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Six-year old boy gets burned when a Samsung Galaxy Note 7 explodes in his hand

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it's easy to find incidents of batteries exploding for a bunch of devices... just not 30+ incidents in 3 weeks.

we're talking literally more Note 7 reports than all other phones combined in the last year.

and it hasn't even been a month.


So there's been an update on this incident...

It wasn't a note 7. It was a Samsung galaxy core.

Video and news report in the link.


"Lewis says the family all have Samsung phones and initially said the exploding phone was a Galaxy Note 7, the device that was recalled last week after reports that some of the lithium-ion batteries exploded or caught fire."

I think this makes Samsung's problems worse as all galaxy phones appear more susceptible to blowing up.

Edit...Maybe someone can update the OP and thread title.
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