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SimCity |OT| It's not the simulation or city that matter, it's <parameter: string>


I sent them an Email via the "Contact us" link regarding pricing issues and got it pretty quick..

Had I Known this was going to happen, I would not have paid my credit card in full... I am curious now what will happen when this goes through and I actually paid to much on my credit card... :eek:
You just have a credit on your card when you pay over. Basically like a gift card balance.


There any other cities with schools in your region? Might want to see if any of your students are commuting to them. If not, ask other people to temporarily turn off their schools so their students will commute to your city instead till you can get enough to upgrade the University.

Just doing a private region and this is the one city I have. I have an arcology which should give me a ton of students. Is it? Nope even though its saying it is.


Rodent Whores
The tourism mechanic needs to be scrapped or reworked entirely. It's far too opaque of a system and has little benefit to your city when it's not overwhelming your road network with traffic. Something simple, like a tourism cap, and cap breaking mechanic would be fine. Combine sellable goods and souveniers; it's stupid for them to be separate. Get rid of hotels completely, or let me control when and where hotels are constructed.

I also don't see why they are wasting so much time on mass transit scripting. Focus on service vehicles only. The mass transit system would be infinitely more fun and effective if players built the routes themselves. It adds fun gameplay, and a directed approach would be much more useful than any kind of randomish, AI routine.
The tourism mechanic needs to be scrapped or reworked entirely. It's far too opaque of a system and has little benefit to your city when it's not overwhelming your road network with traffic. Something simple, like a tourism cap, and cap breaking mechanic would be fine. Combine sellable goods and souveniers; it's stupid for them to be separate. Get rid of hotels completely, or let me control when and where hotels are constructed.

I don't get it, what's wrong with the tourism mechanic? I made a city designed completely around tourism, works really well, I earn lots of money from it, my commercial zones make lots of money, my traffic isn't bad when tons of people are visiting since I planned for it and have lots of mass transit as well as road design that rushed tourists to where they want to go.


Rodent Whores
I don't get it, what's wrong with the tourism mechanic? I made a city designed completely around tourism, works really well, I earn lots of money from it, my commercial zones make lots of money, my traffic isn't bad when tons of people are visiting since I planned for it and have lots of mass transit as well as road design that rushed tourists to where they want to go.

First of all, it's prone to bugs, like when they don't properly leave, and their numbers cycle endlessly.

The mechanics of how it works is also unclear to many players in terms of how does one attract greater numbers of tourists of a specific wealth class, and why certain figures fluctuate as they do. There is a disconnect between what a player thinks he's trying to do, and what is actually happening in-game. Why one day a city can have 1000 tourists come in through the rail station, and then the next day, only 30.

There really is no way to differentiate a specific "tourist" zone. Your best option is to build your roads in a way that forcibly funnel the tourists to specific locations, due to the stupid AI pathfinding. As such, your commercial zones further away from the city can actually distract from your landmarks and casinos' profit. This is one of the reasons why so many people lose money when they try gambling specialization.

Having commercial zones have both "goods" and "souvenirs" for sale is dumb and redundant. It leads to the commercial zones sometimes telling you "we have no shoppers" and that the" tourists are great for business" simultaneously. Shoppers and tourists should both just purchase goods and not have it be more complicated. I see no reason that positively impacts gameplay why commercial zones should sell souvenirs.

They also turn into hotels quite randomly. Hotels near your landmarks and casinos is great, but hotels in your residential community area causes undue traffic, and the local shoppers lose a place to shop.

The way the game works right now, casinos, landmarks, and commercial zones cannibalize sales off of each other too much, when they should work together. One would assume that the casino and trade specializations work hand in hand along with commercial sales, when they actually don't. There should be a balancing game in place, and a system of attracting tourists and adequately meeting demand with systems that work synergystically to fulfill that need.

I guess it's mainly a casino problem, really.

It's not so bad with just landmarks and commercial, and that does have some synergy in the current game. However, once casinos are added into the picture, prepare for the casinos to eat heavy losses if you don't have enough tourists to satisfy all three adequately.
I sent them an Email via the "Contact us" link regarding pricing issues and got it pretty quick..

Had I Known this was going to happen, I would not have paid my credit card in full... I am curious now what will happen when this goes through and I actually paid to much on my credit card... :eek:

darn, i tried that and they just emailed me back saying:
"I'm sorry to inform but currently, Amazon does not offer price-matching or price-drop guarantees on previously completed digital software and video games orders.

However to make sure your feedback is heard by the right people in the Organization, I've forwarded your comments expressing your desire to provide Price-Drop Guarantee for Digital software and video games orders, to our Amazon Games and Software Development Team, so that they can take notice of it, as we make future improvements. "

guess its just luck of the draw
The next patch is going to be the first simulation update, so hopefully we'll have a 1.0 quality game to play this weekend. It seems clear the thing was rushed out, but I can't even say I've had much time to play up until now.


Is the SimCity process still there ? If yes kill it, happened to a friend but not after an Origin update.

Nope, killed Origin just to be sure and then ran the SimCity.exe as administrator. SimCity appears for a bit in the list and then just vanishes. Been googling for answers but nobody seems to have a conclusive solution.

I may just have to settle for the good ol' uninstall-reinstall method.


Rodent Whores

Hi everyone – I wanted to give you a quick update about the state of SimCity and what the development team here at Maxis has been focused on in the last week. The good news is that we are seeing so many of you playing the game. Mayors have spent more than 33 centuries worth of time playing the game and enough road has been laid to circumnavigate the earth over 5000 times. Each day, we have more than three quarters of a million active cities being played.

We’ve been heads down addressing the key issues we’re seeing reported from our community. This includes city rollbacks, lost progress, and the return of features like Cheetah Speed and Leaderboards. Like you, we want all of these resolved ASAP, which is why they are the top priorities in our studio. Matter of fact, we have all of these in a QA environment, giving them a thorough test before we release them back to you, the fans.

On top of this, we’re also working on a number of bug fixes and other overall improvements that we’re planning to include in future Updates. Just last week we released two Updates (1.7 and 1.8), which included traffic fixes and other general improvements. For the future, in Update 2.0, we’ll be addressing the Recycling Center bug, fixing the fire engine clumping, improving the efficiency of Street Cars, and increasing the radius of river water. We’re also fixing the tuning on Casinos and are making them more profitable. These are just a handful of the substantial changes coming in Update 2.0.

Keep in mind, if you don’t see a particular fix present in an Update, this doesn’t mean we’re not working on it, or we’re not aware of it. Our team is constantly getting reports about the top issues being raised and this is helping us prioritize what we need to address. There are some issues that are more challenging and will take more time. If you have feedback, please visit our forums. In the meantime, we’ll continue to address the top issues in our updates. We’ll keep working while you’re playing.

Thanks for sticking with us. We hope this gives you a better idea of what we’ve been working on. Now back to work!

Not any substantial info, but I appreciate the time taken to say something. I wish there was a time frame given.


Rodent Whores
Upon observation of a test city in a region I made, every night bunches of shoppers leave the store, but instead of going home, they leave the city. No, they are not visitors.

Does not compute.



I made an overpass by mistake once and thought it was neat. Right now I feel like we have to game the system to get any benefits out of SimCity. And sad to say but we'll likely get overpasses / pedestrian bridges as DLC.

It would be awesome to get elevated train tracks or elevated parks. The High Line (a park that was formerly an elevated rail track) in my city is so popular with tourists and locals.


Rodent Whores
What's the best way to have high-density low-income housing? My $ citizens always seem to live in trailer trash areas.

Make them happy and don't ever put in any parks that are $$ or $$$. Don't put them too close to government buildings too, since those raise land value.

How to make them happy:

Give them jobs and give them shopping. Commercial zones can provide both. Zone for 3 high density residential apartments for every 2 high density commercial building and you approximately even out on jobs. Zone them next to each other so that they are more likely to walk to work and walk to shop.

With a 3:2 ratio, you won't have enough goods to sell, so you can make up for that by providing more commercial zones, or parks, or libraries, or a Dr. Vu Tower.

Also provide the necessary services, and educate them with a grade school or high school.
Make them happy and don't ever put in any parks that are $$ or $$$. Don't put them too close to government buildings too, since those raise land value.

How to make them happy:

Give them jobs and give them shopping. Commercial zones can provide both. Zone for 3 high density residential apartments for every 2 high density commercial building and you approximately even out on jobs. Zone them next to each other so that they are more likely to walk to work and walk to shop.

With a 3:2 ratio, you won't have enough goods to sell, so you can make up for that by providing more commercial zones, or parks, or libraries, or a Dr. Vu Tower.

Also provide the necessary services, and educate them with a grade school or high school.

Thank you! That's very helpful.

3 residential to 2 commercial to ??? industry?


Junior Member
I think it's well past the time that it is acceptable for SimCity to have problems. This is not an MMO, it's a single-player game with multiplayer aspects. That cheetah speed isn't back yet just shows that the server infrastructure is beyond what's reasonable teething problems for a game like this. They've tripled the server capacity and have yet to add a basic feature of the game back. They say QA, I say bullshit. If you couldn't QA this before launch, how can you QA this now?

There aren't just some annoying bugs here and there. It's not just houses that don't get water and electricity, there are bugs that ruin people's games. Now they're addressing it? It's been nearly a month since the game came out, and all we can see that they've done so far is hastily add 16 servers and updated the traffic system slightly. The first day problems came from a lack of server power, and/or bad network code and poor infrastructure. With them out of the way, there have been so many glaring issues, one of which has been tweaked. This is not good enough, EA, Maxis. Combined with the always online and the bullshit you've been feeding us, the whole thing is incomprehensible. And this update isn't even out. Fucking shame on you, Maxis for however it came down to this game being released in its current state.
For the future, in Update 2.0, we’ll be addressing the Recycling Center bug, fixing the fire engine clumping, improving the efficiency of Street Cars, and increasing the radius of river water. We’re also fixing the tuning on Casinos and are making them more profitable.

praise jesus


Rodent Whores
Thank you! That's very helpful.

3 residential to 2 commercial to ??? industry?

If you're going by high density, 3 residential apartments which are 4x4 squares, and 2 commercial buildings, which are 2x4 rectangles each, should give you an equivalent amount of jobs and workers to keep everyone satisfied job-wise. You just won't have enough goods to sell, but that's not thaaaat important.

You don't even need industry. It hardly has any bearing in this game to sim happiness or well being at all. You get slightly more tax money off of industry, and they provide more jobs, but that's about it. And they cause hella pollution...even the high tech...blech.

If you were to zone the 3 residential zones on one side of the map, and the 2 commercial zones on the other side of the map, you'd see all your workers and shoppers drive there. If, however, you mix the two zones and put the buildings next to each other, most of your sims will walk instead. This is good to alleviate traffic problems.


Any hacks or .ini settings that can be altered to make the UI a little bigger? I play on a 55"HDTV from about 8' away and text is just a little too small...doable, but would like to increase the UI a little bit.


Rodent Whores
Thank you! That's very helpful.

3 residential to 2 commercial to ??? industry?

To elaborate a little more, the RCI balance that was present in previous SimCity games is completely absent in SimCity 5. In other games, you cannot develop new zones if those zones have zero or negative demand.

In this game, demand bars mean all of jack shit and new stuff will pop up all the time. If they are not needed, they'll eventually get unhappy and abandon themselves, only to reappear when you demolish the abandoned building.

That means you don't need to make any industrial at all to boost commercial demand or to boost residential demand because there is no "demand". There is only workers and jobs. Interestingly enough, you can even play the game with only residential zones, too. C is not required either, but it makes things easier.


Rodent Whores
Whats the garbage bins thing?

so many bugs :/

He probably means the recycling center bug.

If your recycling center fills up to max with materials, it will shut down and refuse to process anymore. You can get around this by turning off the individual modules and then turning them back on, or by demolishing the center and then rebuilding it.


Whats the garbage bins thing?

so many bugs :/
At first I played a bunch. Have almost 30 hours with it, but just got too annoyed as my cities ran into the same problems after so long every time.

Be it trash pickup or just fire/police stupidity to traffic, it gets unbearable.

Switched to playing my free game of BF3 from them the whole time now.
Another question:

Optimal city grid size = ?

When I make my grid and try to build just on one side of the square, the corners end up spilling onto another side of the square. Am I doing this wrong?
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