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SimCity |OT| It's not the simulation or city that matter, it's <parameter: string>


Junior Member

It's only on one selector, though. But I didn't see I could plant trees because on one of the menus there was a clever > arrow

Also, get a police-station or something, man :D My town was so peaceful until robbers and murderers from your city decided to make my town their citadel. Police are getting it under control now, though


Unlimited Capacity
It's only on one selector, though. But I didn't see I could plant trees because on one of the menus there was a clever > arrow

Also, get a police-station or something, man :D My town was so peaceful until robbers and murderers from your city decided to make my town their citadel. Police are getting it under control now, though

Lol. The bike gangs of neo-tokyo are apparently riding out everywhere.


formerly "chigiri"
Inspired by Rentahamster's clever city designs, started a new region with the intent of employing the same strategy on building



The right-half side of the city (with industry) is placeholder, including the connecting brige from the town hall down on that side, plan is to have it not connect to the highway that close to the entrance to prevent gridlocking there. Will eventually start de-zoning the avenue but for now it's populated. Plus, tunnels, tunnels everywhere through that mountain and a street car track circling the entire thing.

It's on the 7 city / 1 wonder region.


Axel Hertz
Still room on our Antarctica GAF region! If you want to join the region, post in this thread or pitch me a PM.
6 unclaimed spots left

I will bravely try my luck against the snowy Antarctica if you guys allow me.

PM sent.

Edit: I'm RainOne on Origin.


Rodent Whores
Aw crap, I fell asleep with my city running, and apparently ran into the recycling center bug, so now bins were overflowing and now I have ground pollution everywhere :(


So how does sending resources to great works, work?

My wife and I have been trying to build an arcology in our region for what feels like fucking ever. She's supplying the alloy and televisions and I'm supplying the metal, but do we need to be logged into our cities in order for it to actually send its resources, or will it do it while we're offline? You'd think this would be something easy to test, but every time we look at the thing the resources it says we've sent to it changes, sometimes it shows its received nearly 1,000 tons of metal, other times only 100 tons, so we don't know what the fuck is going on.


Junior Member
Cmon septimius, stop playing and invite me.. :p

Haha, sorry. Getting out a round of invites!

Status GAF-region - filling up! If you want to join the region, post in this thread or pitch me a PM.

Remember that you have to have logged on to the server (Antarctica) for me to be able to invite you to the region!

People who have claimed a spot:
  • Septimius
  • _tetsuo_ / Shima2k
  • Sousanator / GAS25x
  • Dougald / Dougald
  • masud / dafortune
  • Twinduct / Twinduct-RSA
  • fivehorizons / fivehorizons1
  • Kabouter / Kabbles
  • frontieruk / frontieruk
  • Rentahamster / Rentahamster
  • drizzle / RainOne
  • Pachael / PachaelD
  • BigJonnson / SuperMayor99
  • NecroRamone / Necro_Ramone
  • +Aliken+ / AlikenEA

  • Malik77 / Malikah77 / friended - invite sent - if you haven't got it, you can probably claim some land
  • izt_is / spyguy-aka-izt / friend request sent
  • callhitman / tj662 / friend request sent
  • Gandie / LeadGandie / friend request sent

Not found:

4 unclaimed spots left - as you can see, there are more people on the list than there are room for on the server. Unfortunately, there's little else but hoping for luck, since first come, first serve.


Rodent Whores
Hmm, so apparently...if I place a T intersection right at the edge of the city....it doesn't generate any traffic signal...This is fucking awesome. It gave me a good outlet for all these fucking taxis. Usually avenue 3 way or 4 way intersections give you traffic lights.

Still room on our Antarctica GAF region! If you want to join the region, post in this thread or pitch me a PM.

Remember that you have to have logged on to the server (Antarctica) for me to be able to invite you to the region!

  • Me (duh) / claimed
  • _tetsuo_ / Shima2k / claimed
  • Sousanator / GAS25x / claimed
  • Malik77 / Malikah77 / friended - invite sent - if you haven't got it, you can probably claim some land
  • Dougald / Dougald / claimed
  • masud / dafortune / claimed
  • Twinduct / Twinduct-RSA / claimed
  • izt_is / spyguy-aka-izt / friend request sent
  • fivehorizons / fivehorizons1 / claimed
  • callhitman / tj662 / friend request sent
  • Pachael / PachaelD / friend request
  • Kabouter / Kabbles / claimed
  • frontieruk / frontieruk / claimed
  • Gandie / LeadGandie / not found on server
  • Rentahamster / Rentahamster / claimed
  • NecroRamone / Necro_Ramone / not found on server

6 unclaimed spots left

I'll give it a shot

SuperMayor99 :)

Logged in right now....


Rodent Whores
So is there a consensus as to how to get manageable traffic? (ie, roads not full congested during the day)?

1. Use the capacity of avenues as throughfares for large volumes of traffic to pass through. Don't zone directly on the avenue as it causes traffic. Branch out side streets from the avenue using medium density roads (to avoid traffic lights), and then zone on those side streets. If the side street has no outlet, be aware that this could cause traffic by hordes of cars entering the street looking for something, and then having to make a U turn at the end when they can't find it.

2. Be aware of the right of way properties of intersecting street types. You want paths of travel that have the highest volume to have the right of way as much as possible. That way, they don't have to stop for other cars. For example, an avenue with a medium density or lower side street stuck on it will have the right of way. Cars traveling on the avenue can be free to go without having to stop for other cars. Another example is a high density street with a medium density or lower street stuck on it will have the right of way, too.

3. Minimize traffic lights. They are inefficient and usually hold up traffic more than help it. There are some cases where traffic lights can help congestion, like in a tight area where lots of cars want to turn, but those cases are rare. Most of the time, you don't want any traffic lights.

4. You will inevitably have traffic lights when you have a 3 way or 4 way avenue intersection. Try to keep these to a minimal. Try to avoid 4 way intersections, and keep all your avenue intersections as T intersections.

5. Try to visualize the path the sims will take according to their desire to take the shortest path possible. When sims travel long distances from one place to another, you want to make sure that avenues comprise the majority of that shortest path.

6. Keep in mind the sims' destinations. There is morning and evening rush hour traffic, so sims will be going to work. University is at various times throughout the day, and shopping is whenever the sims feel like it. To ease shopping congestion, zone commercial mixed up with your residential, so that the sims can walk to shop. To ease the conflict between workers and students, place your industrial/factories in a spot that will not cause students to take the same paths as workers.


Junior Member
Status GAF-region - 1 0 unclaimed spot left! I'm gonna try and let this one go to one of those on the pending list, I'll let anyone be able to grab it sometime tomorrow, if no one on this list has grabbed it by them

  • Malik77 / Malikah77 / friended - invite sent - if you haven't got it, you can probably claim some land
  • izt_is / spyguy-aka-izt / friend request sent
  • callhitman / tj662 / friend request sent
  • Gandie / LeadGandie / friend request sent

Sorry that you all can't join, but first one to claim gets the spot

EDIT: The region is full! Thanks for your interest :)


Great was doing pretty well and the game hang up on me...

Edit: Luckily I was visiting other cities and it must have saved before doing that.


Junior Member
I'm not so sure about the traffic-lights. When there are no traffic lights, there are stop-signs, which means all traffic has to become stationary for a second before moving on. When there are 10 cars in a row, that means 10 seconds. Sure, when there's traffic lights they are at complete stand still for some time, but at least they can move freely when it's green (or somewhat, anyway). But the biggest gripe is anyway pedestrians which will always get right-of-way, meaning traffic can get jammed by pedestrians.
Status GAF-region - 1 unclaimed spot left! I'm gonna try and let this one go to one of those on the pending list, I'll let anyone be able to grab it sometime tomorrow, if no one on this list has grabbed it by them

  • Malik77 / Malikah77 / friended - invite sent - if you haven't got it, you can probably claim some land
  • izt_is / spyguy-aka-izt / friend request sent
  • callhitman / tj662 / friend request sent
  • Gandie / LeadGandie / friend request sent

Sorry that you all can't join, but first one to claim gets the spot

Edit: oops, nevermind I misread that as space still available.


Rodent Whores
I'm not so sure about the traffic-lights. When there are no traffic lights, there are stop-signs, which means all traffic has to become stationary for a second before moving on. When there are 10 cars in a row, that means 10 seconds. Sure, when there's traffic lights they are at complete stand still for some time, but at least they can move freely when it's green (or somewhat, anyway). But the biggest gripe is anyway pedestrians which will always get right-of-way, meaning traffic can get jammed by pedestrians.

Yeah, in some cases they work better. Like I said in my post, though, I think it's usually the case where the no traffic light situation is better in most circumstances, especially when roads are planned with the intention of having certain main streets being designated right of way.

Since traffic light timing can't be adjusted, it gives all directions equal priority, even if one road is obviously more backed up than an intersecting road.


I only had T and L intersections on my entire map and yet traffic was still bombed out. Was a non issue until I surpassed 50k population and became bad at 75k, and then unbearable at 100.

I had no industry. Only residential and commercial zoning with schools and other utilities throughout. Nothing that brought in tourists...dunno


Loving this game so much, but the things that go wrong are so frustrating! Why can't an entire <insert ploppable building here> take care of the entire city? Why am I limited by x delivery trucks forcing me to build another place. Most notorious for this is the recycling center. Speaking of which, I hate when I can't place the 3 reclamation lines in a row because they overlap unless you build them in a very specific order which costs thousands.

Then there's my city not saving or randomly rolling back to a previous state. Especially when I just plop down more water and go to region view to see if the other cities are fine and bam, it's like I never placed it at all. Also annoying is the education bit. If I'm extremely educated in one city, why, oh why, are they suddenly retarded workers in another city? What the crap. Education is expensive, so am I forced to place all education in every city (with the limited space of course) just for its effects everywhere? How stupid.

Finally, why does the game overreact so much. There's one <insert issue here> and suddenly my entire <insert plopped building here> is completely useless and I'm a terrible mayor.

Other than those horrible details, I am loving the game. And sorry about the rant. I'm sure it's been discussed a billion times here before, but I really just had to get it out :)

Edit: Cool. Can't even access one of my cities now. It just loads forever. Good times.
Edit: Can't even log in to the forums to complain directly to them....even better! EA, I fully support your online endeavors from here on out because you are truly one of a kind!


Rodent Whores
I only had T and L intersections on my entire map and yet traffic was still bombed out. Was a non issue until I surpassed 50k population and became bad at 75k, and then unbearable at 100.

I had no industry. Only residential and commercial zoning with schools and other utilities throughout. Nothing that brought in tourists...dunno

There still has to be some kind of structure and planning to the layout. It can't be just Ls and Ts and that's that.

Especially with no industry, there isn't any particularly strong pull for workers from any one direction, so you can't really "direct" the majority of the working sims along any particular path.


I am sacrificing the well being of my city to try and get it to look like Neo-Tokyo. I was doing well, getting to 40k population and climbing. Then I realized that the tallest buildings are the high wealth ones, so I started jacking up the land value everywhere. No I have destroyed a LOT of residential tryingto get it up and it is kinda working. So now, I am sitting at 20k population. Also, a meteor shower and lizard attack kinda hurt me a bit as well lol

edit: few pics
What filter are you using? I like the look of those shots.


Easy to be carried away! :D If no one on the list grabs it, I'll keep you in mind!

Hey guys, anyone else have a spot free anywhere and can send me an invite?

Been trying to claim one of the spots in GAF region that you set up Septimius, but I never got an invite, I logged in to the antartica server...could not find any invite. Spots are all probably filled up by now ):

Damn server filters still seem to be broken/nowhere to be found and I can't find a region with a free spot for me to claim?!

Any offers will be much appreciated. Thanks!
Traffic at my highway connection is going to be really messed up soon, I hope I don't have to bulldoze the residential in the area to fix it =/


Junior Member
sorry about that, izt_is. The invites seem shakey at best. I found you on the server, and I have a friend-request pending, but SimCity seems to be very selective about... actually working.

Hope you find a nice region, and I'll be sure to keep you posted if I make more :)


Axel Hertz
I'm trying to fast track TV Production in my city on Atarctica, but It's harder this time around.

I tried with an alternate city layout and it's fucking me up.

I'm getting there though. -12k hourly is fucking me up. Not doing the power research first is also destroying me. I need to research better wind power production and stop buying overpriced power from neighboring cities.
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