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Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure |OT| This Is Not Your Father's Spyro


Kills Photobucket
Is there a single-pack Dark Spyro now???


I thought he was supposed to remain a permanent exclusive.


Neo Member
Well, I can honestly say I'm depressed. I keep trying to build a Skylander variant collection, but Activision/Toys for Bob keeps making it painfully hard to do so.

Case in point, the E3 2012 Silver Spyro. How am I supposed to get that? Pay 600 bucks for it "IF" it ever shows up on Ebay?

It's times like this, when I know I am against the wall, that I want to say screw it. Where I want to say, "why am I doing this in the first place?" What am I getting out of all of this? Squat.

It's kind of pathetic. Forgive my ranting, but if I can't have every variant, I don't want any of them. I certainly don't have thousands of dollars to shell out for variants, because I can't be "privileged" enough to attend E3, because the ESA wants to only tailor to the video game industry and people who write for it. It's simply unfair.

Now I'm sitting here, looking at my wall and wondering why I was so stupid. Why do I keep trying to buy variants, when Activision/Toys for Bob can't just stop bringing them out, which leads me to resorting to Ebay to look for the now impossible to find Silver Spyro or the upcoming SDCC exclusive.

I wish Activision/Toys for Bob would make it so people who can't attend - because everyone wasn't born with a video game industry spoon in their mouth - could have a chance to get them. Not by winning, because I haven't won a single thing in my life (there is such a thing as people being more unlucky than others).

Sorry again, for the rant. But I feel like I - as a Skylander fan - am being slapped in the face. It's like, "oh, hey, you have to be a member of the industry to get in on one of these, if you aren't sorry for you."

I look at CheapyD from CAG. Hey, he gets lucky enough to get one, from being in the right place at the right time. What's this fan who spent thousands get? Nothing.

I don't know why I keep trying. It's already so hard to find the variants, that I spent thousands to get them, but then they give an exclusive away that can literally only be gotten for 3 days, to attendees who have to be a member of the industry in some fashion.

I am so depressed, honestly. I don't even know if I can get Sidekicks. Frito-Lay never sent bags with Flocked Stump to my city. Yeah. How can I compete against not being able to attend E3 or SDCC, or Frito-Lay not sending bags to my city? I can't.

Such a buzzkill.


Neo Member
Oh hell no, that's a screen grab from the gamespot feed. If they sent me one, I'd send it straight over to you.

I couldn't ask you to do that, bro. If Acti sent you one, it should rightfully be yours to own.

My frustration is just me rambling, because I feel like I am doing this for no reason, while more and more variants keep coming out, that are harder and harder to obtain.

Heck, sometimes I wish Activision/Toys for Bob would send me these types of things, so I can hang them on my wall. They could feel free to use pics of my collection however they want, in order to draw max sales. Sort of show the whole collectability of it, to entice others.

I want to keep expanding my wall to fit more variants, but I have to get them to be able to do so.

I mentioned on Darkspyro, how I wish Activision/Toys for Bob took a Hasbro/Marvel Universe approach to their variants. In other words, the variants were obscure, but if anyone spent a few hours checking, they could find a variant in their city. Some of the variants from Marvel Universe, which are hard to get, are Cable with Baby Hope, and Spider-Man packaged upside down (as if dangling from a web). They are hard to find, but they are to those who don't spend time looking.

They aren't 1 to every 20 boxes or more, like I am guessing Skylander variants are.


Dude, GameMaster, no offense but you couldn't sound more self-entitled than you do now. I have exactly one variant Skylander (not counting Legendaries,) and it's the Blue Bash that they were practically giving away. And I had to pull strings to get my hands on that one!

I'm perfectly happy living in a world where I know that sometimes money isn't everything and sometimes having a lot of disposable income doesn't mean you get everything you want. Sometimes the little guy might get lucky and get to have something unique that more fortunate people don't have.

Spending an inordinate amount of money on your collection may have earned you some props and even some respect from people here and there, but in no way does it entitle you to get one of every single variant by default, and seeing you rant for two posts about not getting one single E3 variant and how you must have all or nothing shouldn't illicit feelings of sympathy from anyone.

Just chill dude, because you seriously sound like a spoiled child right now, and it's not pretty to watch.


Neo Member
I never stated I was entitled to one. I'm sorry, but I haven't seen a human in this world who doesn't get frustrated or rant.

If by little guy getting lucky at times, refers to those who get to walk into E3, they are by no means "the little guy."

You know how bad I have always wanted to attend E3? Very, very, badly. It's been a dream of mine. However, those "little guys" who are getting lucky to get one of these, are not only getting lucky to buy what is now up to 157 dollars on Ebay (yes there is one on Ebay already; check skylanders chrome), but also got to attend a show not even a fraction of the world gets to attend.

Here's another example. Said little guy, who got lucky enough to attend both E3 and get a silver Spyro, is also 157 dollars richer, with two days left to go on the auction.

So, I don't see how the little guy walking away with a bit of luck, could be anyone at E3. There are tons of us who will never see an E3, just because of who we are. Wouldn't that make us, "the little guy?"

My rants don't entitle me to anything. It's me being human. It's me being frustrated at the fact that just when I think I am done, I am not. I am not so much, infact, that it will be near impossible to get one of these things, because I will never pay as much as I've seen a Pearl Hex go for, which was around 600-700 dollars.

At the same time, not being able to obtain every variant, means I shouldn't be collecting variants. I shoot for the stars, bro. If I buy into something like variants, I'm after all variants. I give it 100%. However, 100% doesn't mean I need to cut off my arm for any given item.

I was hoping they wouldn't have had anymore exclusives, honestly. I was hoping the crystals would be the last of the variants, to which I have but haven't updated this thread yet with my updated collection photos.


I feel your frustration over not being able to get the special variants. My point is, you have more Skylanders variants than most Skylanders fans - no matter how dedicated - will ever have. You might just want to be a little thankful, instead of proclaiming how depressed you are that you've spent thousands, and making statements like if you can't have it all you want none of it.

Sorry if I'm unsympathetic, but you have far more than I could hope to have and you're acting like it's the end of the world for you because you can't have everything.

You have the right to be frustrated, I'm just suggesting you be a little less melodramatic about the whole thing and try to look at it from someone else's perspective.


Neo Member
I would love to be thankful, but allow me to allow everyone to laugh at me, and you will see why I am not so lucky.

So, I mentioned thousands, right?

All of my variants, minus 1, was bought on Ebay.

Silver Dino Rang - 54
Silver Boomer - 50
Silver Eruptor - 50

Gold Chop Chop - 176
Gold Drill Sergeant - 200
Gold Flameslinger - 227

Toy Fair Cynder - 350

Glow in the Dark Wrecking Ball, Zap, Warnado, Toy Fair Hex - 1290 dollars.

Crystal Cynder - 225
Crystal Stealth Elf - 10 (found at a store)
Crystal Wham Shell - 285

That totals 2,917.00 I've spent on variants, because they're too hard to find. Only reason I found crystal Stealth Elf, is because a friend had to go through boxes in the back, before even putting them out. Even then, there's another employee there who would have done the same for himself, had he gotten to it before me.

So, I wouldn't say that I was lucky. You know who was lucky? Those who actually work at the stores and took them before they could make it to the floor, or those who found them on the shelf, because employees didn't know better. Those are the lucky ones.

I didn't get lucky in any of this.
I don't think the developers intended fans to own every single variant, nor do I see a problem in continuing to release new variant models or having specific event variant models. Skylanders is still a game first and forth most and it's telling that the variant models have no obvious in-game advantages or differences in appearances apart from the Gold variants. You chose to buy the variants at ridiculous prices and I honestly don't think that entitles you or anyone to special treatment from the developers. It can't be helped that these variants wind up on eBay for again, ridiculous prices and I doubt the developers ever foresaw that happening. In the case of the event variants, they are meant as a bonus to people in attendance to both help promote the game in this case and just as something nice to take away from the event itself.


Neo Member
Again, I never said I was entitled to one.

I am venting frustration over how hard it is to get a particular one. If people weren't seeing that in my last couple of posts, I'm sure they can see it well in this one. :)


Neo Member
That's just assumptions, though. One thing I never expect in life, is to have anything handed to me, let alone have any luck.

I could say I'm lucky to just be alive, but so could a billion other people. However, there are humans out there, who are luckier than others, while some have no luck at all.

I fall into the no luck at all category. I say that through 33 years of bad luck.


Saint Nic
Man, everyone is giving GameMaster78 a LOT of shit for venting and being upset about the nature of variants...Has everyone seen his collection???

I understand how some people can take it is "melodramatic", yes...But you are the most die-hard collector I've ever seen, so I've got to say its justifiable in this case.

Hopefully lady luck gives you a break and you nab some of these variants without TOO much trouble man.


Unconfirmed Member
Pardon the interruption, but Amazon now has all versions of Skylanders Giants up for preorder with tentative prices.

There are two versions of each:
1) Starter Kits - $75.99 (Game, Portal, Tree Rex, New Figure (likely Jet-Vac for consoles, Pop Fizz for 3DS), Series 2 Remodeled Figure (likely Cynder), Poster, Three Trading Cards)
2) Portal Owner Pack - $59.99 (Game and Tree Rex)

Source: TheHDRoom

Starter Kits

Wii U (Recently confirmed!)

Portal Owners Packs

Wii U (To be added on Amazon)


Are they seriously going to charge $60 for a 3DS game + one $15 figure? I really hope that particular price is a placeholder.


Neo Member
Man, everyone is giving GameMaster78 a LOT of shit for venting and being upset about the nature of variants...Has everyone seen his collection???

I understand how some people can take it is "melodramatic", yes...But you are the most die-hard collector I've ever seen, so I've got to say its justifiable in this case.

Hopefully lady luck gives you a break and you nab some of these variants without TOO much trouble man.

Thanks, man. I'm hoping someone is my hero.

I worked hard at getting this collection, right down to spending 2900+ for the variants alone. While that never entitles me to anything, it's still a bummer that someone like me, who can't attend to E3 just because I'm not in the industry in some form, can't get a variant, which puts a hamper in my whole plan of amassing all variants.

Like I said, it makes me want to try and get my money back on said variants and... I don't know... I wish I didn't even have to think like that.

EDIT: This is the second time I've seen someone post information about the starter packs, where it lists its contents, but no mention of stickers. I hope they still include stickers.

EDIT 2: For those who have enjoyed looking at my collection, I will be deleting my old post and redoing a new post, to show my latest additions soon. I have been uber busy as of late, but I've made some notable adjustments I think people will enjoy seeing, on top of the 3 crystals I recently got.
I would love to be thankful, but allow me to allow everyone to laugh at me, and you will see why I am not so lucky.

So, I mentioned thousands, right?

All of my variants, minus 1, was bought on Ebay.

Silver Dino Rang - 54
Silver Boomer - 50
Silver Eruptor - 50

Gold Chop Chop - 176
Gold Drill Sergeant - 200
Gold Flameslinger - 227

Toy Fair Cynder - 350

Glow in the Dark Wrecking Ball, Zap, Warnado, Toy Fair Hex - 1290 dollars.

Crystal Cynder - 225
Crystal Stealth Elf - 10 (found at a store)
Crystal Wham Shell - 285

That totals 2,917.00 I've spent on variants

I knew you were batsh*t insane for Skylanders but wow man, I didn't realise you'd spent that much money! Somebody give this guy a Silver Spyro gratis!


Neo Member
I knew you were batsh*t insane for Skylanders but wow man, I didn't realise you'd spent that much money! Somebody give this guy a Silver Spyro gratis!

Activision/Toys For Bob, come on, hook GameMaster78 up!

LOL! Crazy isn't it?

See, outside of one store here in OKC, employees at every other store that carries Skylanders has admitted to me they go through the boxes first, looking for variants. If they find them, they never make it to the floor. They keep them put up in the back and buy them on their lunch break.

This is why I wish the variants were more common in boxes. Let's say Activision/Toys for Bob puts 1 variant in every 20 boxes of figures. They should make it 1-3 per every 10 boxes. So every ten boxes a store is sent, may contain up to 3 different variants. There are serious collectors out there who would pay the extra money to get a recolor of a figure even if the cosmetic doesn't apply ingame.

I don't like seeing scalpers get money more than I want Activision/Toys for Bob to get more money off of the customer.

I think it would be cool if Activision set up a Skylanders store. Not only could you buy the regular figures, but maybe they could allow for the ordering of the variants at a slight markup. Heck, they could even charge 20-30 for them and people would buy them easy, because for one, that's cheaper than Ebay prices, and for two, they are obscure.
GameMaster, you could easily afford those variants on eBay if you didn't buy three of every figure. I can (sort of) comprehend buying two (one to play, one to display), but why a third? Do you even play the game that much to justify opening the packages at all?

You do sound very jealous and petulant in your latest posts. I'm sorry you can't go to E3 because you're not in the industry, but you can't ride in a spaceship either because you're not an astronaut. You can buy an E3 variant figure on eBay, though, if it means that much to you. Having already spent 3000 dollars on the other variants, it doesn't seem like that one will be so out of line.


Neo Member
GameMaster, you could easily afford those variants on eBay if you didn't buy three of every figure. I can (sort of) comprehend buying two (one to play, one to display), but why a third? Do you even play the game that much to justify opening the packages at all?

You do sound very jealous and petulant in your latest posts. I'm sorry you can't go to E3 because you're not in the industry, but you can't ride in a spaceship either because you're not an astronaut. You can buy an E3 variant figure on eBay, though, if it means that much to you. Having already spent 3000 dollars on the other variants, it doesn't seem like that one will be so out of line.

Oh, yeah. I played the game so much, that the 100+ other games I bought over the course of October 16th to this very day, have gone unbeaten. That includes games like Batman: Arkham City, Uncharted 3, and other AAA titles released over the holiday period.

My reasoning for it, as well as having two of every character opened, is in hopes to erect the end all, be all of Skylanders websites, complete with most accurate info, strats, walkthroughs, interviews (hopefully), and anything else my mind comes up with.

However, one cannot do that in quick fashion, if they have to keep resetting their characters in order to do indepth comparisons.

I am also hoping the website allows me to be graced by the ESA, of attending E3, so I can cover anything Skylanders related, since I forsee this being an annual franchise ala Call of Duty.

Plus, why wouldn't I want to give Toys for Bob my money, for making what is this generatiopns Gauntlet, only done better? This game is a game all gamers should own, due to the arcadey nature, mixed with lite RPG elements. Gamers sometimes need an easy access game that they can pick up, play, and put back down just as quick. It's a breath of fresh air for a gaming industry filled with gritty games that lack vibrance, or games that are so convoluted.

See, if I bought said variants on Ebay, I'm not giving my money to those who really deserve it, which is Activision/Toys for Bob. I'm giving it to some person who is getting rich off another person's product.

So, it's all about forming a Skylanders website. I want to think of it as the Serebii.net (the best Pokemon site in the world) of Skylanders. I even came up with an awesome name for it.


Wow GameMaster78... you are hardcore haha.

I just came in this topic because I saw the Skylanders pack in the Toystore a while ago and thought: Wow those figurines look absolutely awesome... I wonder what the game is like... let's check it out on GAF...

I had no idea that A. There were so many figurines, B. Some of them sold for that kind of prices and C. That there were hardcore collectors like you.

I really hope you'll find that silver one. Don't sell you collection though... it is still awesome as hell without it.

Anyway.... how is the game? Hahaha. I have no idea :D


Portal owners pack is overpriced, but I'm not surprised. Then again, some retailer will likely have a deal that will bring it down to a sane price at launch. I do hope the 3DS version is meatier than the first game. It really felt short on content and I'm not about to spend $20 just to have another level.


Neo Member
Wow GameMaster78... you are hardcore haha.

I just came in this topic because I saw the Skylanders pack in the Toystore a while ago and thought: Wow those figurines look absolutely awesome... I wonder what the game is like... let's check it out on GAF...

I had no idea that A. There were so many figurines, B. Some of them sold for that kind of prices and C. That there were hardcore collectors like you.

I really hope you'll find that silver one. Don't sell you collection though... it is still awesome as hell without it.

Anyway.... how is the game? Hahaha. I have no idea :D

Dude, you have no idea how many copies of this game I've sold over the months, despite not working at any store that sells the game.

To put it bluntly, this game - on the home consoles - is the Gauntlet of this generation. It has an arcade feel to it, mixed with lite RPG elements and toy collecting. The toys, unlike other toys, don't cost as much and easily make for good gameroom decoration.

The game is spread across 22 main story chapters, with an additional 4 chapters to be unlocked through buying adventure packs. Each adventure pack comes with 2 magical items, to which there is a total of 8. They can be used once per level and do anything from slow down enemies, regen your HP, or drop anvils for about a minute and allow you to find a hidden treasure.

There are 37 characters to register to the game (you can even see a trailer for each character ingame after registering them or finding their soul gem), but there are 32 unique Skylanders.

Each Skylander unlocks a Heroic Challenge, that each Skylander can do in order to unlock a permanent stat boost like Armor, Speed, Critical Hit, or Elemental Power.

The game can be easy, but that's not a bad thing this day and age, where everything is so convoluted and timesink material.

It was hands down my favorite game of 2011, despite all of the other AAA titles I bought in the same period of time.

Thanks for the compliments on my collection. I would never sell my collection. I was only refering to the variants. As someone who wants to have it all if I get into it, if any variant slips through my hands, I can't dedicate myself to getting anymore, because my variant collection would feel empty, even if I am missing one.

It's just a part of my process of trying to give it 110%. However, sometimes, the prices on Ebay dwarf those attempts, lol. Pearl Hex started out going for 600-800 dollars. I imagine that will happen with Spyro. Not even I can afford that for one figure. 1290 for 4 really obscure ones is one thing, but 3/4 of that price for one, is insane. :p


GameMaster, didn't you post on DarkSpyro saying you've already secured a silver Spyro? What's with the drama if you're already getting one anyway?
How did you manage to score two E3 variant Spyros, GameMaster? I saw that Activision/ToysforBob is sending one out for you, but what about the second? Nice work.


Neo Member
Because those posts came before I got help... so crisis averted. :p

EDIT: I was thinking of updating pics as soon as I got the Spyro. However, I may update my photos once I finally get my Flocked Stump Smash in. I won one through the call-in promo. Who knows when it will show up. I hear the corporation sending them out, is extremely slow.


Neo Member
Guys, I have some news for everyone.

I talked to a manager friend of mine at a local Gamestop. He informed me that the district manager confirmed with him, that Giants figures (not just Starter Packs) will be available for preorder.

This means that people - in theory - won't have to worry about scalpers, IF they jump on the chance to preorder whichever figure they desire.

If no one finds out before I do, I will report back when my local Gamestop starts, so anyone here who wants to avoid any rush - outside of getting Legendary Slam Bam and Ignitor from Toys R Us - can just reserve the figures, sit back, and wait for them to come out.


Neo Member
That silver Spyro leads me to believe we will eventually see single pack releases of Spyro, Gill, and Trigg. I think they will also be in a triple pack as well.

Rumor has it, adventure pack toys from the first game, won't work on Giants, so that means Ghost Roaster, Terrafin, Slam Bam, and Sunburn will also be sold seperately or in triple packs.

Perhaps, we will see configurations like this soon -

Spyro - single
Dark Spyro - single (already out in most countries except North America)
Gill - single
Trigg - single
Slam Bam - single
Ghost Roaster - single
Terrafin - single
Sunburn - single

Spyro/Gill/Trigg - triple
Wham-Shell/New Skylander 1/New Skylander 2 - triple
New Skylander 3/New Skylander 4/New Skylander 5 - triple
New Skylander 6/New Skylander 7/New Skylander 8 - triple

and perhaps we will see 3 of the original adventure pack Skylanders in a triple pack together.

I don't know. I just know they have to sell Spyro, Gill, and Trigg somehow.
I don't know. I just know they have to sell Spyro, Gill, and Trigg somehow.

Makes sense as owners of only the 3DS version currently have no way of getting them.

Just received confirmation from Activision that this is the exact breakdown of figures for Giants:

8 Giants, 1 from each element

8 New Skylanders (regular size), 1 from each element, 4 of which are LightCore

24 Series 2 Skylanders, 3 from each element, 4 of which are LightCore

The 8 LightCore figures mentioned above comprise 1 from each element

This gives a total of 40 figures released for Giants. Any Legendary figures and other variants are currently unannounced and would supplement that number, rather than be a part of it.


Neo Member
Makes sense as owners of only the 3DS version currently have no way of getting them.

Just received confirmation from Activision that this is the exact breakdown of figures for Giants:

8 Giants, 1 from each element

8 New Skylanders (regular size), 1 from each element, 4 of which are LightCore

24 Series 2 Skylanders, 3 from each element, 4 of which are LightCore

The 8 LightCore figures mentioned above comprise 1 from each element

This gives a total of 40 figures released for Giants. Any Legendary figures and other variants are currently unannounced and would supplement that number, rather than be a part of it.

Awesome info. So basically, if I bought one of every figure you listed above, I would have all 8 Lightcore figures by default? If so, that's good in all honesty, as it would be confusing to release two Prism Breaks during the Giants run. One that lights up, and one that doesn't.

That also helps me prepare for my next buying spree for Skylanders. I needed to plan ahead. The only thing is, I need more info on how reposed originals gain new powers. In other words, do they simply get to have access to both of their upgrade paths, or is there a second set of 2 upgrade paths, to which you can pick one, OR... is it literally getting to buy ONE new move?

I'm curious, because if they ever made it so reposes get a second set of upgrade path options, I would literally buy 5 of every Skylander, just to do this -

1st open Skylander: Path A1/Path A2
2nd open Skylander: Path A1/Path B2
3rd open Skylander: Path B1/Path A2
4th open Skylander: Path B1/Path B2
5th Skylander: Sealed for wall

That's if the 8 new Skylanders, 8 Giants, and 24 reposes have access to a second set of upgrade paths.

As is, however, I just plan on buying the usual come October. I already have a section of another wall ready for Giants.


I've fallen for this stuff.... yesterday I bought Skylanders for PS3.... today I already bought Hex :(.... this shit is gonna cost me money.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I still need Camo and Warnado, but Amazon's prices are still too high.

Hopefully a list of the Giants figures comes out soon.


Prices seem pretty static for us in the UK. The standard price seems to be £9.99 for single packs and £19.99 for triple/adventure. That said, I notice Amazon have reduced some figures, while others are slightly higher than on the high street.

Not sure how involved im going to be in collecting figures. I say this now but I guess I'll just get one of each class, or just the particularly good looking characters. Easy to say that now though, haha.

If you want the complete set - and are willing to be patient - I'd suggest doing what I did and ordering en masse from Amazon, everything in one go (which I believe is covered by every triple pack, every Adventure Pack + Wham Shell solo?) then just wait. It's taken a while - I placed the mass order at the start of March - but they've come through mostly for me, with just the single Wham Shell missing.


Neo Member
I have to give a huge thanks to two extremely thoughtful people, who attended E3. They were nice enough to grab me a chrome Spyro. While I only needed one for my wall, I will most likely give the other one to my oldest daughter, who doesn't have a variant like my son does, with his gold Chop Chop.

I sometimes wish I could attend conventions like Toy Fair, E3, and SDCC, so I could help as many people as I can.

Thanks again, to the two who helped. I will be updating pics of my collection soon. I am just waiting on my flocked Stump Smash to come in.
I am not sure GameMaster, but I think you are probably right and wrong at the same time.

Wrong because you did a lot of ranting for almost nothing. Sure, you are a collector and ideally want to have all variants. Sure that is a difficult task. Why to whine so much about the E3 variant when you got all other fair variants paying an extra for it? The E3 one is about US$ 250 at ebay right now, less that you have paid for the other ones. If you consider that if you really attend those shows you will spend more than that value traveling, it is quite cheap. Actually, I believe you are complaining mostly because you wanted to go to E3 and tecnically it is not opened to the general public (it is not the exclusive toy that bothered you, it is the fact that normally you can not attend E3).

But anyway it is cool that you got what you wanted.

And you are right about the market of variants. They should not exist in the first place. No one will ever get a variant at store, because clerks will already have grabbed them to sell on ebay. I am having a hard time just to get the normal figures, I will never try to get those expensive variants, but I do not consider myself an entushiast. I do not understand the urge to artificially create something "rare" or "expensive" in this industry. I remember a comic book from Clerks (based on the movie) some years ago that really nailed the point.

See, I do collect other stuff, like stamps. A stamp is rare and expensive not because someone thought "uh, let`s make this stamp in small quantities, charge a premium for it, and people will consider it rare" but because only a few units survived through time. An one hundred years old stamp is rare and expensive, a toy that was released last year/month should not. Maybe a vintage toy, from 30 years ago, but for sure not something that was released last month just to become rare.

Or in the comics books industry. Now we have special editions, variant covers that the reseller have to buy X copies of the normal version to get, thus charge a lot more for the final customer. Is that rare? Action Comics 1 or Spider-Man 1 are rare, not because there were special editions or costed more at the time (they costed a few cents). They are actually rare these days because again there is only a few that survived, but the point is that they were mass producted, not artificially created in lower numbers.

Point: toy business knows that people want something special, and tries to artificially created that. But a US$ 1.000 piece of plastic that cost a few bucks to produce is just cheat the customer.

Ok, another rant... I am no better than you :)


Neo Member
I am not sure GameMaster, but I think you are probably right and wrong at the same time.

Wrong because you did a lot of ranting for almost nothing. Sure, you are a collector and ideally want to have all variants. Sure that is a difficult task. Why to whine so much about the E3 variant when you got all other fair variants paying an extra for it? The E3 one is about US$ 250 at ebay right now, less that you have paid for the other ones. If you consider that if you really attend those shows you will spend more than that value traveling, it is quite cheap. Actually, I believe you are complaining mostly because you wanted to go to E3 and tecnically it is not opened to the general public (it is not the exclusive toy that bothered you, it is the fact that normally you can not attend E3).

But anyway it is cool that you got what you wanted.

And you are right about the market of variants. They should not exist in the first place. No one will ever get a variant at store, because clerks will already have grabbed them to sell on ebay. I am having a hard time just to get the normal figures, I will never try to get those expensive variants, but I do not consider myself an entushiast. I do not understand the urge to artificially create something "rare" or "expensive" in this industry. I remember a comic book from Clerks (based on the movie) some years ago that really nailed the point.

See, I do collect other stuff, like stamps. A stamp is rare and expensive not because someone thought "uh, let`s make this stamp in small quantities, charge a premium for it, and people will consider it rare" but because only a few units survived through time. An one hundred years old stamp is rare and expensive, a toy that was released last year/month should not. Maybe a vintage toy, from 30 years ago, but for sure not something that was released last month just to become rare.

Or in the comics books industry. Now we have special editions, variant covers that the reseller have to buy X copies of the normal version to get, thus charge a lot more for the final customer. Is that rare? Action Comics 1 or Spider-Man 1 are rare, not because there were special editions or costed more at the time (they costed a few cents). They are actually rare these days because again there is only a few that survived, but the point is that they were mass producted, not artificially created in lower numbers.

Point: toy business knows that people want something special, and tries to artificially created that. But a US$ 1.000 piece of plastic that cost a few bucks to produce is just cheat the customer.

Ok, another rant... I am no better than you :)

No one is better than anyone in life. We are all equal.

I do wish they would handle the distribution of the variants, like Hasbro does with Marvel Universe. Hard to find, but CAN be found. They aren't so rare, that employees know to snatch them up before they can even make it to the floor.

I did complain, yes. However, my complaint was warranted in my eyes, due to the fact there are now variants that are out of reach. Now, if I could attend E3, and didn't, that's my own fault. I shouldn't complain, because I had a chance to grab one due to being able to attend. However, at conventions you can't attend, I wish no Skylander variant existed in that realm, because only a select handful can get them, and they may not even care about Skylanders like we do.

However, I did get them. I feel at peace. I don't feel empty. I am truly blessed to know that there were two people who were willing to help a Skylander fan.

I know some Activision/Toys for Bob employees lurk this forum, so I just want to tell them thanks for making an awesome game, and they can feel free to use my pics to market any future Skylander merch, if they see fit. Whatever helps this series to keep going.


Portal owners pack is overpriced, but I'm not surprised.

If those prices are correct, then yeah. $15 more gets you a spare portal, a repose of an existing figure and a new figure from the range. That side of things is a bargain, but that's largely because the suggested price for the owners pack is way too high!
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