SmackDown! drafts
. Pretty good pick.
Also, Joey Styles has apparantely signed a multi-year WWE deal where he will work on future ECW DVDs (!) and the 24-7 network.
Randy Orton
JBL came to the ring and basically cut a promo on ECW saying why it sucked and that the only reason it was good and got any rating was because he was on the show. He said if he goes to RAW, then SmackDown! is finished for good because wherever he goes, so does the money. He is interupted by Chris Benoit until the Basham's come out to make the save setting up..........
Chris Benoit vs. Doug Basham is in the ring now. Benoit won with a rollup and then JBL jumped in. He says he is a wrestling god and taunts Benoit. The lights go out and 'Taker's music hits. When the lights come back on, Taker (returning) is in the ring and he cleans house. JBL grabs the mic on the way out and cuts a heel promo on Taker until Teddy Long shows up and says tonight it'll be JBL vs. Undertaker, No DQ.
Eddie Guerrero vs. Paul London ended with Eddie putting London in a Texas Cloverleaf and wouldn't let go. Rey Mysterio came out with a chair and the two wrestled around to the outside near the barricade until the agents (Fit Finly etc) came out to break the two up.
There is about a five minute intermission and then we see Eddie and Rey come back to the ring fighting. Rey hits Eddie with a chair and the refs/agents come out to break the two up again. They used an electric fence to keep them seperated.
A backstage segment aired where the Basham Brothers said they were sick and tired of the the whole cabinet idea and quit. They talked about tonight's No DQ match between Taker and JBL.
Carlito's Cabana had Carlito interviewing Booker T and Sharmell. Carlito was his smart ass saying this could be the last night Sharmell and Booker are on the same show because Sharmell is a diva and can be drafted. He says that could ruin their marriage. Booker T gets upset and attacks Carlito and then the two start throwing apples at him as he exits.
Matt Morgan vs. The Big Show ended by DQ when Carlito, who was ringside, used a chair. Morgan attempted an FU on the outside through the announce table but it was reversed into a chokeslam by Show, through a table.
Hardcore Holly vs. Orlando Jordan for the US title ended with Orlando Jordan falling on Holly's shoulders and grabbing the ropes for the pin.
John Heidenreich came out to the ring to read a poem about being his friend. He brought out a big Hershey Kiss (they are in Hershey, PA, chocolate capital of the world). The diva's come out (Jackie Gayda and diva search 1 girls Joy, Candice..??) and make remarks about Heidenreich's ''big candy bar'. MNM comes out and Melina says she would never be John's friend and also shot on the diva girls. Melina attacks one of the diva girls, John tries to help, he's attacked by MNM, and they pose.
JBL vs. The Undertaker in the main event went about 20 minutes. Randy Orton (no music) hit the ring and hit the RKO on Taker. JBL falls on top of him for the pin. Orton grabs the mic and says he's officially SmackDown!. I think the show goes off the air there. JBL and Jordan ran back into the ring and attacked Taker. We'll have the rest in a what you wont see post in a little bit. That's all for SmackDown!.
Also, Joey Styles has apparantely signed a multi-year WWE deal where he will work on future ECW DVDs (!) and the 24-7 network.