I don't know that Hanneman is as completely incompetent as some of you are making him out to be. That little twist over the "show check" and his reveal that Pied Piper would not receive lump financing and would, instead, only receive checks every two weeks once they figured out their burn rate demonstrated a level of shrewdness that his brash personality normally keeps completely covered up. He made a really hard deal with Richard because he knew Richard had no leverage to negotiate. As part of that deal he received two seats on the board, the "loan" will convert to an equity stake in the company if Pied Piper fails to meet certain milestones, and he's limited his financial outlay by distributing the check over time rather than in one lump sum. That's a great deal for Hanneman.
That's true. I've just gotten the idea that he's planning to suck Pied Piper dry with his penny ante schemes ("Synergy!"), or that he is sincere about it and doesn't see how it will hurt the company. That's the kind of vision I'd expect from a man who went from 1.2B to 1.4B in mere decades (also assuming that this wasn't a lie).