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SmartJoy FRAG adapter for...HALO 2! thread#2342


Teddman said:
Yeah, because playing with a controller set to 10 sensitivity and playing with a mouse at 10 sensitivity are anywhere close to the same degree of control and accuracy.
Analog at 10 will have the same turning speeds as a mouse at 10. Accuracy is something learned, not something inherent. It may be easier to be accurate with a mouse, but that's not to say you couldn't be similarly accurate with a pad. It would just be a much bigger learning curve.
The Guivre said:
Now, I'm not saying I'm going to be the next world champion of Halo, but nobody likes to lose and everyone likes to win.
Did you miss the bit about how the game will only match you with players of similar skill? You won't lose every game because even if you are playing against SmartJoy Frag users, they won't be particularly competent ones. The peripheral could possibly "break" competition in other games, but not Halo 2.

At the end of the day, it's a little-known accessory sold at a web-only vendor. I doubt more than 5-10% of users will have one; it won't be anything like using a controller in an online PC game.


Sorry to interrupt your debate....

KillZone works pretty well with the adapter. Time Crisis 2 doesn'tl..I mean, it's equal to/maybe a little better than the controller, but not the gun.

Rez works....alright, I guess.

The trick is to increase analog sensitivity as much as you can in-game and then tweak the deadzone. The more I use them, the more I'm agreeing with IGN's review.

That's pretty much it for my PS2 library of games to test. I'll see how Metal Arms preforms later tonight.


You smartjoy frag bitches are going down in Halo 2 against my unholy halo skillz with the Spad.

Bring it on!!!!


You think MS is gonna allow this thing to be used at it's full potential for H2? Stop mentally masturbating.


They can't stop the peripheral because there's no way to know if anyone is using it....it just emulates a regular controller. So yeah, I think people will be able to use it to its full potential.
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