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Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure |OT| This Is Not Your Father's Spyro

Double D

I sold my extra Wham Shell to a local for $20. I would have offered it here, but I didn't think anyone would want to spend the ~$7-9 for shipping from Canada. I personally refuse to spend more than $10 for a figure. I wouldn't even order online unless it would be free shipping.

I still need Camo and Warnado, but I am holding out for the three-pack. I do have a single unopened Ignitor, but I am going to return it if I find the three-pack.

3 pack currently in stock at TRU.com


Neo Member
Sorry, Saber. I didn't see your post. I only resorted to Ebay for the variants. Everything else was found in stores.

Media, I am dreading E3, because I bet there will be an exclusive figure there. :(

I would love to go to E3, but it would take me running a Skylanders dedicated website (which I plan on doing since I'm such a huge fan of the game), before I could even petition to the ESA to attend. It's my dream to go to E3.


I surely hope it is.

Toys for Bob will have to understand, that this game does have an adult audience. At the same time, kids will be getting older.

If they want this to be an annual franchise, they need to keep setting the bar higher.

I have so many ideas, that could make Skylanders rock, people would take notice and buy it due to the sheer amount of content alone.

I would give the players a reward for collecting all Skylanders for that particular game. It wouldn't be something like an XP boost. Let's say Skylanders 3 came out, and it had a further 24 Skylanders to collect (3 per element). I would give the incentive of getting all figures, not only because they unlock new Heroics, but there could be a super secret chapter at the end of each game, for registering all of that game's Skylanders.

I would make the Hub full of secrets itself, ala Super Mario games. That would be another idea.

I would add something called Elemental Challenges to the Hub. Scattered throughout the hub, is 8 elemental gates. They could also be paired together in some "Hallway of Elements." Each gate takes the player to a level tailored to a specific element. These would be super hard - harder than Dark Souls. Okay, I'm just kidding. It would be tough, however.

These Elemental Challenges could only be completed by having all Skylanders of that element. So, let's say they did this in the first game. Let's say the Air Challenge needed Whirlwind, Lightning Rod, Warnado, and Sonic Boom to finish. The level would make you think about neat ways to utilize each Air Elemental Skylanders moves. However, they wouldn't need to be upgraded past the 4 basic moves.

One part of the level, could be switches in a circle. No Skylander in the Air Element has the ability to hit all switches at once. BZZT! WRONG! One would need to use Lightning Rod's Zapper Field to hit all switches at once.

Whirlwind could need to have 3 clouds shot into some holes, all within the span of a few seconds, before the clouds disipate, to open a door. Those are just some ideas.

Another thing I would build up to, is a seamless (or semi-seamless) world. The game would still feature levels to go through, but they would be gotten to via traveling. Certain parts of the world would be empty until you bought an adventure pack. Buying those fills out an area with a new level, some challenges from nearby NPC's. Perhaps one of the challenges in the game, could be based on magical items.

I have so many ideas that would make Skylanders rock awesome.

It is still a mighty fine game, that invokes the feeling of Gauntlet, only more fun. However, there does need to be increased difficulty game after game. The games need to be longer, as well.

Bottom line, Giants needs to be tougher, because we have characters that are already level 10. I hope our Skylanders can go up higher in level, as well as learn some new moves.

So basically you'd take a game that is already criticized for requiring extra purchases, even though they sort of made an effort to make it not require all the figures, and you would make it require all the figures.

I'm sure there are plenty of ways to improve the sequel without giving the middle finger to people who can't afford to spend over $200 on one game.

Personally what I'd like to see, though I'm not sure enough data can be stored in the RFID chips, is for the figures to have their textures stored on the figure so that variants could show as variants ingame. At the very least Giants could possibly have a single flag within the figure to make the character display ingame with a preset special effect such as silver, gold, glowing, etc. Though it would do nothing for the current variants assuming they have no data differentiating them from a standard version.


Neo Member
Well, BooJoh, these Elemental Challenges, wouldn't be a game breaker. In other words, they wouldn't be needed for the 100%.

Think of it more as a thanks to the hardcore fans who bought all of the characters. Some are content with 8, but there should be a form of thank you - ingame - for those who have all of the Skylanders for each game.

It's a means to have an excuse to make more levels, while extending the longevity of the game itself. There would be a reward at the end of each level, but it wouldn't be anything that hinders a Skylander's progress, be it stats or level.


I suppose. I just think this technology needs to be approached cautiously.

I have a love-hate relationship with these toys. On one hand, I'd rather buy a figure that unlocks a character than to just buy a digital unlock. On the other hand, I've seen how ridiculous some companies have gotten with DLC and microtransactions, and with Skylanders being such a runaway success I can already envision execs at gaming companies twisting their mustaches as they set forth plans that will drive NFC toys into the ground at lightspeed, or at the very least make any game that uses it have a significantly higher average cost to end users.

I'll probably be drawing the line at Skylanders, only going for one of each new character in Giants and not new variants, and moving forward I'll try to restrain myself from being tempted by other NFC games unless they're from Nintendo themselves.


Neo Member
I suppose. I just think this technology needs to be approached cautiously.

I have a love-hate relationship with these toys. On one hand, I'd rather buy a figure that unlocks a character than to just buy a digital unlock. On the other hand, I've seen how ridiculous some companies have gotten with DLC and microtransactions, and with Skylanders being such a runaway success I can already envision execs at gaming companies twisting their mustaches as they set forth plans that will drive NFC toys into the ground at lightspeed, or at the very least make any game that uses it have a significantly higher average cost to end users.

I'll probably be drawing the line at Skylanders, only going for one of each new character in Giants and not new variants, and moving forward I'll try to restrain myself from being tempted by other NFC games unless they're from Nintendo themselves.

Well, I will say this.

One of the main reasons I supported this game, is because of it having the first ever cross-platform physical DLC.

I too, hate DLC that isn't physical. One pays a certain amount of money for a mere liscense. That's something you never own, and one is tied down by the rules of DRM. DRM is basically the company of said DLC saying, "you play how we want you to play. If your system messes up, have fun going through all the hassle to get it working again."

I literally support two types of DLC. One is anything Halo related. The second is any games in the "Trials" series. The bike game, where you use physics to get through the levels. THAT'S IT!

I have saved a lot of money, not buying DLC, while I also save any future frustration due to DRM at the same time.

Let's put it this way. I wouldn't have touched Skylanders with a 10-foot pole, had this all been DLC only. NO WAY!

I have something to show for the money I spent. That's the way I like it, and I give mad props to Toys for Bob for making Skylanders the way they did, what with the physicality of it all.

If gaming EVER becomes digital download only, like these game companies like, other people can go ahead and support companies, by buying liscenses for 50+ bucks. I will just fill out my backlog with any games I may be missing and play those games until I die. In other words, I won't be supporting gaming anymore, when it comes to new systems and games.

Another way I look at these toys, and why I love them, is because I have spent 17.99 on NECA figures. They make toys like Gears of War, Soul Reaver, and other video game related toys. However, at 17.99, all they do is sit in the pose I posed them in, never to do anything but look cool.

Skylanders, on the other hand, not only look cool displayed in a gaming-dedicated room, but they also can play on a game, level to 10, go down 1 of 2 upgrade paths, unlock a Heroic Challenge (basically like a level in its own), and play on a web game, 3DS game, Wii/360/PS3/PC game, and now an iPhone/iPad game. That's a lot of stuff one little figure can do, for 9-10 bucks.

The Skylanders do all of that, for 7-8 dollars less than toys that just sit still forever.


Woo, just had the mail from Amazon UK that the Empire of Ice order I placed back in March has finally sourced stock!

I believe I'm just holding out for Dragon's peak, Camo/Warnado/Ignitor and Wham Shell, and I'll have the full basic set - for those, it's just a case of waiting for the UK release, I believe, and I've had orders ongoing for all of those for ages, too. I was worried for a bit I wouldn't be able to get a full set after starting so late, but Amazon have done me proud.


I just got the game for PS3 and am stuck on the 'can't find wireless receiver' screen. I've got the USB plugged in, I turned the portal on and then pressed both the sync buttons on the portal and the USB..yet nothing?


Looks like the final wave has *finally* hit the UK; I have my Dragon's Peak now, with Camo/Warnado/Ignitor on the way, and Wham Shell up on Amazon.


Saint Nic
Blah, still need Pirate Sea's and Camo/Ignitor/Warnado pack + Wham Shell. My order didn't go through. :( These are getting harder and harder to find, too. Blah.
Looks like the final wave has *finally* hit the UK; I have my Dragon's Peak now, with Camo/Warnado/Ignitor on the way, and Wham Shell up on Amazon.

Struggling to find the Camo/Warnado/Ignitor triple, but I have a Wham Shell and Dragons Peak on the way. After that I think we still need Stump Smash and Sonic Boom singles. Would like to pick up a Legendary Trigger Happy too.

Also, I know some of you showed an interest in the podcast episode I was putting together with Alex Ness (Toys For Bob), Mike Stout (Activision), Jeff Gerstmann (Giant Bomb), John Davison (Gamespot) and Andy Robertson (Wired, Family Gamer TV), well I'm pleased to report it is now live. There are some hints in there to unreleased info about Skylanders Giants which will be revealed at E3, but feel free to speculate further.



Neo Member
Thanks for the kind words about my collection, Wes. It was nice to hear Toys for Bob mention that they have pics of my collection on their wall.

I know some of the TFB team is seeing this, so thanks to you as well.

That podcast confirmed I will be buying 3 of every repose, plus 3 of every new Skylander/Giant. I've already begun saving.

Thanks again, Wes and Toys for Bob.


I'm happy to hear that our current figures can be leveled up to 15. The new abilities and new poses (maybe even some detail variants like the visual upgrades seen ingame on some characters) will be enough to get me to buy reposes of a few favorites.

Can't wait to see new info during E3.


Think I'm going to jump in on the 3DS version of this. The whole thing sounds amazing and I hear positive things generally about the 3DS game.

How future proof do we think this whole concept is? I mean, if I'm going to be buying characters and investing in this rather expensive universe, I don't want to be doing it for just one game. Will existing characters and hardware work with future games in the Skylanders series? My ideal scenario right now is that I play the 3DS game now, enjoy the figures, then go and do the same again with the Wii U version/sequel this Christmas? I should be OK for that, right?


Think I'm going to jump in on the 3DS version of this. The whole thing sounds amazing and I hear positive things generally about the 3DS game.

How future proof do we think this whole concept is? I mean, if I'm going to be buying characters and investing in this rather expensive universe, I don't want to be doing it for just one game. Will existing characters and hardware work with future games in the Skylanders series? My ideal scenario right now is that I play the 3DS game now, enjoy the figures, then go and do the same again with the Wii U version/sequel this Christmas? I should be OK for that, right?

Right now all the current figures work in two different games. The console versions, and the 3DS version, which are completely different games. Keep that in mind, as most people agree that the 3DS game is good but the console game is better.

Current figures are also confirmed to work in the upcoming sequel, including being able to level them up further. Presumably the sequel will again be two games, console and 3DS, but that's just speculation as we haven't heard anything about the 3DS version of Skylanders Giants yet.

They also work in the webgame on PC if you like that sort of thing.

So any figures you buy now can get plenty of use.
Current figures are also confirmed to work in the upcoming sequel, including being able to level them up further. Presumably the sequel will again be two games, console and 3DS, but that's just speculation as we haven't heard anything about the 3DS version of Skylanders Giants yet.

They also work in the webgame on PC if you like that sort of thing.

3DS for Giants is confirmed in the podcast. Also, don't forget the iOS game which also supports all your characters from the first game.


Excellent. So at this point, if im going to invest in the franchise, there are a minimum of at least 2 3DS games and 2 console games to be playing, plus future installments down the line. Sounds fair enough to me.
Excellent. So at this point, if im going to invest in the franchise, there are a minimum of at least 2 3DS games and 2 console games to be playing, plus future installments down the line. Sounds fair enough to me.

Also, now might be a good time to get in on it as I would guess that prices for figures will drop over the summer. Especially for Wave 1 & 2, which were released around Christmas now. From what I've seen on store shelves, all characters are being restocked at the moment and some characters are being price reduced by online retailers.


Prices seem pretty static for us in the UK. The standard price seems to be £9.99 for single packs and £19.99 for triple/adventure. That said, I notice Amazon have reduced some figures, while others are slightly higher than on the high street.

Not sure how involved im going to be in collecting figures. I say this now but I guess I'll just get one of each class, or just the particularly good looking characters. Easy to say that now though, haha.
Prices seem pretty static for us in the UK. The standard price seems to be £9.99 for single packs and £19.99 for triple/adventure. That said, I notice Amazon have reduced some figures, while others are slightly higher than on the high street.

I'm in the UK too. Tesco are selling singles for £7.99 and triples for £19.99, but play.com are beating those prices with some singles as low as £5.99 and triples at £17.99. I expect those prices to fall further in coming months, but that's just me guessing. Toys R Us did 3 for 2 last weekend too, which indicates an abundance of stock now.


I'm in the UK too. Tesco are selling singles for £7.99 and triples for £19.99, but play.com are beating those prices with some singles as low as £5.99 and triples at £17.99. I expect those prices to fall further in coming months, but that's just me guessing. Toys R Us did 3 for 2 last weekend too, which indicates an abundance of stock now.

Yeah you're right. I was getting the £9.99 price from my local indipendant store. Popped into HMV yesterday afternoon and they're selling at £7.99, although their selection was very limited. They've got a huge display of the toys but only 3 or 4 varities. I suspect the indie I was checking out has a wider selection of rarer ones, hence the slight price difference.

Really hope we get a Wii U version of Skylanders Giants. Has that been confirmed, or are we expecting more Giants stuff at E3?


Whoa. They are just sticking them in bags of chips?

I don't know if they're putting them in the bags or if it'll be another code-based/call-in promotion like the Flocked Stump Smash, but I'm pretty sure that particular video is just the result of someone spoofing their RFID chips. The promotion is starting sometime in June I believe.
Sidekicks in the flesh




I haven't seen it mentioned here, but Nintendo Power revealed some official names and SKU details about Giants.

The new eagle Skylander is "Jet-Vac," the alchemist is "Pop Fizz."

Giants will be sold as a starter pack version or a booster pack version. No pricing info yet.

Starter Pack
Wii (I'm assuming other consoles too): Giants game, Portal, Tree Rex, Jet-Vac, Series 2 Cynder
3DS: Giants game, Portal, Tree Rex, Pop Fizz, Series 2 Cynder

Booster Pack
All versions: Game and Tree Rex


Finally got round to picking this up on Friday. 3DS version.

I'm loving it. Really impressed with the whole system. I'm impressed with how different each of the three pack in characters feel (those being Dark Spyro, Stealth Elf and Ignitor) and I'm really enjoying the gameplay. I suspect the Gauntlet style of the console games will work better in terms of the whole eco-system and RPG elements, but as a platformer I'm still having a blast with the 3DS version. The 3DS version looks great, the gameplay mechanics are tight, I really like the physical figures themselves and I'm a huge fan of the all the collecting going on in the game.

Really enjoying what I've played of this version and also looking forward to the next 3DS game, and also hopefully a Wii U version.


Neo Member
Toys for Bob makes it too hard for me to keep going with these variants.

I'm of the mind if I can't have them all, I don't want any of them. Now, they have an E3 exclusive. I can't get to E3. I don't want to pay stupid prices for it. I guess if I can't obtain one, the gig is up. I will have to fold on my variant collection and try to get all of my money back. Why can't they just chill on the variants? I can't get to SDCC, either.

I love Skylanders, and want all variants, but I can't keep it up, if they keep making ones that are insanely hard to get a hold of. :(

By the way, this is in reference to the single pack Spyro that is metallic silver, that is an E3 2012 exclusive.
Three difficulty levels confirmed!!!


Also, Wii U now confirmed, plus up to two giants can fit on one Portal of Power and there's a survival mode called Battle Arena where up to two players can fight wave after wave of enemies.

If you haven't seen the new trailer for Giants, it's here:


Screen grab from the trailer featuring new characters and my best guess as to who is what:




Well, now I am excited!

I am seriously hoping they don't string out the figure releases like before. It would be different if the game took months to complete (somehow). But when we finish the game in a week with only a handful of characters, it dampens the excitement for the new characters. I wish they didn't have the rehashed reposes, as it will just clutter the shelves when I am looking for the new figures. I just want the eight new Skylanders and the eight giants. I have a feeling it will be January and we are waiting for the final few to be released.


No idea where this came from but I saw a link to this elsewhere. Some new mushroom guy with a slingshot.


Also it seems that Giants for 3DS is being developed by N-Space and not Vicarious Visions as we thought?


EDIT: The earth giant is named Crusher. You can see it in the posters hanging in the background in this video: http://www.g4tv.com/videos/58915/skylanders-giants-floor-report-e3-2012-live/


You can use your existing portal, which is why you can buy the game as a booster pack with just the new game and Tree Rex if you don't want to get the starter pack version (game, portal, Tree Rex, Jet-Vac(Pop-Fizz for 3DS version), and Cynder repose.)

Toys R Us has the booster packs listed at $60 and the Starter Packs at $75.
You can use your existing portal, which is why you can buy the game as a booster pack with just the new game and Tree Rex if you don't want to get the starter pack version (game, portal, Tree Rex, Jet-Vac(Pop-Fizz for 3DS version), and Cynder repose.)

Toys R Us has the booster packs listed at $60 and the Starter Packs at $75.

Pop-Fizz being on 3DS sucks donkey balls
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