My god, I've given a dozen examples and got two of them wrong due to a small lapse of reason. The first because I just wanted something to start with an A that goes with Zappa, the second was just an honest mistake. It happens. Feel free to laugh at my expense, I can deal with the ridicule but what's regrettable is that it is used as a means to circumvent an issue that I care greatly about. You guys apparently never get something wrong in the heat of the moment. I swear this place tends to be f*ckin pedantic in all the wrong places sometimes.
What I don't appreciate though is the backhanded title change only to sh*t on something that I honestly wanted to talk about.
if you don't like this thread just say so right out and nuke it. At least my commentary was genuine and certainly not any worse than the dozens of astroturfed threads or lazily copy/pasted PR tweets that gest posted everyday on here. I'm sure the thread about
pussy exorcisms is doing gangbusters compared to mine.
For those who resonated with this thread, thank you very much for the insightful replies and adding to the subject instead of stomping like gleeful little children on a small honest mistake.