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SimCity |OT| It's not the simulation or city that matter, it's <parameter: string>


Yeah the station seems to have a 2000 block car park. I presume underground.

Speaking of which I wish you could build an underground train system (at some huge expense if necessary - like it causes all buildings above ground to be demolished for a certain number of months whilst it is being built).

Pretty sure this is another feature removed from past Sim Cities. I know 2k had it. Not sure about 4


Saw the thread on the horrible pathfinding and I have been experiencing this since 100k pop and after that you have to completely redo the whole transportation system in all of my cites. Any road that isn't a maxed out avenue is worthless. Throwing more bus stations actually makes it worse, all of my buses stick together in a heard and skip stops, trash trucks pickup from the same location in a giant group and only cover half the city. Shortest path only algorithm is only a small portion of the issue. *protip get rid of the small buses completely and switch to municipal buses, helps having fewer on the road*

Yes, but how do I get rid of my neighbor's buses?



So I got the limited edition from the EA India Store for $27.

Playing last night I noticed I was getting Hero/Villian quests and I could also put down numerous European themed buildings.

Wasn't this the deluxe editions perks? Or am I confused?

I got the same. I assumed it was something server side going wrong (what a surprise) because Maxis Man and Dr. Whatever pop up in quests to build their respective buildings.


Maybe the plot sizes are the same, but that looks a good bit smaller than the city I'm currently working on...

But I like the curved roads. Need to use that more myself.

The problem with curved roads is that buildings an the apex of the curve often complain about not being enough space to expand, whilst it looks nice in theory it's not the most efficient.


Axel Hertz
So I got the limited edition from the EA India Store for $27.

Playing last night I noticed I was getting Hero/Villian quests and I could also put down numerous European themed buildings.

Wasn't this the deluxe editions perks? Or am I confused?

I got the same. I assumed it was something server side going wrong (what a surprise) because Maxis Man and Dr. Whatever pop up in quests to build their respective buildings.

Every edition is the limited Edition, and they all have Maxis Man and Dr. Evil Thief.

The Deluxe Edition has three different types of buildings, like French buildings and other two.

Some regions got an special type of building decoration for free. Maybe India gets the England ones?


So what am I doing wrong. To get the density up, I need to put down the right streets and some parks/sport things right?


venison crêpe
My curved roads started off that way as they followed the naturally occuring lines of ore that I used early on and things kind of flowed from there.

I agree though, it's not the most efficient in terms of building density.


venison crêpe
So what am I doing wrong. To get the density up, I need to put down the right streets and some parks/sport things right?

For me, controlling density comes down to four factors:

- Roads
- Plot size
- Happiness
- Time

Roads is the simplest one. Plot size is related to roads.
Happiness and time is where I think a lot of people mess up. Lots of things affect happiness. Do the sims have a place to work? Are they healthy and safe from crime? Do they have access to education and a place to shop and yes, is there a park, relative to my level of wealth, nearby?

Lastly time. Density will increase over time naturally if sims have access to all the things stated above.

Increasing low wealth density is the hardest in my little experience. I'm sure everyone by now has plonked down a high wealth plaza or formal park and seen an uber wealthy skyscraper go up not too long after. For low wealth this action seems to take a lot lot longer. In some cases months.

My biggest advice would be not to make snap judgements. If a resident is saying "no access to shops" or somethign similiar when there's a shop for his wealth level clearly nearby then give it a day/month and check back and see if he's saying the same thing. Likewise, keep checking back to buildings you want to see increase in density and see if the arrows are going up or down.


After looking at that 200k screenshot I think I need to stat letting my cities grow naturally. The problem is most cities I've had an abundance of natural resources meaning I have to aggressively expand to reach them.


lol in deficit, on the verge of bankrupcy. Only thing that's keeping me alive is the recycling money coming in (when the citizen do recycle), and a moronic giant monster pops into my city destroying my richest area (high residential tower $$$).

Guess I'll restart a city.


Axel Hertz
Looking at that 200k city... maybe I shouldn't do industries.

But if I don't do industries, where will everybody work?

I do have an illegal amount of unfilled jobs (more than 18k). Where are all these people working?


So when my sims decry they're "out of money" does that mean they need a place to work? I'm trying to do this without listening to the stupid advisers.
lol in deficit, on the verge of bankrupcy. Only thing that's keeping me alive is the recycling money coming in (when the citizen do recycle), and a moronic giant monster pops into my city destroying my richest area (high residential tower $$$).

Guess I'll restart a city.

That's my biggest annoyance with the game. All of my big cities have been destroyed by disasters. It really turns me off from making anything too extravagant. Nuclear meltdowns, monster attacks, zombies...these are NOT realistic disasters that occur in real cities.


We need a Sim City Community thread to get Gaffers into the same regions, it's a pain the ass to trawl a thread to find out who is looking for mayors only to find out they are in a region that's full, capacity or server wise.
Info Request: From Players experiencing Rollbacks

&#8206;03-11-2013 10:07 AM

We've come across reports of players experiencing rollbacks of their cities, i.e. losing progress. The development team is currently looking into these reports, but to speed up and assist this investigation we would like to ask you for more details.

If one or more of your cities are currently experiencing rollbacks, please post the following information as a reply to this thread:

- Origin ID (if different from your AHQ account)
- City name
- Region name
- Server name

Any additional information that may assist us.

Thanks a lot and please be assured that we are working diligently to resolve this issue.



This is ridiculous. My city is on NA west 2 and teh server is down. Almost every time I have a moment to play I have to make a new city because the server my old city was on is down.

BTW EA that icon that is supposed to tell you what server you have cities on is nonsense. I just selected Antarctica and Asia once, created no cities at all just selected them, now I have city icons next to them? Does that icon just mean you at one point picked that server? Great intuitive programming there.

Have I had long play sessions that went without a problem sure I have but if I can't get back into the cities I make whenever I want then wtf do I do if I have planned to play the game at that time? I am not starting another city I have already made 4.

This is such a frustrating game on so many levels. There is just no certainty that the city you made will be there. That seriously makes you not even want to be bothered.


That's my biggest annoyance with the game. All of my big cities have been destroyed by disasters. It really turns me off from making anything too extravagant. Nuclear meltdowns, monster attacks, zombies...these are NOT realistic disasters that occur in real cities.

SimCity needs a regional jubilee, proto-trustfund, or monster insurance. Some way for people to get some extra money thrown their way since there's so many disasters i hear.


venison crêpe
Awesome work!

How much of this do you plan from the beginning versus letting your city evolve over time?

I'm not fair into my first city and it's a dogs dinner at the moment.

My planning method is simple in execution yet convoluted in planning. At a basic level I look at my natural resources (I actually prefer cities with no ore, oil or coal but there weren't any left in my region), what routes I have in and out of the city, then roughly sketch out where my R/C/I zones will go.

I make snap judgements too. For instance, before this city I had never had a Trade HQ before so I had no idea on it's space or upgrade requirements. Now I know that I will plan space for it better in any future cities I build.

I think this is my fourth city. My first two didn't get far at all. My third suffered a nuclear meltdown by a giant lizard. With each one I've learnt lessons which have helped me plan later cities though.

I'll write up a longer post later with screenshots if theres enough interested people.


I realized last night that all the trouble they had since the launch has almost completly killed all the enthousiam I had for the game. I had a lot of hype all the way up until release but now I'm not even tempted to try it after the first 2 days of loosing hours of work that didn't save.

I'm sure I'll go back at some point but it was a serious buzz kill.


I haven't tried one of the regions shown on bottom yet. Is it true that all 7 have access to each other in this one? Perhaps GAF should switch its preferred map to this. the 4 mini regions in each region gets a little dull.



Axel Hertz
With the stupid Service Path finding AI, I'm thinking that everything that needs deliveries (stock market, factories, mining plants) on a single stretch of avenue, removed from the biggest pat of the city.

That way, all the trucks can be idiots by themselves on this stretch of avenue. Hmmm.


I realized last night that all the trouble they had since the launch has almost completly killed all the enthousiam I had for the game. I had a lot of hype all the way up until release but now I'm not even tempted to try it after the first 2 days of loosing hours of work that didn't save.

I'm sure I'll go back at some point but it was a serious buzz kill.

There is no point at all. The excitement of building a great city is just destroyed when it vanishes when you get in. In previous simcities I started over plenty of times but it was on my terms and at a point when I felt like it was time to. Even my Wife is just losing the will to continue and she would play Simcity 4 for days. She was even really digging this new one and when her first city was wiped it was ok she was cool with it even the second city. But now she is off today and can't even get on the server where her city is and the other server she had a city on wiped it. I just don't even know anymore.


venison crêpe
Here's another shot which is perhaps easier to show the different zones I have for this particular city.

Split the city roughly into thirds from top to bottom. Generally speaking:

- The left third is my medium wealthy and high wealthy residential zones (most wealthy at the top).
- The middle is predominantly my low wealth residential zone.
- The rightmost third is industrial.


Test server info @ https://help.ea.com/article/simcity-test-server

We wanted to let you all know about the new test server that we put up on 3/10/2013. It’s going to be called “Test”, so you'll know exactly which one it is.

1. What is it for?
This server is used by the SimCity developers and players to test changes and new features before they are released across all the other servers. This Test Server will improve our ability to deploy these updates as quickly and accurately as possible.

2. Can I play on that server?
You can and we would be very grateful if you did, as we need people to help test. But by it’s very nature it will not be as stable as our other live server environments.

3. What does that mean for players?
You’ll have the sincere appreciation of the SimCity development team for helping us test the game, but your experience might be unstable. We also may take this Test Server down at any time, and you could lose progress in your saved cities. You should not lose your cities on this test server, but it is always a possibility.

Don't see how this is any different from the current servers...

To bad they didn't do a full blown pre-release beta for any & all that pre-ordered that was not time-limited/specific.
With the stupid Service Path finding AI, I'm thinking that everything that needs deliveries (stock market, factories, mining plants) on a single stretch of avenue, removed from the biggest pat of the city.

That way, all the trucks can be idiots by themselves on this stretch of avenue. Hmmm.

My problem is not the service trucks. Its the inter city metro buses and the small cars. The cars like to go around in circles which cause everybody behind them to stop causing a major traffic jam.

The problem is this holds up and deliveries that sell to the outside of your city.


I haven't tried one of the regions shown on bottom yet. Is it true that all 7 have access to each other in this one? Perhaps GAF should switch its preferred map to this. the 4 mini regions in each region gets a little dull.

Down side to the smaller, or all linked one, is only one great works site. Yeah the mini-city region is a little dull at the start, but once all four great works are up they benefit everyone.
Right, so I have a nice city with about 70k people, happy with it but the factories need more workers. The city has a University and everything like that so could I simply make a new city with just the essentials and 90% residential and get them to go to work in my other city? Or does it not work like that?
That's a good tip. I'll try that next time I'm on my city.

I really don't care about the Sim traffic being idiots. It's not ideal, but it's fine for what it is - they can't possibly map 120k people. What pisses me off is that the Services traffic is horrible. It doesn't matter if I have 16 or 42 Recycle Trucks on the city, I only get 8k out of 10k recycle bins, because every truck goes to every building together in a endless stream of trucks. I don't even have yellow traffic in my 180k+ city, but the goddamn recycle trucks can't get their shit straight. Service agents (Trash, Buses, Freight) should have their own path finding ai. I really do with they turned it off and used the same path finding for everybody for server-load issues.

I really hope they fix it eventually - people have been saying that it wasn't such a problem earlier on. I'm not equipped to confirm or deny that.

But sim traffic will slow down your firetrucks, garbage, trade trucks, etc. If you have a traffic jam those will wait behind it. But yes I mentioned that same issue with trash trucks and basically all mass transit units. I would go as far to say that every single pathing algorithm in that game is busted. From utilities, to sims cars, to services nothing really works the best way when you get a full city.

It doesn't help that there is 1 entrance to the city that bottlenecks traffic, some people that did dev beta said it was actually an ave with an intersection before it was that highway with a junction and that made the agents ever slower.

I love the game to death but these glaringly bad issues make me wonder why beta games where capped at 1 hour long and if they ever got a city to a 500k pop and played it to see what would happen.


Does anyone still play (or ever play) SimCity Social? I took a break for awhile but still check it daily.. kinda fun. Sucks I have no one to play with though (not gonna add random people from the comments on the fanpage). If any other GAFfers want other neighbors, let me know!
I play but I've been on the verge of quitting for the past month, haha. That game has it's own issues. I kind of want to get level 11 houses and finish off the island mayan temple quest. I really want to quit it, but I don't know why I don't.


I just can't get back into the game knowing how shitty it is right now. The AI path finding, the unusable areas because of the terrain, the small maps.


Mine went crazy last night. Fires broke out everywhere and i suddenly got about 200 crimes a day. My population dropped to about 200,000. When i logged back on today it said there was a problem processing my city and it rolled it back. It actually went back to right before things went mental and worked out fine. Makes me wonder if some stuff really is happening server side.

Anyway, up to 330,000 population now :)


Rodent Whores
Fleeing the country after fleecing the electorate, eh?
That's what the world gets for fucking reducing my funding in XCOM (Yes, I hold grudges in between games :D)

I tried to do this, things I noticed, ground polution never goes away :/

I'm just gonna plant some trees and hope for the best. Besides, I'm gonna try for a larger low wealth base this time, so fuck 'em. They can deal with it.


Rodent Whores
I saved up 2 million and just bulldozed my entire gaf city. Time to start clean.

Apologies to anyone who may have been relying on me for some services. I gotta get on a plane now. Damn you always online!

So.....I just came back to my game...my city is still standing. I guess it didn't save, lol :p


Ok, so I had two bus Depots, the municipal one and the regular one.

I closed down the regular one, but it doesn't seem that the regular buses go away?

What the hell? :D

Wait, there's two different bus depots? How do I plop down the other one?

edit: Also, does anyone here experience weird population migrations away from their city? I lost a huge chunk for no apparent reason and they all came rushing back after I built a lot of high-wealth buildings which were, apparently, not in demand.
Is the server queue thing new? I don't recall encountering it before when trying to connect to a full server. It also sucks that there STILL are server issues almost a week later. I tried to load up my game to play at lunch only to find I'm in a queue that won't check back for 20 minutes? WTF?
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