this. Also the tech behind your game, damn...more Wii games need to look THIS GOOD!Overall, I was very pleased and I'm going to start a second run through of the game tonight. From what I read, the ending I got was deemed the "good" ending.
brandonh83 said:


  • great visuals
  • intuitive and original gameplay mechanics
  • amazing use of Wii controls
  • story/characters
  • heavy on atmosphere

  • lacking the fright of past SH titles
  • chase sequences are tedious, not scary
  • other scares are kind of lame
  • bland art direction

If I were to review the game right now, I would probably throw a 7/10 its way. Hopefully things get scarier and the art direction takes off, because aside from that there's a really great game in here somewhere. The positives are keeping it afloat, but the negatives are weighing on me. Time will tell.

Great overview. So far, you and Shidoshi have confirmed my exact concerns about the game. I still think Climax did a decent job with Origins; it's too bad their egos obviously got in the way of making a good Silent Hill remake.

EatChildren said:
Silent Hill will never be like that again....

Silent Hill fans need to get used to it. They dont need to like it, but that's how the industry turns. The 'good old days' are over.

Sad but true. Castlevania is another example, where everyone is always clamoring for another Symphony of the Night. All of those great teams got split up over the years.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
What kind of extras costumes/weapons are there after you complete the game? SH games in the past have usually given you something extra to use in repeat playthroughs of the game, just for fun. Does this game give you anything to motivate you to play through it again?


brandonh83 said:
Really great write-up. I was looking forward to seeing what you had to say about it and am pleased to see that even a skeptic like yourself found a lot of things you liked about the game. I can't wait until I can play it now.
slasher_thrasher21 said:
Climax. My hats off to you! I'd actually like to see you guys make your own suvival horror series now with what you have learned doing this. Also the tech behind your game, damn...more Wii games need to look THIS GOOD! Overall, I was very pleased and I'm going to start a second run through of the game tonight. From what I read, the ending I got was deemed the "good" ending.

I just beat it an hour ago and was going to give my impressions, but I agree with just about everything you said. I feel like this is a great game and I'm afraid people just aren't going to give it the credit it deserves. Definately the best game with the Silent Hill name on it since SH3 even if it is a "game changer" like Resident Evil 4 was to that series.

I'm wondering what ending did you get? I got
Cheryl is the patient and the doctor goes on about how Harry was a crappy guy and she shouldn't hold him in such high regard. I also got the brown hair/less sexy Cybil and the pink dress Michelle. I'm not sure how many different variations there are, but I'm hoping for some sexier ladies on my next playthrough...
brandonh83 said:

* great visuals
* intuitive and original gameplay mechanics
* amazing use of Wii controls
* story/characters
* heavy on atmosphere
Wonder how much of this will translate to the PS2 version. :\
VibratingDonkey said:
Wonder how much of this will translate to the PS2 version. :\

I was thinking about this last night-- I have a friend who is a huge SH fan and can't wait to play it, but he doesn't have a Wii, and admittedly most of my enjoyment of the game has been purely because of the Wii functionality. If I were playing this game with a standard controller, I'm not sure how positive I would be about it. Maybe this is why the other versions have been delayed. Honestly if the art direction and scares don't pick up, I think this would be an extreme bore on other consoles.

I'm not ready to make that claim yet, as there are plenty of cool things going on, but it is sort of a bummer that I'm being more impressed with the gimmicks than the actual Silent Hill of it all.

I'm going to resume play here in about half an hour, and I want nothing more than to be able to jump on here and blow my load over the game getting better. Cross you fingers-- as you all can see, I'm here to give the info to you straight, regardless of my feelings about the series and I will continue to do just that.


shidoshi said:
First, so far, with the opinions that you have about the game - was I totally insane in my review, or can you see where I was coming from? *laughs*

Your review isn't insane at all, and in fact I agree with a large amount of your criticisms as they relate to the game in comparison to the rest of the series. I think most of his positive impressions are because he hasn't finished the game yet.

It's a fine if dull little game overall, and quite short of the mark for a Silent Hill game. I see no reason why
it's called a reimagining of the first, as the story bears zero resemblance to the first game's outside of the very superficial trappings of character names/occupations and a missing daughter.

The chase sequences are absolute wastes of time, and they torpedo the tension that Silent Hill games require because when you're not in a chase sequence you know you're never going to be attacked or in danger. You're just waving your flashlight over the environment and watching the awful free-floating shadows twirl around on objects that aren't against a wall. I could forgive all that if the puzzles were up to snuff, but they're all insultingly easy with maybe one exception.

I liked the story, as it's a more psychological one like Silent Hill 2's. I particularly liked that
they got rid of the cult, which never really did anything for me in the originals.
I appreciate the effort to do something new and revitalizing with the series, but overall I have to call it a failure.
brandonh83 said:
slasher: does it get scarier and more inventive toward the end?

How far are you?

The chase scenes don't ever really change. I mean, the monsters evolve with your psych profile, but you're never attacked outside of the Ice Hell. That seems to be what you're hoping for anyway.

I do think the environments get creepier as time goes on, and there was a part that creeped me out so much that I kept thinking about it as I was laying in bed last night, but I don't think this game has what you're looking for.

Me? I liked it better than Silent Hill 1...


shidoshi said:
Re-arranging the statues
is only the first half of the puzzle. You need to then do something with what they then reveal.
Unless I missed something it didn't reveal anything
I tried rearranging the statues several times and never noticed anything come up after it was done
I'm so confused : (
brandonh83 said:
slasher: does it get scarier and more inventive toward the end?

Honestly, if your not finding the chase sequences good, then probably not. There is one nightmare sequence near the end thats more WTf then scary and reminds me of classic silent hill style but really in all honesty this game gave me more a chilling (no pun intended), creep vibe. Though the chase scenes for me were intense in the essence that I did NOT want to be in them and as soon as I was out I was always happy. Not because I didn't enjoy them but because it just gave me lots of tension.

You might find yourself still thinking this is a good game but not a Silent Hill game. Though if anything, I couldn't get the game off my mind. Even after beating it.

El Pescado said:
I'm wondering what ending did you get? I got
Cheryl is the patient and the doctor goes on about how Harry was a crappy guy and she shouldn't hold him in such high regard. I also got the brown hair/less sexy Cybil and the pink dress Michelle. I'm not sure how many different variations there are, but I'm hoping for some sexier ladies on my next playthrough...

Well my ending
was with seeing Harry walk into the Dr office and then dissapeared. The tape played of him being a loving father but that her mom and him were getting a difovrce, but he wanted her to know it wasn't her fault. Was very touching I felt actually. Also my cop was a by the books tough cookies cop and the girl from the prom was in a pink nice dress. Also Dahlia was all gothic looking.

MiniDitka said:
Unless I missed something it didn't reveal anything
I tried rearranging the statues several times and never noticed anything come up after it was done
I'm so confused : (

If your talking about the art room puzzle
Put the items in the spot like on the canvas, then look behind at the shadows, you should see some numbers...call that number


EatChildren said:
Silent Hill is destined to never, ever be like it was, simply because from here-on out it will be handled by people with different direction. That doesn't mean it wont be good (great, even), or that it wont do a solid job of digging into source material and concepts, but it's always going to be at least a little bit different.

Silent Hill fans need to get used to it. They dont need to like it, but that's how the industry turns. The 'good old days' are over.

The thing about Silent Hill, too, is that it's had a hell of a run. Four games done in the original style without changing much is way more than fans of, say, Beyond Good & Evil are likely to get. Me, I'd love another Dino Crisis, but that probably won't ever happen, so be happy with what you've got. Silent Hill fans are lucky the franchise is still around and has spanned now three generations. That's something few franchises ever do.


slasher_thrasher21 said:
If your talking about the art room puzzle
Put the items in the spot like on the canvas, then look behind at the shadows, you should see some numbers...call that number
Doh! thanks slasher.
El Pescado said:
How far are you?

The chase scenes don't ever really change. I mean, the monsters evolve with your psych profile, but you're never attacked outside of the Ice Hell. That seems to be what you're hoping for anyway.

I'm looking for the

I'm not hoping to be attacked outside the ice hell, I'm just hoping to still be creeped out. The game has sort of been creepy thanks to the atmosphere, but that's not quite enough. I don't really care how, or when, I just want to be unnerved a bit more than I am.

edit: now THAT was nice and creepy.

art room puzzle, when you call the number, "Door's open."

Yes. YES. More of this please!
:lol :lol :lol

*extremely minor spoiler, nothing plot/environmentally revealing:

When you're hacking the principal's PC and you click "forgot your password?" the security question is "My bitch of an ex-wife's name?"

Totally wasn't expecting that and I laughed my ass off.
"Are you on something? I'm Dahlia. Hottest piece of ass you'll ever find in this town."

:lol :lol god I'm glad this is something I knew about way before playing the game.
Just beat it a second time. Only took about 3 hours. Some things changed a bit. Different ending. Though it seems to suggest the player should replay it a again. Wonder if you get all the different endings if there is a additional scene.
slasher_thrasher21 said:
Just beat it a second time. Only took about 3 hours. Some things changed a bit. Different ending. Though it seems to suggest the player should replay it a again. Wonder if you get all the different endings if there is a additional scene.

Have you been collecting a lot of the
I'm wondering if that has any effect on the ending you get...
MiniDitka said:
I already tried that number
and nothing happened?

That is the number of the locker you need to open. Once you open it. Look at picture of the football guys, the jersey numbers, thats your answer.

El Pescado said:
Have you been collecting a lot of the
I'm wondering if that has any effect on the ending you get...

Ones I find yes. I still can't seem to figure out how to open the
safe near the end of the game.


slasher_thrasher21 said:
That is the number of the locker you need to open. Once you open it. Look at picture of the football guys, the jersey numbers, thats your answer.

Ones I find yes. I still can't seem to figure out how to open the
safe near the end of the game.
LOL! I told you I sucked at puzzles :lol Thanks much.


brandonh83 said:
:lol :lol :lol

*extremely minor spoiler, nothing plot/environmentally revealing:

When you're hacking the principal's PC and you click "forgot your password?" the security question is "My bitch of an ex-wife's name?"

Totally wasn't expecting that and I laughed my ass off.
I got the question
My only true (four -legged) friend?"
Still trying to figure it out. How do you press enter on the keyboard?
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