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Maturity, bitches.
Possibly. That's what they said, but we don't know the results of the ballot. They used the weird phrasing "negotiable and realizable", which could mean anything.

It just means joke character or third party characters they'd have no chance of getting i.e. Master Chief weren't even considered. She still came first in Europe and I doubt there were that many non applicable suggestions that bested her numbers.
It just means joke character or third party characters they'd have no chance of getting i.e. Master Chief weren't even considered. She still came first in Europe and I doubt there were that many non applicable suggestions that bested her numbers.

I know what it's supposed to sound like. I still think that if Sakurai didn't like Bayonetta very much, even if she placed 1st in the European ballot, then he wouldn't have put her in. That's all I'm saying.
Who cares about clean windows? I have over one million internet friends and none of them care about clean windows anymore now that I have shown the few of them that used to care about them the joy of empty bin! And quietly installed some shutters. And it's true my bin is emptied daily, the problem is, this is not nearly enough! If we stopped cleaning windows and floors and whatnot, we could have our bins emptied hourly by now! HOURLY!

Look, if you don't like a game, and it is connected to a game you like, it's the least important thing that someone else likes it. That's no hypocrisy. That's just collective egoism.

Heh, maybe I was the mistaken one :p
Thing is, regardless of the thought process/mentality behind the "boo pokken" complaints, the way reality works doesn't reflect how the complaints claim it does.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Why do people push this narrative of Sakurai favoritism so much? It's like if gamers love to hate developers haha.
same reason people think the "have you ever made a game" line is taken seriously without any hint of irony
Why do people push this narrative of Sakurai favoritism so much? It's like if gamers love to hate developers haha.

Because Sakurai is the major creative force behind the Smash series, and I doubt there would be any addition to any part of the game without him liking the idea of it.
Let's be real if Sakurai was really about favorites it wouldn't have taken three games to get more than one Kirby rep, and Roy would have absolutely been in Brawl.

This conspiracy theory stuff is silly, considering I doubt even Sakurai likes all the characters who are already in Smash THAT much (inb4 "he probably hates ice climbers")

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
The funny thing about it is how people kept changing the narrative.

Oh Sakurai favors Kirby! no wait, he favors Kid Icarus! no wait, he favors Fire Emblem!

Because Sakurai is the major creative force behind the Smash series, and I doubt there would be any addition to any part of the game without him liking the idea of it.

It's a group effort though, you can see that in the interview with regards to Corrin.
I somehow managed to forget Pikmin World entry was also a thing before Switch launch, despite its somewhat unexpected name. If it turns out that is the real name... well, I'll have many questions.
Because Sakurai is the major creative force behind the Smash series, and I doubt there would be any addition to any part of the game without him liking the idea of it.

He added Ganondorf because people wanted Ganondorf and his body was sorta the same as Captain Falcon. And they had a spare GCN model laying around. It doesn't seem like there was ever a time when Sakurai actually intended for Ganondorf to be in the game (like if he was cut or originally planned, he wasn't). He had more enthusiasm for adding Young Link than he did for Ganondorf.

Brawl, he at least seemed to understand Ganondorf is kinda an important dude and should be featured more heavily and made more unique, but with Smash 4, now we're back to Ganondorf just being a random guy on the roster and not the main villain of one of the most important series on the roster. Sheik has always held a higher spot on the roster than Ganondorf. I'm not talking about tiers, but in marketing and how much he talks about the character in outside media.

In general it seems like unless you're Bowser, the Koopalings, or Mewtwo, Sakurai doesn't particularly care much for villains. He even took Metaknight and Dedede who started as villains and quickly made them not villains in later Kirby games.

Not really sure why that is, but villains just don't seem particularly important to have on the roster for him.

In fact, I'm pretty sure the Koopalings and Mewtwo are the only villains (and Mewtwo is arguable) added to Smash that were not added due entirely to fan demand.

Bowser - Fan demand
Ganondorf - Fan demand
Mewtwo - Because Mewtwo is awesome with his wicked voice and psychic powers and his cool movie and woosh bam psychic mind crush (seriously, this is basically what I've gathered from reading about why Mewtwo is in Smash)
Wolf - Fan demand
Koopalings - Because the Clown Car concept was cool

And Dark Pit, Dedede and Metaknight aren't really villains.
Now that I have a decent internet connection, online is a lot more fun. You all will laugh but as I was cycling through characters trying out ones I hadn't, I sampled Bayonetta-

Holy SHIT. Is she OP or is it just me? Really fun to play as, and super flashy. Just a real joy, the jump range she has feels so fluid.
Now that I have a decent internet connection, online is a lot more fun. You all will laugh but as I was cycling through characters trying out ones I hadn't, I sampled Bayonetta-

Holy SHIT. Is she OP or is it just me? Really fun to play as, and super flashy. Just a real joy, the jump range she has feels so fluid.

She is good, but not impossible to deal with, just study her and she can be handled.


As in "Heathcliff"
  1. Neoxon
  2. PK Gaming
  3. rardk64
  4. Padwarrior
  5. Net
  6. DecoReturns
  7. Grexeno
  8. Platy
  9. TheDinoman
  10. RK128
  11. ElectricBlanketFire
  13. balladofwindfishes
  14. Clov
  15. Nickle
  16. Allenous
  17. Captain Rage Quit 69
  18. Svafnir
  19. KelpPlankton
  20. cloudstrife
  21. BitStyle
  22. Morts
  23. BatDan
  24. Poltergust
  25. Massicot - Maybe if he remove the quote and input it as his prediction
  26. The12thGripper
  27. Lucky Seven
  28. LucidMomentum - Maybe if he remove the quote and input it as his prediction
  29. Red Arremer
  30. Zebei
  31. IgotElbows
  32. Raysoul
  33. Sesha
  34. sixteen-bit
  35. jmizzal
  36. 7Th
  37. killroy87
  38. civilstrife
  39. Jawmuncher
  40. Sponge
  41. Illucio
  42. Ryce
  43. Zackat
  44. Diprosalic
  45. Allan Holdsworth
  46. Bamboo 竹
  47. 18-Volt
  48. Juni_
  49. jedivulcan
  50. AcademicSaucer
  51. WoopWOOP
  52. NSESN
  53. 10k
  54. Regiruler
  55. Zyrox
  56. megachao24
  57. Choppasmith
  58. Ushojax
  59. Gvitor
  60. Coffee Dog
  61. God Dayumm
  62. BusterJol
  63. Dad
  64. Waluigilicious
  65. ErrorMacro
  66. Calvero
  67. Kissenkopf
  68. Professor Lexicovermis
  69. Galang
  70. Nocturnowl
  71. TAFK
  72. Growlie19
  73. janoDX
  74. realdragon75
  75. LotusHD
  76. Enforced
  77. KingBroly
  78. Roo
  80. Gartooth
  81. A Link to the Past
  82. Nemecyst
  83. RedFyn
  84. ShinRPGamer
  85. crash-14
  86. SuperSah
  87. jph139
  88. SalvaPot
  89. Troubled Bat
  90. chaosblade
  91. Gaspard
  92. JStein0222
  93. Burning Justice
  94. papertoonz
  95. EhoaVash
  96. MacTag
  97. Peléo
  98. sinonobu
  99. Yagami_Sama
  100. WiiRevolution1
  101. EleventhHourSuperpower
  102. Jay RaR
  103. ZBR
  104. GiantBreadbug
  105. akidnamededdy
  106. the anime man
  107. rewkol
  108. Sou Da
  109. Tavernacle12
  110. Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule
  111. Seanlole
  112. evanmisha
  113. SleepyJohn11
  114. Retro4ever
  115. deafsox987
  116. secretanchitman
  117. BY2K
  118. PushDustin
  119. Codeblue
  120. euphemism
  121. jnWake
  122. DrArchon
  123. EulaCapra
  124. Titanoboa
  125. bahamut_24
  126. Crayolan
  127. NMFried
  128. Speedwagon
  129. J-Tier
  130. fisheyes
  131. marmoka
  132. sfried
  133. JazzmanZ
  134. plufim
  135. C.Olimar788
  136. Bluth54
  137. Masked Man
  138. MineralCraver420
  139. Roelatie
  140. TheAnvil
  141. Javier
  142. Mr Swine
  143. Zalman
  144. Spirit Icana
  145. Kurtofan
  146. Boss Doggie
  147. Regulus Tera
  148. TheMagician
  149. Kouichi
  150. IceDoesntHelp
  151. Macka
  152. AAMARMO
  153. UnnecessaryTodd
  154. Spinluck
  155. Cepheus
  156. Kyzon
  157. perfectchaos007
  158. RomanceDawn
  159. eti xero < obviously troll
  160. Quintin DM
  161. Charamiwa
  162. Tyeforce
  163. TreIII
  164. Laffer
  165. Malyse
  166. SenorArdilla
  167. ar4757
  168. Lutherian
  169. BADMAN
  170. moneyB < obviously troll
  171. BronzeWolf
  172. MaverickHunterAsh
  173. Luigi_Fan2
  174. 1upmuffin
  175. Ryouji Gunblade
  176. jack_package_200
  177. Drago
  178. FSLink
  179. ColtraineGF
  180. Hero Prinny
  181. Niosai
  182. IntelliHeath
  183. J@hranimo
  184. weekev
  185. Axass
  186. BassForever
  187. Mr. Pointy
  188. kirby_fox
  189. Azure J
  190. TWILT
  191. Geminosity
  192. Pineapple
  193. Spinosaurus
  194. TunaLover
  195. Master Yoshi
  196. CoasterFreak225
  197. Thin White Duke
  198. Muzy72
  199. TheLegendOfCap
  200. hampig
  201. Mpl90
  202. Starphoenix
  203. Timeaisis
  204. ffdgh
  205. MrSaturn99
  206. Pieman0920
  207. JCX
  208. Linkstrikesback
  209. stan423321
  210. Vert1
  211. DeadDuck144
  212. TheSuperSakura
  213. FUNKNOWN iXi
  214. ubiblu
  215. random25
  216. Lord_Byron28
  217. Durden77
  218. Kinsei
  219. Watch Da Birdie
  220. SatoAilDarko
  221. spanks
  222. Zubz
  223. MrPanic
  224. RobotHaus
  225. SmackAttack
  226. OcarinaOfDoom
  227. Conor_Fool
  228. Griss
  229. Dragonslayer_023
  230. ratcliffja
  231. Franz Brötchen
  232. joker3782
  233. AlexFlame116
  234. trixx
  235. NinjaCoachZ
  236. Green Starman
  237. Crimson_Echidna
  238. Dimitri LH
  239. Icyflamez96
  240. Expansion Pack
  241. Richie
  242. Tye The Czar
  243. RayearthRob
  244. R.D.Blax
  245. Gleethor
  246. InaSnowBoundLand
  247. Keyouta
  248. pizzacat < obviously a Pizzacat post
  249. Toad.T
  250. HiroTSK5
  251. Neiteio
  252. MiguelMexMIstery
  253. Nintendoga
  254. A Link to the Past


As in "Heathcliff"


Second Source:

According to a member in the discord, they mentioned that Super Smash Bros Switch actually have EAN (which is basically a barcode) which is unusual for "placeholders."

It was up few hours ago when I checked the source however I want to research more on this matters and I noticed that they deleted the page. Now it would direct you to 404 error.

Take everything with grain of salts.


Maturity, bitches.
There's a discord?

That explain why everyone stopped giving me beef directly to my face. Talking smack behind my back.
In less than 24 hours, the dust will settle. Will we be celebrating Smash this year, or face the grim reality that we won't be seeing HD Magicant until maybe the next half decade?

The end is nigh.
In less than 24 hours, the dust will settle. Will we be celebrating I'm Smash this year, or face the grim reality that we won't be seeing HD Magicant until maybe the next half decade?

The end is nigh.

I think paid online was delayed to next year entirely because Smash 4 Switch was probably quietly delayed to 2018 and they're launching together.

No better way to sell paid online than Nintendo's biggest hardcore online series.


Huh. I forgot I was even competing in this. I still stand by my guess, though; Chorus Kids are too easy a guess if they were half-finished, even if Decidueye & Spring Man look likely. I also still stand by wanting Monokuma playable as a

Many mistakes were made this day..

Doubt we see Smash today. They're focusing on 2017, and Smash seems like a 2018 game.

I don't know. I feel like the focus on 2017 just makes something like this more likely. What do they have between Splatoon and Mario Odyssey. If it's just a Smash 4 port that's been in development for some time (assuming the rumors were true), even with enhancements it should be ready to go soon. I'm basing this on absolutely nothing but gut instinct, but my expectations are that we'll probably see a Smash Deluxe and a Mario Maker Deluxe today.

But we'll know more in 90 minutes! I'm not going out on a limb with this stuff.


As in "Heathcliff"
Doubt we see Smash today. They're focusing on 2017, and Smash seems like a 2018 game.

I gotta to love fear mongering in Nintendo E3 thread but at same time, it would keep those people in check with low expectation so I'm fine with it. I have a good feeling that we are going to get few 2018 games.


I gotta to love fear mongering in Nintendo E3 thread but at same time, it would keep those people in check with low expectation so I'm fine with it. I have a good feeling that we are going to get few 2018 games.

Twentyfive minute video doesn't give me hope tbh.


Maturity, bitches.
The video will start with the infamous Smash flames of hype only for it to say:

Presents the Nintendo Spotlight

and Smash never gets mentioned.
No, I'm pretty sure Smash 4 is 100% over and done with. We're just gonna have to wait a long time before the next game.

Right now, I think Sakurai is working on a non-Smash related project. With all this love Metroid's getting, I'd still like to see Sakurai change his mind and come back to Kid Icarus...
Yup, I'm one hundred percent on the "next Smash is Smash 5 proper" train. Smash 4 is done.

And Samus will one hundred percent look like that design, as this is a Sakamoto led project and not a Prime "side story" game (from Nintendo's perspective). So excited to move on from Other M's shadow over the series.
Yeah. I mean I'm not going to revolt if the Smash 4 port never happens. Based on precedent it's not necessarily something we should have ever expected. However, particularly noting the success of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, it just seems like a missed opportunity to me. Oh well.
Nintendo is going to release a new entry based on Smash for Wii U as the Switch's Smash Holiday 2018, 4 years after release.

I mean 4 years is a perfectly good gap. Nintendo definitely wants to sell DLC for years afterwards.

Think about it. Would Nintendo release a Smash game with close to 60 characters and tons of stages and then 3 years later release a slightly better looking game with less content they would have to build from the ground up?

Not to mention this would cause Smash to release over halfway through the Switch's lifetime.

It's better to use the prior Smash 4 and update all the models and add better textures and effects.

Also you can easily add a new singleplayer platform mode to make it more of a new game.

Keep in mind in between Melee and Brawl Sakurai made Kirby Air Ride and Meteos while between Brawl and Smash 4 he make Kid Icarus Uprsing.

So far we've heard nothing about Sakurai working on a new game which you would think considering his company Sora needs to partner up with someone for development.

Sakurai working on Smash 6 (he called Smash for Wii u Smash 5) since the last one even on a reduced schedule is plenty of time to add a lot.

Considering there were reliable rumors of a Smash port at launch being worked by Namco if they're still working on it till 2018 it's definitely having substantial new content for a new entry.

PK Gaming

It's too early to rule out Smash 4 on the Switch. Maybe they want it be an expanded iteration instead of straight port? Either way, they'd be idiots to throw away free money, and it's highly unlikely that they've started development on Smash 5.
Much as I'd like to believe it's somehow being reserved for next year, I think I'm putting Smash 4 Switch to rest as well. To be honest, I've secretly been making my peace over the past few weeks for this to happen; what happened with "Pokémon Stars" probably sealed it.

I mean, never say never, I suppose, but it's been two years and we've had nothing but dead ends. I guess it doesn't really matter since I still play both versions regularly, but dang it, I wanted Smash Run HD! Like Steve said, I think it's a real missed opportunity.

(That all said, I really DO wonder why the last three amiibo took so long to release; that, to me, was the smoking gun for the port annnnnnnnd now that doesn't seem to be the case...?)
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