also Rygar, what shop is that? looks awesome.
and yeah i could see swapping for the SFC buttons, there was a guy in our own buy/sell thread selling usable SFC controllers on the cheap though
Is anyone else like me and just resigning themselves to wait for a potential bubble to pop? I think a big part of the ridiculous increase in prices is because people who gamed on these systems back in the day were mostly children at the time and are now in a position where they can afford to buy a bunch of these games. I'm kind of thinking of just waiting it out for the SNES collecting thing to pass so I can buy the carts I want without forking over $40+ for each one (and in some cases well over $150).
I'm not talking waiting like 2 months either, I'm talking years, possibly close to 10.
i wanna say yeah, wait long enough (10 years, damn) and you should see things level off...but i could totally be wrong, maybe good copies of things will be harder to get, or some Retron system release will get more folks buying them? hard to say, personally our digital future has me thinking it's worth investing in, but i agree that especially on the SNES front shit's silly.
thankfully most of what's left on my short list is cheap shmups like Axelay and Gradius 3...R Type 3 can eat a dick though
Sure, you could wait it out, but you only live once. It's not so bad paying $80 or whatever on games you really really want. Everything released these days is $60 regardless of quality, and cartridge games could go for more than that back in the day.
I just accept that these are the prices now.
it's funny, i was haggling forever for a $25 loose copy of Phantasy Star IV (one of my favorite JRPGs) and then remembered being a kid and spending a $100 gift certificate for EB and getting like $2 and change back...only difference was a cheap paper box and black & white instructions.
I'm doing the same shit with Lufia 2, never bought it when i really wanted it cause it went from like $75-80 to simply not for sale, now im just being cheap cause i saw an auction where 1 + 2 went for like $40 and i wanna catch that
Maybe the pricing bubble will burst when this overly long generation finally rides into the sunset and the not-so-hardcore collectors dump all of their collections to fund PS4 and 720 purchases.
man in this current climate, there's gonna be people scooping that up so fast...ive gone to craigstlist offerings the very morning theyve come up and been too slow