The Wondeeful 101?What about third party series?
I don't think W101 is anymore important than series like Golden Sun, Starfy, or Sin & Punishment, all of which haven't gotten a playable character.
Smash in general has just relied very little on second party developed franchises when it comes to playable characters. When you look at both Brawl and Smash 4, ALL of the new series repped with playable characters happen to come from Nintendo's first party studios, whether it be Nintendo EAD or Monolith Soft.
There are second party developed series in Smash, such as Kirby and Pokemon, but both of those franchises are some of the biggest and most popular series Nintendo has. Something like Wonderful 101 just doesn't compare.
As for third parties, well, besides Metal Gear, which ones are on the same level of Sonic the Hedgehog, Street Fighter or Pac-Man?