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Skyforge |OT| Thou shall not workship false prophets

Yeah chat is rough. I tried to party chat earlier and for some reason it didn't show up? Ended up just using vicinity chat to talk to party. I have no idea if there are chat options or how to get to them if there are.


I support more games having buttsliders.


Support sounds really bad. This is what made me stop playing Guild Wars 2. I really don't like being expected to do damage while healing the party. I may as well just choose DPS, at that point.


Support sounds really bad. This is what made me stop playing Guild Wars 2. I really don't like being expected to do damage while healing the party. I may as well just choose DPS, at that point.

THat's that best part of support/healing :D


I tried out the beta and my main complaint was how long it takes you to get the other classes. I heard 2-3 days just to get the slayer class, which was the only one I was really interested in. Probably longer for some, so if you don't like the beginner classes you have to suck it up and play as them for a long time. Not my cup of tea
Support in this game doesn't seem to be purely about healing, granted i'm no where near an expert but from the support classes I played in the stress test they seemed to come with a bit more utility. Alchemist didn't have any heals iirc but had some good group buffs and could even turn everyone in the group into a mutant with a higher tier ability.


I tried out the beta and my main complaint was how long it takes you to get the other classes. I heard 2-3 days just to get the slayer class, which was the only one I was really interested in. Probably longer for some, so if you don't like the beginner classes you have to suck it up and play as them for a long time. Not my cup of tea

You can make it to one of the second-tier classes (Slayer, Archer, Necromancer, Kinetic) in the first week's cap, provided you're crazy and pursue it single-mindedly on the Ascension Atlas. After that, you're looking at unlocking another class about every week, although the third-tier classes (Monk, Knight, Witch, Alchemist, Gunner, Berserker) take extra effort due to how far out on the Atlas they are.


One of the things I don't particularly like is the ginormous health bars of some enemies. I don't want to have to be repeating combos over and over and over to fight just one guy. It's not fun.
Downloaded, started, had to stop 'cause RL intruded but I thought I'd post some impressions before I hop in:

I love, love love the art design! The city has this magitek meets art deco design, and the soldier armors incorporate this Romanesque look that just... mmm, yes. Like they made it with me in mind. Sogood.gif. Wish I could get back that starting armor, actually.

That said, HOLY SHIT TEH JAGGIES. Got AA cranked up to max, tried FXAA and MSAA, nada. Everything just breaks out immediately, and that's at 1080p. Really, seriously disconcerting. (And yes, I turned off the sharpening filter).

Character customization is... serviceable. Would like more hairstyles, wider variety of eye colors, all the usual complaints. Definitely a notch above average, though. Would be great if they randomized the gender of your default, just to avoid the whole "male=default" mess.

Combat is fun. Still learning the ropes, ultimately settled on Paladin for a starter. I need to hole up somewhere at some point and really pore over the tooltips. The damage I'm doing doesn't seem to correspond to the damage values on the ability tooltips, assuming that they don't account for stats (which is dumb). I like the combo system, though I wish it had some more flexibility to it (swapping positions of various attacks for varying effects, e.g. having the 2 slash secondary on the 3rd position for more damage and the lightning bolt on the 2nd for less). Would be a very cool way to customize for preferred style.

OMG the art. Really, really great.

We should really look into putting together a Pantheon.
One of the things I don't particularly like is the ginormous health bars of some enemies. I don't want to have to be repeating combos over and over and over to fight just one guy. It's not fun.

Well I am not a fan so far of this...weekly credits limit it seems? Then again this seems really high. Still though don't know why there is a limit anyway.
When does this release?

Today is the soft release, they're not doing any wipes before 'official' release. I don't think they've announced the official release date.

Downloaded, started, had to stop 'cause RL intruded but I thought I'd post some impressions before I hop in:

I love, love love the art design! The city has this magitek meets art deco design, and the soldier armors incorporate this Romanesque look that just... mmm, yes. Like they made it with me in mind. Sogood.gif. Wish I could get back that starting armor, actually.

That said, HOLY SHIT TEH JAGGIES. Got AA cranked up to max, tried FXAA and MSAA, nada. Everything just breaks out immediately, and that's at 1080p. Really, seriously disconcerting. (And yes, I turned off the sharpening filter).

Character customization is... serviceable. Would like more hairstyles, wider variety of eye colors, all the usual complaints. Definitely a notch above average, though. Would be great if they randomized the gender of your default, just to avoid the whole "male=default" mess.

Combat is fun. Still learning the ropes, ultimately settled on Paladin for a starter. I need to hole up somewhere at some point and really pore over the tooltips. The damage I'm doing doesn't seem to correspond to the damage values on the ability tooltips, assuming that they don't account for stats (which is dumb). I like the combo system, though I wish it had some more flexibility to it (swapping positions of various attacks for varying effects, e.g. having the 2 slash secondary on the 3rd position for more damage and the lightning bolt on the 2nd for less). Would be a very cool way to customize for preferred style.

OMG the art. Really, really great.

We should really look into putting together a Pantheon.

I agree, I really love the look of the game. If anyone ends up having enough money feel free to make a gaf Pantheon.


Might download this tomorrow when my new GPU comes. Are there any professions/skills to grind the hell out of? Didn't see it mentioned in the OP.

Cool that there's FFA PvP.
I am kind of impressed how well this game runs to be honest.

I haven't gotten a bunch of players in combat yet but I am maxing the game with a R9 270 with no frame drops. Didn't really expect to.
I am kind of impressed how well this game runs to be honest.

I haven't gotten a bunch of players in combat yet but I am maxing the game with a R9 270 with no frame drops. Didn't really expect to.

My framerate tanks in the main city on my 760 but beyond that it's super stable.
Other than my aforementioned aliasing issues, the game's run pretty smooth for me on a GT750M. Some minor hitches here and there, but they didn't really seem to be related to how much stuff was going on.


Other than my aforementioned aliasing issues, the game's run pretty smooth for me on a GT750M. Some minor hitches here and there, but they didn't really seem to be related to how much stuff was going on.

The game actually ran like shit on a shingle up until CBT3, when they did a massive optimization pass. I went from a solid 20-30 FPS everywhere to mostly 60 (i7 920, GTX 970) except in the Divine Observatory and in heavily grassified areas. Jaggies excepted, of course.

I'm working on a short "things they don't tell newbies" thing I hope to have done a little later this evening. Nothing super fancy.
Cool tip from Reddit on how to get other class costumes without being that class:

In the training room there are avatars of all the classes in the game. You can try them out without owning them by approaching them and hitting space. It will start a series of rounds where it spawns robots for you to kill. You start out with only the basic attack and as the rounds progress you unlock more abilities. It ends with a boss robot with 10x life bar and upon killing that robot you will be transformed into your normal class and have a quest reward containing the costume(s) for the class you just tried out.


Cool tip from Reddit on how to get other class costumes without being that class:

Damn it, that was my first tip! *shakes fist*

The Training Room is the same place you went to when Flavius had you choose your initial class, and it unlocks right after that. Takes about five minutes to clear the run for a class, unless it's Alchemist, in which case it's 10.
Nevermind, there goes some frame drops at the Observatory. Maybe I jinxed myself.

Also you can pay for inventory slots with in game money?

Alright that's cool.

EDIT: I think I just got got kicked or banned? I was looking through the in game store at items and scrolled really fast. The game froze for a second, said I was "banned" Reason: Internal Kick. Now every time I boot I get this Server Error: Avatar list download error.

Maybe it's a server problem. And if it isn't a server issue, this sucks. :/


Played for like 2 hours.

Kinda dig it. The combat and player movement have a nice feel to it, not super great, but it doesn't bug me like most MMO's usually do.

Art direction and general aesthetics are really nice.
My only grip is a bit petty, but It sorta brings me out of the experience when a good chunk of the male characters are running around in suits, just sorta clashes with everything.
Nevermind, there goes some frame drops at the Observatory. Maybe I jinxed myself.

Also you can pay for inventory slots with in game money?

Alright that's cool.

EDIT: I think I just got got kicked or banned? I was looking through the in game store at items and scrolled really fast. The game froze for a second, said I was "banned" Reason: Internal Kick. Now every time I boot I get this Server Error: Avatar list download error.

Maybe it's a server problem. And if it isn't a server issue, this sucks. :/

According to their twitter (as of 20 seconds ago)
The server cluster restart has been completed. If you were kicked you can now log back in.


I think I skipped part of a tutorial or something.

What does the E keybind skill do?
It sometimes pops up when an enemy is almost dead and for Cryomancer freezes them in a giant icicle. Is it an execute or something? I can't find the skill anywhere, it just flashes on the screen.
I think I skipped part of a tutorial or something.

What does the E keybind skill do?
It sometimes pops up when an enemy is almost dead and for Cryomancer freezes them in a giant icicle. Is it an execute or something? I can't find the skill anywhere, it just flashes on the screen.

Yeah it's an execute. Each class has a different one.


EDIT: Beaten. Gonna instead use the post for:

Little Things Skyforge Doesn't Tell Newbies:

1) In order to change what item you have in your quick access or mount slot (once you unlock them), hold down the key (H for quick access, J for mount) until the popup window appears.

2) Once you hit the breakpoint for your first class (the special node with your class icon on it), you unlock the full Ascension Atlas. That's where your red/green/blue sparks will go. Do not neglect the Atlas, you need to unlock nodes to increase your Prestige (for unlocking new zones) and Proficency (can wear higher-level equipment).

3) Speaking of the Ascension Atlas, you can start unlocking nodes from any of the three starting classes, not just the one you unlocked the Atlas with.

4) Each massive outdoor zone (the first two are Lanier Forest and Naori Island) has its own special drops that are used as a currency in the Market. The main thing to buy is a special costume, but you need a LOT of the currency (1200, I think) to get it.

5) Around 2000 Prestige and past a certain point in the storyline, you will unlock your Order. This is a Facebook-like game involving recruiting Adepts and sending them on timed missions. Adepts level up, you can build Churches that give you passive bonuses, and it all ends up raising your Prestige level. It's a whole separate mini-game.

EDIT 2: 6) Right now, playing with people of different Prestige levels doesn't work very well. There is a system coming (about a month out) that will scale higher-Prestige players down so they can help newbies with lower-level content.

They just finished rebooting servers so it should be fixed now.

Damn, this game has such great art design and atmosphere. This zone is probably one of the best i've been through in any MMO. The combination of the surreal/ancient design with the music made it a joy to play.


Ploid 3.0

This game looks nice. I hadn't even known about it until seeing someone stream it on twitch randomly.

Is there guilds? A gaf guild? If so invite me.

Ploid is my nic on the game My.com app. I hope there are guilds.

Edit: Primus thanks for the info, I shall bookmark that post for later.


I am logging off for the night but if no Gaf guild is created by tomorrow night when I get back on I will make one.

The nice thing about the guild is that there are clans in the guild so if the guild leader is not on, the clan leaders can do everything the founder can do minus kick the founder.
Not sure how i feel about this game yet, just hit about 3k. I enjoy the combat, customization, and some of the areas in the game are beautiful.

Then I see things like horrible character designs (I'm really sick of seeing big busted women with unnatural bounciness, this isn't DOA) and the 20000 types of currencies that any F2P mobile game would be envious over. There really are too many.

Also skill effects look terrible. It's really a let down seeing your character do a great animation, but the resulting effect being some invisible/watered down AOE.

The class design and combat may be enough to keep me playing, we'll see.


Hey Guys,

Been playing since early access, and currently 5k prestige Cryo. Kinda addicted.

Combat really opens up, at least for Cryo, in the 2-3k range. Great movement and good crowd control, and pretty good damage too. I'm about 200 sparks from unlocking Archer, but think I'll stick with Cryo for a little bit to max it.

Some good advice is to max your starting class. Once you've unlocked all nodes, you get a pretty badass symbol that is available to use on all classes, and can be game changers.

Lots of talk about the cap, mostly negative. If you rush it I've heard people be able to hit the colored sparks in 12 hours or so. I was taking my time, I think I logged 40 hours in the 1st week, and was just short of hitting the colored and class spark cap. Granted I had a few issues connecting here and there and if I could have played as much as I want I would have hit it for sure. Though the way I've been going since reset I'll be hitting it for sure in the next day or 2.

Anyway games great. Combat is really well done and I've only scratched the surface. Progression feels good and generally theres just a lot to do if you don't mind grinding out the same dungeon a few times. That's where I feel its borrowed a bit from ARPGs. Running the same content for better gear etc, and letting the combat shine. Though with that said as you get more prestige, more and more dungeons and open areas become available. They get pretty tough too. Be prepared for the 1st 5 man......

I am logging off for the night but if no Gaf guild is created by tomorrow night when I get back on I will make one.

The nice thing about the guild is that there are clans in the guild so if the guild leader is not on, the clan leaders can do everything the founder can do minus kick the founder.

Def be down for this. Sign me up when its done. I'd create it myself, but I don't really have any experience managing that sort of stuff. I'd be a loyal immortal (soon to be God) though


That said, HOLY SHIT TEH JAGGIES. Got AA cranked up to max, tried FXAA and MSAA, nada. Everything just breaks out immediately, and that's at 1080p. Really, seriously disconcerting. (And yes, I turned off the sharpening filter).

I may be misreading your issue but someone else also complained about this. The solution was to move the "3d image scale" slider in the "additional graphics" settings all the way to the top. For some reason when changing res this slider goes down and doesn't go back up. Hope it helps.

Still loving this game :)
Well due to the dailies I kinda went pretty fast into the Lightbinder section and I am about to unlock a new class.

I enjoy the game mostly. Not too keen on the look of clothes at the moment though.


I am logging off for the night but if no Gaf guild is created by tomorrow night when I get back on I will make one.

The nice thing about the guild is that there are clans in the guild so if the guild leader is not on, the clan leaders can do everything the founder can do minus kick the founder.

I'm up for you starting the Pantheon as well, I'm not around all the time and am gone for vacation next week anyways.


Not sure how i feel about this game yet, just hit about 3k. I enjoy the combat, customization, and some of the areas in the game are beautiful.

Then I see things like horrible character designs (I'm really sick of seeing big busted women with unnatural bounciness, this isn't DOA) and the 20000 types of currencies that any F2P mobile game would be envious over. There really are too many.

Also skill effects look terrible. It's really a let down seeing your character do a great animation, but the resulting effect being some invisible/watered down AOE.

The class design and combat may be enough to keep me playing, we'll see.

Funny. Ive seen a lot of muscle women in my game. Maybe you have the wrong game?

Lol, jokes aside... the character creator is flexible enough so that you can make what you want.
Especially muscle women <3..

Effects? The effects look dope on my paladin's lightning attacks? Air juggling never gets old either.

EDIT: Im down for a pantheon whenever you guys make one!


I'm getting crazy Anarchy Online vibes from this game. Not sure why. I think the city you start in reminds me of one of the cities in that game.

I love the aesthetic though, and the music is really good. Looking forward to digging into this more. Can you really change your entire appearance any time you want to? That's pretty damn awesome if you can.


I'm getting crazy Anarchy Online vibes from this game. Not sure why.

I love the aesthetic though, and the music is really good. Looking forward to digging into this more. Can you really change your entire appearance any time you want to? That's pretty damn awesome if you can.

Yes... mostly. There is a style tab you unlock after the tutorial missions. You can change your outfits to any you unlock during the course of the game. This includes hats, glasses, masks, and earrings.

YOU CANNOT change: Hair color, hairstyle, and body/face options/name. If you talk to the appearance lady, she WILL do it for free once. After, she will charge you some argents. I would suggest playing with your character for a bit, and comparing yourself against other players first before wasting your free character remake.

I was really short at first because I couldnt tell how short I was inthe character creator. ._.


3) Speaking of the Ascension Atlas, you can start unlocking nodes from any of the three starting classes, not just the one you unlocked the Atlas with.

Going to quote this. It causes plenty of confusion, particularly if you have a starter or special edition pack that gives you one of the non-starter classes. The path to the upper atlas is extremely linear and can't be missed. Once unlocked, everyone starts from Cryo, Paly or LB. These are all, I guess, purposefully grouped together meaning everyone starts there progress in the upper atlas from the same spot.

And don't worry about how linear the early classes skill trees look. The ascension atlas is quite the thing, with a heap of different paths depending on what class you want to go for.

On that, Archer, Slayer, Necro and maybe Kinetic can all be reached within the 1st week cap limit, if you're smart with your spark acquisition. If you're after Witch, Monk Or Alchemist (which I kind of was - all of em) however you'll need at least 2 weeks. People were saying 3, but I just saw an Alchemist running around before so I guess it can be done

And yay, unlocked Archer but haven't used it yet. Had a look at the skill tree and abilities screen and holy shit. So many options for shooting arrows at things


Can't comment on the gameplay because I've only played for a few hours, but...wow. The spell effects are absolutely G O R G E O U S.
By going with what happened in Allods, this is getting some heavy P2W elements in the cash shop as soon as the devs feel they've have lured enough players in. Just google about Allods. It's one of the most disgustingly creedy MMO scams ever performed.

Be aware.
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