Hey guys, anyone know where I can get a 1-chip RGB modded SNES besides Ebay?
Just to clear up some confusion here:
1. ALL versions of the standard SNES/Super Famicom output RGB natively through SCART. They do not need to be modded.
2. There was a later revision of the standard SNES where the motherboard design was revised. This is known as the 1-CHIP for obvious reasons, and outputs a much cleaner image than earlier models. The only surefire way of knowing if a SNES is a 1-CHIP is to open it up, but http://retrorgb.com/1chipsnes.html has advice on other ways of finding out. A 1-CHIP SNES would cost as much as a standard preowned SNES, as most people do not know what they have.
3. The SNES Mini uses a futher revised 1-CHIP board, but does not output RGB - the functionality is there, but it is not linked to the Multi-Out video socket. Modding involves linking it back up. This results in by far the cleanest image output from any SNES. I got mine from a GAF member HaL64, but ebay and other sites are a good bet too - or do it yourself (harder for me than it seems, as I live in the UK where it was never officially launched)
hope that helps