It's not like Final Fight arcade is unfair. The SNES version balances the way fewer enemies by giving them more health than the arcade original.
Eh, no, sorry. I don't really like the soundtrack of SNES Final Fight. Something about it sounds really cheesy and low-quality. FF2's is okay - FF3's is amazing purely because "For Metro City" is one hell of a rocking song, one of the best on the console IMO.There are a ton of arcade games like that I prefer playing on my SNES as opposed to my mame arcade machine due to the better soundtrack the SNES versions usually give. Final Fight also comes to mind, even with all the censoring and and missing Guy.
I just picked up Final Fight 3 from ebay. It hasn't arrived here yet, but I'm definitely looking forward to some walk-to-the-right beat 'em up action. I decided I'd skip the other two since they were changed from the arcade version or the Japanese version. From reading reviews the third is the best of the snes trilogy anyway.
Final Fight 3:
Yeah, Final Fight CD's my go to choice for when I want to play through the first FF. The GBA port is surprisingly decent too, given the hardware. Street Fighter Alpha Cody and Guy being unlockable is a pretty amusing bonus, too.
Final Fight CD wins by soundtrack alone. Man i'll get a Sega CD one day...
If you have a PS3 or 360 there's a way better version of the original game. Unless of course, you really love the arrange tunes on the Mega CD version.
Those are both FF2 tho
Agree, but the ps3 port was by far the best.
Also here's a comparison of the many versions. Most I did not know existed. Atari ST?!
Ended up swapping my SNES for my brother's.
Seriously, nobody here's seen SNESes only outputting grayscale over composite before? Hope its RGB still works okay...
For the record, RGB works great out of it, so it's clearly something that's only affecting composite (and probably S-Video).
It'd be really weird if it were a region mismatch. It's clearly a US SNES shell, so unless somebody slapped a PAL SNES motherboard in there (would that even fit?)...I've only seen it when there's a region mismatch, but I guess there could be something wrong specifically with the composite part of the SNES PPU.
It'd be really weird if it were a region mismatch. It's clearly a US SNES shell, so unless somebody slapped a PAL SNES motherboard in there (would that even fit?)...
Ah ah ah.yes
everytime you're going to buy something like chrono trigger or yoshi's island or whatever and someone says they need to check ebay real quick because the game you want is rare you need to physically spit on them
so.... i've been thinking to start collecting SNES and super famicon games, any recomendations?
I just picked up Final Fight 3 from ebay. It hasn't arrived here yet, but I'm definitely looking forward to some walk-to-the-right beat 'em up action. I decided I'd skip the other two since they were changed from the arcade version or the Japanese version. From reading reviews the third is the best of the snes trilogy anyway.
Agreed, Final Fight CD is pretty good.Yeah, Final Fight CD's my go to choice for when I want to play through the first FF. The GBA port is surprisingly decent too, given the hardware. Street Fighter Alpha Cody and Guy being unlockable is a pretty amusing bonus, too.
No way, SNES FF1/FF Guy are the worst.Good point. FF2 is the worst.
FF3 compared:
What are people's thoughts on having games with worn labels? I'm not talking about labels that look like a raccoon clawed at the cartridge for 2 hours, but just heavy wear-and-tear in the crease, etc. Do you guys steer clear of them? Do you consider them at all important? Do you replace the labels or is that sacrilege that defaces the game's "originality"?
I kind of feel like I can go for some torn-label carts for cheaper and just replace the label, but how "fake" is that, really?
Depends on your personal preference. Some folks invest in collectible games with the notion that there is a monetary value on the items. It's like investing your money in jewelry. Do you want a particular piece because you'll wear it a lot, or because there's a monetary value attached to it.
Personally, I invest in games just in case I have to one day sell them for money, like stock.
Received my snes rgb mini from Hal64 and hooked it up to my pvm tonight.
Damn, that nice? I have a SNES mini that I'm doing nothing with, and to be honest, I'm not impressed with my OG SNES's RGB output - especially compared to my other RGB systems. Maybe it's time to take the next step.
Super Comboy beats all through its sheer Hyundai-distributed power.Is your original snes a 1-chip? Mine wasn't, which was why the picture was so blurry on my PVM. The only fix was getting a modded mini. No going back. In fact, I now am going to sell my other systems. I have a snes standard and a Korean super comboy in great shape that I'll probably never use again after today.
Super Comboy beats all through its sheer Hyundai-distributed power.
So you wanna buy it? Lol
My SNES is currently sitting in retrobright... Wish me luck!