That's too high unless it's complete in box.I saw a copy of Super Mario RPG for $70. It's in perfect shape, is that worth it?
That's too high unless it's complete in box.I saw a copy of Super Mario RPG for $70. It's in perfect shape, is that worth it?
That's an awesome deal, I see it go on ebay for ~$50 pretty often.
Well that's pretty awesome. I only picked it up because I knew SNES RPGs were going up in price and that was one you never heard much about back when it came out.
I found a hobby store near me that stocks Nintendo games. He had SNES, N64 and game boy stuff. He said he was a "licensed Nintendo dealer" I don't know if that's true or just some bullshit, but he had some cool stuff. His prices were all over the place though. He had DKC3 which I've been looking for, but wanted $70(!) for it. I only ended up buying two games, but he said he gets new stock frequently so I'll probably check in every so often.
Ended up getting these two for $20. He also has a copy of Act Raiser 2 for $15 I might get. I saw a copy of Super Mario RPG for $70. It's in perfect shape, is that worth it?
That's the cheapest one I could find and it's in really bad shape.
Every time I see that guys listings they seem too high. Looking at sold listings it seems you can get it pretty easily for about $30.
Okay, what the fuck is going on here? I bought this game a year ago, mint, with manual and maps for $20 shipped. CIB versions were around $40. Who is dropping $40-50 on a beat to hell copy of a mediocre RPG?
That's the cheapest one I could find and it's in really bad shape.
Okay, what the fuck is going on here? I bought this game a year ago, mint, with manual and maps for $20 shipped. CIB versions were around $40. Who is dropping $40-50 on a beat to hell copy of a mediocre RPG?
Okay, what the fuck is going on here? I bought this game a year ago, mint, with manual and maps for $20 shipped. CIB versions were around $40. Who is dropping $40-50 on a beat to hell copy of a mediocre RPG?
I just tried out my new Super Gameboy and I think there's something wrong with itI tried putting in Pokemon Blue and there's no sound. The Super Gameboy start up sound plays when I turn it on, but there's no sound from the actual game.
Nobody, hopefully. You can pretty easily get them for $30 in auctions, and if you're too impatient for an auction there are a couple nice looking copies with $35 BIN prices right now.
That game is worth half that price. $15 to $20 tops.
Try cleaning the Pokemon game and perhaps the slot on the top where you put the GB games in.
I took apart both the gameboy cart and the Super Gameboy and cleaned all 3 sets of pins. I think it's something more serious, but unfortunately I can't test which is the problem. I don't have a gameboy to test pokemon, or another gameboy game to test the Super Gameboy.
Hmmm...well where did you buy the Super Gameboy? You could just take it back, those things are pretty cheap to buy. I haven't had any problems with the ones I find, even the dirty ones I find at flea markets.
try check:Thinking back I only really remember those racing games that were already mentioned (well, and Mario Kart, of course). The only other one I can think of is Full Throttle and that was crap.
Which is kinda strange, I remember playing a lot of racing games back then, maybe they were all on the C64.
The Super Game Boy uses the extra pins on the sides of the main pins for GB sound I believe. It could be that the pins are somehow broken, or the connector pins for them in the SNES are dirty. Do you have any other SNES games with such pins (like Starfox or Yoshi's Island) and do they work?
I just bought a complete SNES for $25. I didn't realize how much game prices have risen over the last couple years. What are the chances that prices go down? It's not like they're making more of these games.
The two are top down mode 7 racing game (former is a rally game the latter a F1 game).Ah, Stunt Race FX, of course. I even own that, don't know why I forgot about that.
I will check out the first two, never heard of them.
I just bought a complete SNES for $25. I didn't realize how much game prices have risen over the last couple years. What are the chances that prices go down? It's not like they're making more of these games.
I have Yoshi's Island and tried it. Sound works fine.
With Yoshi's Island and other SuperFX games the pins are not used for sound, but to connect the processing chip inside the cartridge with the SNES. But if the game displayed graphics normally (especially on the Title Screen which I believe uses the SuperFX chip) then it's probably something wrong with the extra pins on the SGB unfortunately. I can't imagine that there would be anything wrong with the GB game if it boots up and all that. Sound would be transferred to the GB with the regular game code. It's just on the SNES that the SGB then transfers the processed sound through the extra pins to play back with the SNES sound chip.
I think SGB is still the only way to unlock enhanced features in certain game carts that need the SNES hardware like Donkey Kong '94 for better audio and Space Invaders' extra mode.
I did a bit of retro game shopping today. I saw a store that carried a cart only copy of Super Mario Kart for $75. I about shat myself when I saw that.
Went to another second-hand game shop and they had a copy of Super Mario Kart, same condition, for $18. I wanted to go back to the other store and ask them wtf they were thinking when they priced that.
I think SGB is still the only way to unlock enhanced features in certain game carts that need the SNES hardware like Donkey Kong '94 for better audio and Space Invaders' extra mode.
Huh... I had no idea that the SGB had an effect on audio in certain games. That's kinda awesome. I remember Donkey Kong 94 being the poster child for the device, and that was always what I played on the thing, but I didn't really notice a difference in sound quality. Then again, I was like... 6.
Huh... I had no idea that the SGB had an effect on audio in certain games. That's kinda awesome. I remember Donkey Kong 94 being the poster child for the device, and that was always what I played on the thing, but I didn't really notice a difference in sound quality. Then again, I was like... 6.
More than that; on the standard Game Boy, it's just some standard notes pitch-bended to make it sound like her screaming. The voice samples are exclusive to the Super Game Boy.Pauline's voice samples were much clearer on SGB.
It does not.Does the GameBoy Player add the cool borders like Super Game Boy does? It's not that big of a deal but kinda cool.
Does the GameBoy Player add the cool borders like Super Game Boy does? It's not that big of a deal but kinda cool.
Looking for tips on:
Great smups
Is there any solution to playing SNES games on my SFC that isn't this?
Do you mean playing SNES games on a SFC? I picked up a honeybee adapter to play SNES on my SFC.
This is how it looks when using it with the SFC.
I'm not sure how much exactly they sell for as I picked up mine on for 2,000 yen on Yahoo Auctions JP along with that Super Off-Road game (and a few SFC games the seller threw in.) I do also have a SNES mini, though.
Yes, as posted earlier in the thread:
Does that Honeybee have a particular model name? The only ones I seem to be able to find are the Magic Game Converters and they go for a mint.
Or that PCEngine wasn't 16 biti love you, LiveFromKyoto
but we are not gonna have this conversation like M.U.S.H.A. aint exist