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Sniper Elite 3 |OT| "In the absence of orders, go find something and kill it.”

It has A.I issues. Sometimes they act real dumb yet other times are really hawk eyed and see you from miles.

Sometimes when you stab/melee someone they glitch through the walls. I dumped a body down an alley but his body clipped through into the next wall and 3 enemies on the other side saw the corpse so they became alerted and spotted me. Alerted guards are either way powerful or just broken. On one level there is a bunker and I killed a lone guard but before he died he screamed which alerted everyone to red status above which were really far away.

Lastly one level which is set in a fort at night time had atrocious frame rate when inside the grounds.

That level in particular for me has been buggy as hell. Audio is screwed up, guards are clipping through things, I'm being spotted in adjacent rooms to guards. Not sure what is going on there. Playing the XB1 version for reference. Also inside the fort the framerate starts doing some very odd things. Drops to single figures inside the main courtyard part. Wonder if my version patched properly. Is there anyway to find out?


Gold Member
I agree that using intense ragdoll for a game like this is a mistake. It's incredibly annoying to shoot someone and have his body fling over a ledge and alert a squad of Nazi scum, ruining your stealth playthrough.

AI is kinda wonky in general, the triggers for an alert are weird and unreliable. Enemies "hear" you as soon as you pick up a body within 50 feet of them, makes no sense. Sleeping dudes can still see you occasionally, and the patrolling animations are a bit iffy making them somewhat unreliable.
How? 1 vs 1?
I see empty lobbies everywhere. Max. one player in every Lobby.
1 vs 1 is pretty boring because the maps are huge.
The MP could be great but so far it's completely disappointing.

Well, it was free for all, a lobby of about 8 people. First time I ever played online and hadn't a clue :D

I then had another game, teams were 2 V 1 (me). It was intense!

I hope once it is released in the US the number of people online increases, because it is relatively low at the moment.


This should arrive tomorrow. Looking forward to it :D Anyone gave the co-op a go yet?

Yeah. Me and my friend just bought it and waited for it to download just to find out that it did not work at all. We tried ecerything. Campain coop and the special missions and also the standard deathmatches and team deathmatches. SUCKS. Me and my friend have kids and wives so for us to have the time and the money to spend on this is not often. BLÄ! We loved Sniper Elite 2 but this is not acceptable....
I agree that using intense ragdoll for a game like this is a mistake. It's incredibly annoying to shoot someone and have his body fling over a ledge and alert a squad of Nazi scum, ruining your stealth playthrough.

Isn't this kinda a good thing as, you know, that may happen in real life?

I don't know, sounds like random fun to me :)

Crazy as this game was nowhere near on my radar (I honestly know jackshit about the series really), but it's sounding like it's a must own. WWII + PS4 = omgyes


Online is a bit wonky at the mo with people disconnecting, hopefully it settle down a bit because it could be really good. Loving No Cross at the moment, and full marks to people who spot, helps a great deal.


Release date in Europe was yesterday for all versions.

Tip if you find the turning too fast with no vsync go into options and there's options to change it. I knocked Y and X down 2 (to the left). There is also separate one for scope axis.

There is an option to alter kill cam, you can even switch it off. I turned it up one to max as love it :p

This is surprisingly fun. It isn't too hard to stay stealthy and the noise/relocation mechanics work well. I'm probably sneaking a bit too much and being way too careful, but it's satisfying nevertheless.

I had a good laugh at the end of the second mission -
I dropped a mine on one of the roads just in case. After I killed the officers, the general spawned behind the mine and was blown up before I had a chance to look at the map. Mission accomplished.


Un Rama
This arrived earlier today :D I've never played any of this series before but I'm pleasantly surprised. Being stealthy is fun and there is enough multiple choices routes to mess around. A lot of the time you see areas that look perfect for sniping that aren't climbable which is lame. It also makes me think about Metal Gear Solid a lot of the time. I like the Afirican setting which hasn't been explored enough in games.

Got it set to 60FPS as I couldn't handle how it looked at 30.


Game is actually pretty challenging at the higher levels. I do with that enemies weren't such bullet sponges, and I've ran into a few minor bugs, but otherwise I'm enjoying myself. First 2 levels were fun, so lets see how the rest of the game holds up...

The levels so far have been fairly open, but not quite open enough to be truly awesome. Still a step up from V2.


Up to mission 4 now I think and enjoying it quite a bit. Some general jankyness and unreliable AI, but the non-linearity and variety in the level design is pretty good so far, as is the setting.

Tried numerous times to go online but the connection always times out (PS4), even though my connection is perfectly fine. Anyone else?


formerly "chigiri"
Ps4 Campaign finished, the AI can be cheesed pretty easily, though good fun overall. I'll definitely re-play this with different approaches. I kept feeling like I played it wrong, whenever I reached a sniper's nest I had already cleared out most of everything you could see from it. :D
Also had a hard time getting long shots, only got one of them in the end on Siwa Oasis.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Anyone know what the ghost symbol at top of screen means (same spot were it tells you sound is suppressed)?
It means you're a ghost, they know of your presence but can not find you.


How do you setup a coop game on PS4 as I only seem to have the option to set one up not join one. Do you have to sit there and wait for someone else to choose same map?


formerly "chigiri"
How do you setup a coop game on PS4 as I only seem to have the option to set one up not join one. Do you have to sit there and wait for someone else to choose same map?

With randoms? Maybe.

Or use the Barracks (invite friend) to start a group then pick coop.


i'm really enjoying it so far
with vsync disabled, the performance is fine, except the second half of the 4th mission. drop everywhere!
what's the minimum distance for a long shot?


Formerly Gizmowned
i'm really enjoying it so far
with vsync disabled, the performance is fine, except the second half of the 4th mission. drop everywhere!
what's the minimum distance for a long shot?

I think the long shots are setup to a specific enemy. You need to go to each sniper nest on the map and use your binoculars to find a target which will be on his own really far away. Usually in a part of the map you cant walk to or see from any other angle.

I've managed to get 6/8 but the 7th is being a real bitch due to it being night time.


With randoms? Maybe.

Or use the Barracks (invite friend) to start a group then pick coop.

Yea it seems to be the best way is to invite friends, not got many on PS though all mine or on Xbox.

We need to create a coop list of names per format. Please just add me :)


Xbox one

(I will be rebuying it in a couple of weeks on Xbox one as wife getting her xb1 in Sep so were doing coop then and will happily play with others like we do on Borderlands on 360).

Just found out if you equip binocs and look around it shows areas like generators for sound suppression if your stuck.

I've so far just kept playing mission 1 and 2 over and over.

Trip mine I cannot work out though, it seems very bugged were you can put it down.

Overall though it's up there with GTAV as my fav game of this year (that and finding the Disgaea series after numerous tries clicking so hooked on Disgaea 4 and bought 3 and D2).


Gold Member
The AI is pretty terrible. I seriously can't believe they didn't add a "climb down" button to silently jump off ledges. It's so absurd how a guy standing 50 feet away doesn't hear me shoot a guy in the head but gets alerted when I jump off a two-feet ledge. Same goes for them magically get alerted when I pick up a body. What's the point of that mechanic then?

From a gameplay perspective I just don't get it. Who thought this was a good idea?


So I've found all the collectibles in the game and done all the secondary objectives (and obviously beaten the game). Why do I only have 92% progress? Do I need to complete it in coop as well?


I think I've came across a bug with the weapon attachments.

For the Carcano rifle I only have the standard scope unlocked, but if I switch to the M1 Garand, equip the brass scope and then change back to the Carcano, it equips the brass scope for that as well.

I assume this would work for any attachment you have locked for one rifle but available for another


Formerly Gizmowned
The game is glitchy. I'm 100% on campaign and not received any of the achievements.

I think I've came across a bug with the weapon attachments.

For the Carcano rifle I only have the standard scope unlocked, but if I switch to the M1 Garand, equip the brass scope and then change back to the Carcano, it equips the brass scope for that as well.

I assume this would work for any attachment you have locked for one rifle but available for another

Yup I also noticed that lol.


Holy fuck guys. Just bumped the difficulty up to Authentic and it is awesome. (Little to no HUD, permadeath, no aiming assistance) It makes the game sooo much more tense. Before I was just running around like an idiot and not having that much fun, but this mode makes me take everything slower and more methodically. I actually have to plan out my attack. I highly recommend it if you can endure a little punishment, as it has made the game way entertaining.

That being said, the second I have to do some cheap boss fight or encounter, I'm done. That shit will not fly with me when you have to restart the level when you die. I don't mind having to plan a different approach into an area or something, but I just hope I won't have to deal with any stupid scripted events like a bunch of people pouring in from an area I already cleared. Give me a sandbox and a bunch of objectives and call it a day. So far so good though.
How good is the Hitler mission? I can't afford this right now and I don't know if I want to wait for a special edition that includes the DLC or just buy the Hitler mission when it inevitably becomes available for separate purchase.
I know I want this, but I can't decide whether to go PS4 or PC.

As long as the frame rate is okay on PS4, May do that for comfy couch factor. My PC's a few years old, so I'm not sure...Sniper V2 ran real well on my PC


Great game,
minus it's flaws.
The Sound is the biggest flaw, especially in detecting.

Been playing on Authentic, from the start. Unforgiving. lol.

Me and a mate were versing on Ghost town, absolutely awesome. Brought back feeling from when i played COD2 with a few good mates (sadly we had a falling out) *wipes tear...

Glad i bought this



What a coincidence. I realized yesterday night I had Sniper Elite V2 on my Steam library... not even installed yet. Fucking Steam sales...

Worth playing at this point?


Is there a MP mode where you can collect dog tags/crosses of fallen enemies for extra points?

I can't remember what the mode was called in SE1.. but the kills were worth 1 point and dogtags/ears/whatever worth 2. It was pretty interesting with 3-5 players. The tags were incentive to get people moving around.
Not quite q2headhunters fun but interesting, as far as FFA modes go.

I got bored of the V2 MP pretty quick, but I mostly blame the maps.
Always some awkward funnel somewhere that ruined any interesting options
. <--redacted*
There were a couple maps I liked, but no one else seemed to. In all honesty though it was a brief stint.

Still on the fence. Been playing a little V2 campaign and pondering.
Watched one stream of some MP play but the caster was makin' me nuts.


Worth playing at this point?
I've never finished it, and I remember getting frustrated with some spawn closets and shit like that. I'm one of the SE1 purist assholes. It's not the same.

That said, it is a fun, good looking, and shamefully gratifying shooty bang.
Lining up double headshots never gets old.


Worth playing at this point?
V2 is cool, for the sniping but fails is general shooting.
S3 seems more responsive, and just generally better.
Is there a MP mode where you can collect dog tags/crosses of fallen enemies for extra points?
I dunno, haven't sussed it all out, being playing heaps of Co-op.
I saw some game mode in normal Multiplayer where it's like points scoring for longest shots etc but it just seemed to be a normal death match to me.
There's Deathmatches and Team Death matches etc like everything else and there different Horde modes with waves incoming (had a little play) and this seems more fun too because you can hold up in building and such, with using mines trip mines etc and stay up high. Not really threatening at first until the heavier dudes come in.

There's some much variety in modes, this game suites all.
Single Player
Co-op Single Player
Multiplayer modes

Def worth it,
the more i play and get used to it, the more i'm loving it.


Gold Member
At what point can I start customizing my rifle?

I'm at the third mission but everything is still locked.


At what point can I start customizing my rifle?

I'm at the third mission but everything is still locked.

You have to find customization parts on dead guys.

I finished the game today and really enjoyed it. I liked V2 but this one is way better, mostly due to the open level design.


Gold Member
You have to find customization parts on dead guys.

What the.. really? Is it randomized which guys have parts?

I'm Metal Gearing through the missions, avoiding rather than killing everyone on the map even though the game constantly seems to push me towards confrontation. I guess I should restart or something.


What the.. really? Is it randomized which guys have parts?

I'm Metal Gearing through the missions, avoiding rather than killing everyone on the map even though the game constantly seems to push me towards confrontation. I guess I should restart or something.

I don't think it's random. If you tag someone who has a part on him your character say that the guy has something interesting on him. I also stealthed this game but kill people. To me it's a fun puzzle to figure out how I can efficiently get rid of all these guys. Also you get nothing for avoiding people. This game is not designed to be ghosted and it would probably make some of the later missions less interesting or impossible.


Gold Member
I don't think it's random. If you tag someone who has a part on him your character say that the guy has something interesting on him. I also stealthed this game but kill people. To me it's a fun puzzle to figure out how I can efficiently get rid of all these guys. Also you get nothing for avoiding people. This game is not designed to be ghosted and it would probably make some of the later missions less interesting or impossible.

I see. Well I guess it's time to start KILLIN NAHTZEES.


Not sure if mentioned, but does this game have the most ridiculous "new gen tax" yet? PSN prices:

PS3: £29.99
PS4: £49.99


That is way too fucking brutal. Even on marksman some parts are just hard.

I like it. More realistic and plays better.
I've only been playing on Authentic and i've just finished level 3 and onto 4 now. Took me ages. lol
I also did the same level in co-op on the difficulty before authentic (not by my choice), and we did it first go. The shooting assists and tagging made it waaay to easy.

Authentic or nothing..
*spits on ground*


I keep restarting and doing level 1 and 2. Just bought SE2 GOTY cheap. I had the standard ed but had to sell after first playthru as money was tight at the time, enjoyed it but wasn't keen on non snipe combat it forced out if you.

So far 3 is a step up. I like going to an area and wiping out all the enemy so they don't know what's going on :)

The wives been watching me play and said for us to re buy OT on Tues for Xbox one so she has a copy in Sept when her machine arrives so we can coop. The game made her go and start playing latest splinter cell again hehe. She is a much better sniper than me tho.


Not sure if mentioned, but does this game have the most ridiculous "new gen tax" yet? PSN prices:

PS3: £29.99
PS4: £49.99

About the same as Murdered: Soul Suspect I think, at least where I live. 399NOK for PS3, 599NOK for PS4. Completely bonkers.
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